Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

In Memoriam. The events of yesterday are simply too sad and too ugly to ignore.

I usually try to stay away from events and focus on the liberating, refreshing nature of the music. Not today. My apologies.

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22 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Last week was a horrible week for America.  White supremacist SFB working hand in hand with the greedy old perverts in the Congress and the far right Supreme Court has not just moved America in to a country under attack by terrorists, they are supplying the weapons.

    In my world there are no coincidences.  The WH announcing that steps will be taken to make a very small community of Americans non-persons was a quick start.  Then tactile support of a terrorist trying to kill Democrats across this country.  And for a finale, a slaughter in a synagogue, of another minority community of Jewish people.  All the while SFB is denigrating all who are under attack.

    Remember the white supremacists have been saying there will be blood shed and a civil war.  They meant it and their leader is telling them to be terrorists within these United States.  The blood of a country is on the hands of trump.  SFB, the illegitimate president is leading America to doom and only voters will save our country.  It is not just an election now.  It is to save America.

  2. wapo editorial board:

    Refuse to become accustomed

    REFUSE TO become accustomed, even as mass shootings become customary. Insist on being shocked and outraged, no matter how often we are confronted with unspeakable horror. Do not become inured. We owe that much to the victims.
    The taking of 11 innocent and precious lives in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday morning, and the wounding of six others, was, in one sense, wrenchingly familiar: A hateful man who finds it all too easy in this country to arm himself with weapons of mass murder. Police who respond bravely but, inevitably, too late. Emergency rooms that swing professionally into action.
    And, before long, heartbreaking tales of lives interrupted, loves stolen away, families that will never be the same.
    We can no longer be surprised. But we must still be shocked. A primary school in Connecticut, a church in Charleston, a concert in Las Vegas: Each is a unique and unacceptable — unacceptable — tragedy. It was almost unbearably sad Saturday to hear that the shooter had chosen a baby-naming ceremony as his target. It was almost unbearably frightening to contemplate the worst attack ever in this country against Jews, on a Sabbath morning, at a time of rising anti-Semitism and other toxic bigotry. It was almost unbearably poignant to hear Pittsburgh’s public safety director say, almost wonderingly, “These incidents usually occur in other cities.”
    Yes, they occur in other cities, until they occur in our own. They occur in someone else’s church, or mosque, or synagogue, until our own is breached. They occur in a faraway university or high school, until, shockingly, violence comes to our own.
    But they are all our own. Each is unique, and uniquely unacceptable, but each belongs to all of us. And each should stir us, not to despair, but to the political and civic involvement that can lead to changes that we know could help: actions against hatred and bigotry, actions to bring some sanity to the American weapons bazaar, actions to improve mental-health care. No single action could guarantee the prevention of any single atrocity. But taken together, we know our actions could make a difference.
    “We simply cannot accept this violence as a normal part of American life,” Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D) said Saturday afternoon.
    He is right. The violence is a normal part of American life. The abnormal has become normal. But we must not accept it. We must not become accustomed. We owe that much to the victims, and to our future.


  3. hard to realize how long ago and how many shootings since this was said  “it dawned on me the longest most influential relationships I never knew I’ve had in my life is with mass shootings….”

    We grew up on mass shootings. It’s time for our generation to take action. Contact your representative in the Senate and House:

  4. Lovely Jace and as others have said, perfect for the day.

    Like RR I agree with BB’s comments

    and go Sox!

  5. The parade of the false equivalencies– the goopers trying to divorce themselves from themselves

    it’s not true and it won’t work No Democrat has said there are good people chanting “Jews will not replace us”

  6. Such a depressed weekend—hardly lifted by the totally appropriate selection by Jace, thank you sir.

    I wish the Israeli government would beg for extradition of this nameless individual; I would acquiesce in a minute. Except for scale, his crime and hate are on a par with that of Adolf Eichmann. I would be comforted seeing him at the end of that nazi’s rope.

    I would not be the person that I hope and try to be were it not for the Jews in my life, all my life.

  7. I’ve told before about that time in the eighth grade when I discovered that I must be Jewish, so I won’t belabor that old mule but it was no whimsical experience…..looking into all that along thru life I discovered that i was out there past Judaism too, but the Jewish were the first ones to put up some guideposts for me and when I became aware of WWII things started adding up here and there and I began to look into

    well, that one old feller was a holocaust survivor.

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