The Bully Tweetpit

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Wiki tells us that a bully pulpit is a conspicuous position that provides an opportunity to speak out and be listened to. This term was coined by United States President Theodore Roosevelt, who referred to his office as a “bully pulpit”, by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. Roosevelt used the word bully as an adjective meaning “superb” or “wonderful”, a more common usage at that time.

The tweet is the current president’s platform,  less a pulpit from which to inform but more to bully.  In addition, we are told not to take the tweets as statements of statesmanship. Not policy, not written for the ages and, perhaps, not even truthful.

On CNN Sebastian Gorka, a White House national security aide, says the President’s tweets are only social media, not policy. When asked about Trump’s controversial remarks in an interview on Monday’s NBC Today Show Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway decried the media for its “obsession with covering everything [Trump] says on Twitter and very little of what he does as president.” [….]

When pressed further on Trump’s tweets, Conway said she wasn’t going to “let [the president] be seen as the perpetrator here,” and argued that the media should be less focused on Trump’s social media presence and the on-going Russia scandal and more concerned about the recent string of attacks ISIS has either inspired or directed.

NBC’s Guthrie argued that as president, Trump’s statements on Twitter carry a great deal of weight and are considered a reflection of his agenda.

Spicer: Trump tweets “official”

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7 years ago

Sorry about the delay in publishing your post, Pat. I neglected to hit the schedule button last night when I prepped it for this morning. Pogo, got yours for tomorrow. Thanks much for playing.

7 years ago

As Spicer said yesterday, Trumps tweets are official statements from the President of the U.S..

Trump’s spent the past 40 years never being challenged (except for Ivana or Marla).  I wouldn’t be surprised if he went tweeetnutso tomorrow.  Might be a show!

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The Condom’s hubby doesn’t agree with her.  Hope they are getting divorced

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Pussy G’s pick for FBI is Chris Christie’s lawyer –ack

7 years ago

this FBI pick doesn’t seem to have any real law enforcement experience, just task forces and lawyer stuff.

7 years ago

We once had a much and widely loved police chief here…….a black Jewish man named Reuben Greenberg.   Charismatic and eccentric, even making national news more than once, he remained as chief for a long time, as police chiefs go…….well, toward the end his eccentricity slowly grew into dementia, or Alzheimer’s or whatever it was……he would go on patrol and make really strange traffic stops and finally at times began screaming at the people he’d pulled over, threatening them with prison and whatnot…..

well, here’s wiki:
Charleston’s population increased 64% during the time Greenberg was chief, while crime decreased 11 percent.
Greenberg retired in 2005 after over 23 years.[1] This followed a controversial 2005 incident in which a motorist charged that he hit her car door after she told him that she had called the police department to report his erratic driving. Health reasons, such as high blood pressure, were cited as the cause for his behavior for several years earlier, which included: poking a news reporter in the chest while on video in 2003 (he later apologized, saying “I’m not proud … It was not my finest hour”), calling an anti-war demonstrator a “crazy fat lady” in 2003 (he later said: “I was wrong. She’s not fat. She’s obese. She’s grossly obese. If she doesn’t like that, she can do something about it, like the Atkins diet that I was on.”), and being involved in 5 traffic accidents while in his police vehicle over a 6-year period. During one of these accidents, in 2005 he hit a car while turning the wrong way down a one-way street.”
so what it was  was it kinda crept up on him and finally the Mayor had to act. Point being he was able to hang in there quite a while until that time.

with the Pres…….there’s no Mayor.

7 years ago

Somehow it strikes me that a drumpf tweet pales in comparison to a Teddy speech.

7 years ago

patd, oh, how true that is.  Bigly

7 years ago

a good joke from a friend:

There’s A Stairway To Heaven And Highway To Hell. That Tells You Something About Expected Traffic Numbers.

7 years ago

I loved this – so I’m reposting it. I can identify, and it is kinda how I feel.

11:12 AM EDT

As an anonymous internet crackpot I feel qualified to predict that Trump’s wrist will be slapped, for now; partisans on the right will declare victory and descend even deeper into destructive self-delusion; Trump will continue to dig his own grave throughout the summer because he can’t not do it; and it will be warm, providing the best evidence yet for global warming.

7 years ago

Poobah, LOL!!! Great joke.

7 years ago

HOUSEKEEPING (for those using Explorer): Back to my note yesterday, that script debugging adjustment in my Internet Explorer led to other issues on other sites. Apparently a recent Microsoft update did something goofy to my IE browser (latest version – 11) and it’s not playing nicely with our site and others (very slow page builds). I am now switching to Firefox as my default browser and giving up on Explorer, which has been getting glitchier with every update. If any IE users are experiencing similar issues, suggest you compare the performance of other browsers, you might want to switch.

7 years ago

Trump might live-tweet during Comey hearing: report
“I was just talking to some White House officials this morning and their view is that the president himself wants to be the messenger, his own warrior, his own lawyer, his own spokesman,” Costa said during an appearance on MSNBC.

“The president is expected to be tweeting on Thursday in response to Comey, not to stay quiet during the testimony, because he himself wants to be the one driving the process,” Costa said.

Goodie!  This is going to be some fun.  Trump’s going to be his own lawyer – fool!

7 years ago

A couple of people will need to choose another horse.  Classic Empire is out of the Belmont.  The PP draw and morning line have been done, so Riders Up.


7 years ago

Craig – I’m a Mac person and dropped Safari and IE a long long time ago.  Personally, I’ve found Chrome to be the most stable for this sort of stuff.

7 years ago

Also on the tech front, thought this was interesting — our security tools have recently been blocking a series of IP addresses, all originating from Turkey, attempting to log in with fake names, sometimes as many as 50 an hour. No harm done, our tools did their job, but just in case I am now blocking the whole country. I’ve been blocking Russia and Poland for a while, after similar episodes. Keep that in mind on your next visits there.

7 years ago

DV, one my issues with Chrome was how it kept putting all text on any site in italics with each update. I got tired of constantly having to fix that and just deleted the damn thing. Plus, I avoid anything google-related as much as possible.

I am a Windows guy, not because I love it, just what I trained on and never felt like switching.

7 years ago

Plus, don’t get me started on my webmaster issues with Apple. Efficiently delivering a web site to their devices, especially the mobiles, involves regular updating of code on the site that I don’t experience with other products. Very annoying.

7 years ago

I’m with Dvitale300

Mac & Chrome.  Every once in a while I try Safari again, but something always gets messed up while surfing around.


7 years ago

Even with 81% of the GOP still hanging with him (to avoid hanging separately), the new Quinnipiac Poll absolute slaughters Trump now down to 34% Total.

National US Poll June 7

7 years ago


7 years ago

“A Pirate Looks at 40” is only 43.

7 years ago

If you appreciate good writing and a beautiful puncturing of the DT balloon, this is just for you…….

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump


7 years ago

Extrea, extra, read all about it.


James Comey’s prepared remarks for his testimony tomorrow

7 years ago

If most of the country and Congress believe Comey how can Trump NOT be impeached and tried in the Senate?

7 years ago

It’s called obstruction of justice. There’s enough here for a Senate trial. Worth remembering that Nixon’s demise was ordering his chief of staff to shut down an FBI investigation. Difference was it was on tape. So, without direct evidence, this case hinges on Comey’s credibility.


7 years ago

Jamie,  rats.  I’ll go for Epicharis because I have no idea what it means or how to pronounce it, but I kinda like the name.


Sturg, Mother, Mother Ocean, I have heard you call…

always liked Buffet – favorite verse –

Yes I am a pirate, two hundred years too lateThe cannons don’t thunder, there’s nothing to plunderI’m an over-forty victim of fateArriving too late, arriving too lateI’ve done a bit of smuggling, I’ve run my share of grassI made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast

Never meant to last, never meant to last

7 years ago

Ugh. Thanks Donald & Comey, now earnest citizens must slog through these 89 pages:

7 years ago

The Condom’s hubby doesn’t agree with her.  Hope they are getting divorced – Ms Cracker @ 9:45 AM

Obviously, he’ll get the kids.

7 years ago


I know they are all stallions, but take your pick.  Epicharis is either a genus of bees or a genius of an Ancient Roman freedwoman and a leading member of the Pisonian conspiracy against the emperor Nero.

Pronunciation CH as a K  Ep-i-kar-is

Oh and he is owned by a Japanese consortium.



7 years ago

XR had my thought re the Con Way nuptial ending


7 years ago

Lol. Great comment from over at Wapo:

3:43 PM EDT

Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law, on Twitter: “Coates et al are pulling a novel privilege: the ‘I’d-prefer-not-to-answer’ privilege. My technical legal response: WTF?!?”

7 years ago

All eyes on House Judiciary Committee, where impeachment advocates should focus..

7 years ago

Lock him up

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Tomorrow will be a very interesting day in D.C.  Besides the Comey thing there are various Pride events going on and the tourists are arriving.  They also invade places besides downtown D.C. (around the Mall), like Annapolis.  I was on my way back to my vehicle after a day of jury duty, no jury needed thank you, and decided to stop and play local picking up bargains.  First stop one of the many art galleries in Annapolis, no tourists, but I did pick up a great Japanese ink on rice paper drawing.  Second stop, tourist bureau.   Oh my, the streets were full tourists in awe of 1770’s, that is young compared to my ancestors buildings.  I got new booklets for 2017, much better than my 2014 versions.  Streets were full of them.  I did get to explain that my seven great grandfather married a local gal, so did my six great.  Local history wows ’em every time.

Several D.C. watering holes are opening early for the special event.  Some are offering free rounds for certain key words.  There will be a lot of smashed people floating around D.C. tomorrow afternoon.  At least the testimony is out so they can ease off some of the special words.

7 years ago

Jamie…. Just give me the same horse as Pogo please.  May as well continue to ride together.

gee…. I’m on vacation as things get interesting again.  Oh well… I still have a subscription to Wapo to fall back on.

7 years ago

I didn’t catch the beginning of today’s session.  Are these guys under oath?

If so, isn’t a ” I would rather not answer because it’s not appropriate – isn’t that contempt of Congress?  Or, does it take a rethug majority to bring that charge?

7 years ago

Okay Renee.  Another rider for someone in on an assassination of Nero.  Guess you could consider it early practice session.

7 years ago

patd, that would be my son’s pick.  For me, just doesn’t fit.

7 years ago

Let’s see if this link to the

7 years ago

Jamie, I’m going for the win, place, show perfecta of

1. Tapwrit, 2. J Boys Echo, and 3. Patch.

Flatus and I will bring home a winner; I’ll hang onto the tail. Either that, or I’ll follow Flatus and then you, up on Patch, if he’ll have me.

7 years ago

Frank Rich was on Imus today…….now that was fun……..

7 years ago

Really enjoyed Bob Dylan’s speech yesterday here on TM. All professors and teachers should make his speech required reading to show how literature influences us. When Dylan was talking about the book, All Quiet on the Western Front, I kept hearing Don McLean’s The Grave, one of the most powerful anti-war songs ever written. He, too, must have been influenced by All Quiet on the Western Front.

A brief interlude from All Trump, All the Time.

7 years ago

Woo hoo! to Comey for the Wednesday afternoon surprise.   Trump will be tweeting with a mouthful of dry crackers tomorrow.

7 years ago

Texas Democrat plans to file for impeachment against Trump – Salon

7 years ago


7 years ago

XR do you want an exacta box?  That would be a $12 bet for $1


7 years ago

Thx Jamie.

7 years ago

WH statement boasting Comey confirmed Trump not under investigation now makes it harder to deny his obstruction of justice claims.

7 years ago

Has drumpf taken the bait or will he before Comey testifies?  In short will he take to the Bully Tweetpit?

7 years ago

The Bully Tweetpit is yet to be seen.  We’ll either hear quiet – or a freakstorm.

Unfortunately I’ll be flying to Pennsylvania and won’t be wired in to watch.  On the other hand, We’re going up to State College to arrange housing for our daughter who was accepted to Penn State Law School – so it’s a good thing.  She want’s to be a civil rights attorney – and go after bastards like Trump (so proud)!  For Christmas she sent me the “March” series by John Lewis.  We did something right as parents  ;o)

7 years ago

DV, congrats. Puhlease save her – talk her into a noble profession, like roofing or carpentry or prostitution.  ( just kidding of course)  we need more lawyers. ?