Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

As we move into  the seasons of Advent and Christmas it is nice to remember this particular psalm, and its praise for those things musically beautiful.

In recent weeks Sunday Serendipity has been preloaded and posted with help from Craig.  On November 6th I underwent a complete esophagectomy for removal of cancer in that area. Between the rigors of the surgery and the somewhat iffy nature  of anathesia, I hope that all will be normal for the most part.

Would love to keep the Sunday Serendipity going without interruption, but if that becomes undoable I know that there are many here who will gladly fill in.

With that, let a new season of music begin.

Enjoy the sounds of the season, but most especially enjoy the day! ?

More Posts by Jace

[Note from Craig: A Trail Mix Hero nod to Jace for his dedication to our Sunday Serendipities, making sure to keep us inspired during his absence. Take care, friend.]

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7 years ago

jace, thank you for always providing sunday respite from the madness amidst us.

a swift recovery, my friend. looking forward to many many more serendipitous sundays with you.

7 years ago

7 years ago

Jace…  sending love and light your way.  Thank you so much for keeping our Sundays bright and beautiful.   Please take care.

7 years ago

Jace, I am sorry you are going through this. We know each other only through this blog but I’ve always thought the world of your passion & depth of musical knowledge. You bring peace to us at least one day a week. What a wonderful gift. Thank You.


7 years ago

There is this one feller from Washington

Who plays such sweet music, my-gosh-ington.

He spins em each Sunday,

Helps make it a fun-day,

And that, by the gods, ain’t no joshing-ton.



7 years ago

Jace: You are a trooper…in true theater “the show must go on” fashion! God Bless and keep you and give you continued strength to fight your way to good health. Thank you for the music!

7 years ago

Neil and the music

7 years ago

there, jace, that should do it

7 years ago

btw, that prairie dog spiritual healer above adorns a leanin tree greeting card which inside reads “There… all better?  Can I get an Amen!”

[and it never failed to work for the folks I’ve sent it to over the years]

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


You are a hero and we are sending all the good wishes for a speedy recovery we can

7 years ago

As KumCho my 4ft 9.5 in karate expert would say, “I’m going to kick cancer’s butt.” Jace, with the help of her marvelous medical pros, she passed on her own terms with heart disease being the culprit. Do this, listen along with us to the wonderful music you post every Sunday and—kick cancers butt.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Super moon setting in the west early this morning.

Music healing and modern medicine.  So, glad everything continues in Jaceworld and we know you are on the mend.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

craig had speculated that flynn, like p-los, may wear or have worn a wire when talking with the gang.   What about woolsey?  He was at mar-a-lago during the t-day weekend.

woolsey was the one who alerted biden to flynn’s attempt at turkish treason.

7 years ago

ny times: Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties
WASHINGTON — A conservative operative trumpeting his close ties to the National Rifle Association and Russia told a Trump campaign adviser last year that he could arrange a back-channel meeting between Donald J. Trump and Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, according to an email sent to the Trump campaign.
A May 2016 email to the campaign adviser, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line “Kremlin Connection.” In it, the N.R.A. member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn’s longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders.
Russia, he wrote, was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would attempt to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., to make “‘first contact.’” The email, which was among a trove of campaign-related documents turned over to investigators on Capitol Hill, was described in detail to The New York Times.
Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, secured a guilty plea on Friday from President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, for lying to the F.B.I. about contacts with Moscow’s former ambassador to the United States. But those contacts came after Mr. Trump’s improbable election victory.

The emailed outreach from the conservative operative to Mr. Dearborn came far earlier, around the same time that Russians were trying to make other connections to the Trump campaign. Another contact came through an American advocate for Christian and veterans causes, and together, the outreach shows how, as Mr. Trump closed in on the nomination, Russians were using three foundational pillars of the Republican Party — guns, veterans and Christian conservatives — to try to make contact with his unorthodox campaign.
Both efforts, made within days of each other, centered on the N.R.A.’s annual meeting and appear to involve Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of the Russian central bank and key figure in Mr. Putin’s United Russia party, who was instructed to make contact with the campaign.
“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” the N.R.A. member and conservative activist, Paul Erickson, wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election. Let’s talk through what has transpired and Senator Sessions’s advice on how to proceed.”
It is not clear how Mr. Dearborn handled the outreach. He forwarded a similar proposal, made through Rick Clay, an advocate for conservative Christian causes, to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a top campaign aide. Mr. Kushner rebuffed the proposal at the time, according to two people who have seen Mr. Kushner’s email.
[ continues]

7 years ago

bw, it’s a wonder they weren’t tripping over all those wires at mal a ego.

or cause feedback squeal…. hmmm a squeal of squealers, fitting.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

The regression-du-jour continues as well as the global damage.  haley, succubus of trump, withdraws from UN Global Pact on Migration.  From Voice of America (now a whisper) —

The announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from the pact came just hours before the opening of a global conference on migration scheduled to begin Monday in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The goal of the meeting is the negotiation of humane strategies for dealing with the more than 60 million people worldwide who have been forcibly displaced for a variety of reasons.

The corrupt junta moving quickly to dismantle and damage US standing in the world.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

NH of the UN, now rejected for the sos job, doubles down on trump.

The U.S. mission to the U.N. said in a statement Saturday that the declaration “contains numerous provisions that are inconsistent with U.S. immigration and refugee policies and the Trump Administration’s immigration principles.”
Haley issued a statement Saturday, saying “America is proud of our immigrant heritage and our long-standing moral leadership in providing support to migrant and refugee populations across the globe. . . But our decisions on immigration policies must always be made by Americans and Americans alone.”
She said, “We will decide how best to control our borders and who will be allowed to enter our country. The global approach in the New York Declaration is simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.”
Score one for sessions and his boy, miller.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

More information about PG voters — they are the deplorables

she got more of the lower income vote

he got the middle class racists  not an economic argument at all but rage at cultural changes

Moore supporters are perfect example big haired blondes who are the biggest hypocrites ever – and definitely are going straight to hell no matter how often they go to church

7 years ago

Jace – Wishing you all the best in your fight against cancer.

7 years ago

Jace, we sing your praises and wish you relief and a quick recovery. Is “allegro” the right musical term?

Altar? This sits above the Doodledogs computing apparatus. How I wish FDR and Fala were around to deal with Trump.

7 years ago

Jace -Love & prayers to you.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Dinner will be a baked beef pot roast with root vegetables. Music is a Pandora Johann Bach channel.  Reading is U Is For Undertow, Susan Grafton.  Happiness is a day of my life, spent with my critters.  Not a day under the spell of SFB and his mental distress.

edit to correct book name.

7 years ago

BB, devoured a significant alphabet portion of Sue Grafton and Kinsey Milhone. I moved over to Ian Rankin and Inspector Rebus; lots of Scottish pubs. Good reading to you.


7 years ago

I wonder if that book SPIKE holds water in today’s world….by Arnaud d’Bourchgrave (sp) and some other guy. I read it one way at the time I found it in a dusty free-book shelf somewhere but then read an assessment by someone later which caused me to question my original thoughts on it and now I just don’t remember much about the whole thing except at the time it was a fascinating look thru the window at the newspaper biz and world events.   The “SPIKE” refers to that editor’s thing you stack the papers onto like that one in “The Pawnbroker” Steiger slaps his hand down on.

7 years ago

The Steig

7 years ago

Jamie, another enigmatic message from marco:

Marco Rubio‏Verified account @marcorubio 9h9 hours ago

Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. Mark 13:33

7 years ago


FDR: A One Man Show.

This is a hoot. I hope you have seen it 😉

How many strings on a banjo?

Five too many.


7 years ago

The fifteen hundred dollar cat. Gotta have that lump cut off his butt, non-cancerous. You oughta heard me trying to tell the vet people that the cat qualified for Medicare…….I kept it up as long as I could.

7 years ago

If Alabama votes for Moore, I’m tearing their page out of my antiquated Large-Print Rand-McNally Road Atlas, Bible of the road……they will then join Florida in the dumpster, along with the rest of the putrid refuse.

7 years ago

You can’t help who lives where…..all my people are from Alabama…..

Down in ‘bama we got a sayin’ :

if it kills grampa, he’ll just have to die.

7 years ago

Ummmm,  maybe that is Marco 13:13, cuz it ain’t Mark 13:13.   Does he know winter is coming for Donny?

7 years ago

There’s this one great banjo joke……

know what perfect pitch is?

thats when you hurl the Accordian just so. that it comes down in the very middle of the dumpster….

……..right on top of the banjo….

7 years ago


All those blonds whose hair is their “Glory” piled higher and higher while spitting vile evil from their mouths.  Met more than a few in my checkered upbringing.


7 years ago

BB: Up to ‘U’ in Grafton, I’m impressed. I’m only on ‘N’. I’ve made a fair march through Paretsky and Cromwell though. Guess what my favorite novel genre is LOL!

7 years ago


Once you get hooked on Rebus, the City under the City becomes an unending treasure of spooky.  Should you ever get the chance you can tour a bit of it.

Real Mary Kings Close

So far my grandfather’s home from the 1700s is still above ground, but it is now a pub which given family history is totally understandable.


7 years ago


If it is any consolation we have four $500 per cat bill in residence and they all suffer under the delusion shared by their owners that they are actually worth it.


7 years ago

Kinsey Milhone is a great character. My Lady and I have enjoyed following her adventures all the way through Y is for Yesterday. We await Z is for Zero in 2019.

I have always appreciated that Ms Grafton does not rush these books to print. She takes care with her craft, and that’s why we get such terrific stories and such a well defined heroine.

7 years ago

He’s not worth a bloody penny of it…….he can’t even do ONE stupid trick…..

I’m taking it out of his allowance…….

7 years ago


So sorry about the worthless one.  My Saki thinks when the sun goes down plopping on my shoulder, kneading her claws into my flesh while purring is the way to put me to sleep.  She’s probably right except for the shoulder scars.


7 years ago


It grieves me to learn of your cancer and extraordinarily intrusive surgery. I’m happy to welcome you into the Cancer Survivors. Stick around.

Btw, did you by any chance have Barrett’s Syndrome before your esophageal cancer ?