Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

Some lute music perfect for a peaceful Sunday morning. Quiet, relaxing yet amazingly tuneful.

Enjoy the music, but most of all enjoy the day!?

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31 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Apologies for the late posting. I entered the wrong date on the scheduler last night.

  2. Was up late watching Trump rally and WH press dinner, scheduled Jace after midnight and set it for the next day as I normally do, forgetting it was the same day.

    My thoughts on the raunchy comic — this is why I’ve long thought they should stop this tradition of comedian headliners. Their agenda is to impress their fans at home and attract new ones, not to please the room. In fact, the more they offend the audience in the room, the more they delight their target market at home, maximizing and often dominating news coverage of their performance after the dinner. And for the public what they say associates the press corps with those remarks, stepping on the more important purposes of this event.

  3. Perfect for the morning after the Correspondents Dinner

    Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,
    To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.
    I’ve read, that things inanimate have mov’d,
    And, as with living Souls, have been inform’d,
    By Magick Numbers and persuasive Sound.


  4. Beautiful music.  I love the painting, too.  Who knew there were chucka boots so long ago. 🙂

    Never heard of last night’s headliner before.  The clips I’ve heard were, hopefully, the worst of the worst.   Not that the admin doesn’t deserve roasting, but for their behavior, not their looks.   Definitely not a Michelle Obama “they go low, we go high” moment.

    Trump never goes high.  I have to go back to listen to the clip of the rally when he was talked nag about the Correspondents’ Dinner.  It sounded like he told the crowd, “they hate you.”  You? His brain is like Teflon and nothing negative sticks if it refers to him.

    Did anyone else think that Lil Kim taking the Prez of SK over the border to NK was actually a win for Kim?  The optics, to me, didn’t look like unity.  It looked like a Kil Kim win.



  5. I do agree with Michelle Wolf on this point in her performance last night:

    “Trump has helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you are profiting from him.”

  6. Sting sings this ancient song accompanied by a lute. “In Darkness Let Me Dwell” is discussed before it is sung and the song is described as “possibly the most perfect song ever written in the English language”. Sting’s voice well suits the song and he sings it brilliantly with feeling.

    “In Darkness Let Me Dwell”
    In darkness let me dwell; the ground shall sorrow be, The roof despair, to bar all cheerful light from me; The walls of marble black, that moist’ned still shall weep; My music, hellish jarring sounds, to banish friendly sleep. Thus, wedded to my woes, and bedded in my tomb, O let me dying live, till death doth come, till death doth come. In darkness let me dwell

  7. “…thoughts on the raunchy comic”

    craig, a raunchy president begets raunchiness….  his slime slithers across the land coating everything and everyone

  8. We have a serial sexual abuser as President, i think you guys can handle a few “pussy” jokes.

    “…kinda crazy the Trump campaign was in contact with Russia while Hillary’s campaign wasn’t even in contact with Michigan.”

  9. Thanks all for the comments on the tunes. I do enjoy seeing what I will come up with and sharing it with you all.

  10. Thank you, Jace ! This Renaissance lute music is exceptionally lovely. It breathes for us a mild spring Sunday, and luncheon in the bower green. SIGH !

  11. pompeo traveling the globe to give sell our allies weapons of mass destruction as we are retiring — the plan mapped-out by the mustache-in-chief!   Japan, S. Korea, UAE, Germany…take our guns and planes, please!   We are forging ahead with nuclear peace on peninsula (who knows if the n. korean program was not just a fake pile of papers like trump’s props)?   At the same time?  Dumping a nuclear (for real) deal with iran…let the UAE and israel fight their own war.  The price of gas keeps rising here, so trump doesn’t care about any oil other than russia’s!   We will supply the world with arms, russia will own all of the gas stations…all to keep the chinese global silk road moving forward.  – Ms Wino, supra

    This bears repeating.


    I always  preferred the WCHA to the WHCA.
    Publicly making fun of sanders-huckster’s looks is like trump making fun of Rosey O’Donnell’s and others’ looks, and russian limbhaug making fun of 13 year old Chelsea Clinton’s looks – lowdown, vile, and out of bounds. However, since they do it themselves, making fun of how the deadbeat, pussy-pinching, russian agent and limbhaug look – boring russian boars – is fair game.


  13. Wolf didn’t make fun of Sanders’ looks… she complimented them, if anything- said she had the “perfect smokey eye”.  Also, Wolf called Sanders a “liar”, to her face, while they were 3 feet away from each other.  I’ve read worse castigations of Sanders, right here, but submitted anonymously, from the comfort of home.


    Everybody’s a critic.

  14. Bink speaks truth.

    (Smokey eyes are hard to pull off, btw. A number of ladies who attempt them look like sad raccoons.)

    Mrs Huckabee Sanders does what she is paid to do very well – better than her male colleagues.

  15. It’s easy to look good when you are not constrained by the truth

  16. the hill:  Ex-GOP lawmaker: If WHCA apologizes to Sanders, Trump must apologize too

    Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) said Sunday that if the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) apologizes for jokes made about administration officials, President Trump must also apologize for his personal attacks.
    “Bullshit. Then Trump must apologize to everyone he’s taken an ugly, personal attack at these past few years,” Walsh tweeted.
    “There’s very little dignity on either side right now. We’re divided. It’s gonna get worse. It’s as it should be. Grow up,” he continued.
    Trump has regularly attacked others since the days of the campaign trail. He was widely criticized for mocking a disabled reporter in 2015, but denied that he knew the reporter.
    Walsh was responding to a segment on Fox News, during which network reporter Ed Henry called for the WHCA to apologize to press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for jokes made about her by comedian Michelle Wolf at the annual correspondents’ dinner.
    Wolf has faced backlash for her jokes about Sanders at the dinner, and some have called for her to apologize.


  17. Published on Apr 28, 2018

    Our Cartoon President addressed honorees and attendees representing the White House press corps. The White House Correspondents’ Association dinner featured appearances by cartoon Rachel Maddow, cartoon Wolf Blitzer and cartoon White House Correspondents’ Association president Margaret Talev, as well as senior White House officials cartoon Stephen Miller and cartoon Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Cartoon Trump also serenades New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman.

  18. republicans are always good at being a victim.  They stink at being decent human beings.

    Happiness is a meal of Chesapeake Bay oysters and Blue Crabs.  Now I am enjoying a nice martini.  It is a good day, life is good.

  19. What ?!? Oysters have no legs. They can’t escape. It’s not sporting to eat them.

    On the other hand, a martini sounds great to this old walrus. Cheers.

  20. The lute – forerunner of the Strat and Les Paul. Worthy instrument. Gorgeous when played well. And that was.  Thanks Jace.

    Oysters- wonderful when they’re good and fresh. Have eaten my weight in gulf oysters and have loved most of them.

    My Sunday afternoon chili just finished up and got eaten. And it was delicious. Mrs P gushed and the knucklehead dog loved licking the bowls. In all, a pleasant weekend.

  21. Could use one more Evergreen post for next week if anybody has one in them. Thanks to those who have helped keep us going.

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