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7 years ago

I’m hoping the actual investigation is more like the overhead Library of Congress shot from All the President’s Men: long, hard serious drudge work, with the realization that this is too big to wrap up quickly.

7 years ago

Bob Woodward said in an interview that he realized after watching All the President’s Men people tend to be more truthful at night & tell lies during the day.


7 years ago

“No leaks…. this is how we know we’re a real family here.”

OK, who’s Fredo? (Or, Who isn’t?)


Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Pimlico – Always Dreaming.  The track should be good (for Pimlico).

Now we should see a few names bailing the WH, both by leaving and by leaking a lot of stuff on others.  Or I should say that those who have been around D.C. for awhile will do it.  The rest of the floater family are going to stick together and create more chaos.

7 years ago

What I find this fascinating about McCarthy’s comments are the two different responses that the Republicans have had to the disclosure. First is that McCarthy was just making a joke. The second – made before the tape was disclosed- is it never occurred. Obviously number two is wrong. Number one? What kind of the jokester is McCarthy? Doesn’t strike me as one.

7 years ago

Donald won’t know what is happening unless his name is in the headline

Officials put Trump’s Name In Paragraphs so he will keep reading. 

7 years ago

Watching this stuff in real time is amazing.  I was too young to pay much attention to what went on during Watergate.   And now it’s so easy with this internet thingy.  All the resources at our fingertips. Back then, there was only the nightly news and a few political shows on PBS.  My father had one Boston paper delivered daily and it was the one with the best sports page (The Boston Record).

It’s a great time to be a political junkie…

7 years ago

Hey Jamie…

I’m sticking with Classic Empire for the Preakness.

7 years ago

Roger Ailes Dead at 77.  No details yet.

7 years ago

Jamie, I too am sticking with Classic Empire.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Boy Howdy  a chance to use a great Betty Davis …line

“Good he’s dead”

I know it’s a blot on my own karma but I’m kind of hoping Pussy G will die soon too

Now would be a good time for people to be reminded that PG is not a good business man at all

7 years ago

Pat: A thousand cheers kemosabe! I hope having a special prosecutor means that the pissant’s tax records can be subpoenaed too!

Pogo: re trumplestiltskins commencement speech-I was nauseated to hear the egotistical lowlife speak to those young men who are about to put their lives at risk to protect our shores and relate only to his own fantasized traumas. Disgusting! I don’t understand why anyone ever want HIM to give any kind of speech. He’s the worst public speaker in the history of public speaking!

Craig: Hope you all have a wonderful celebration and I hope your dad especially has a joyous 90th birthday! Re Tab Hunter Confidential: I highly, highly, highly recommend that you & David watch the documentary which is available streaming on Netflix. It was made in 2015 and features a very attractive octogenarian Tab telling his own story with loads of commentary and reminiscences from very familiar names in the entertainment industry. It was an enlightening walk down memory lane and getting to see so many that I admired as a girl was a treat! I was flabbergasted to see Delores Hart in her Rev. Mother regalia sharing her loving memories! Lots of unexpected little tidbits like that! The story of his relationship with Anthony Perkins is heartbreaking. What a varied and amazing life he has had. His partner of 30yrs is one of the producers. I’ve watched it 3 times and notice something new each time. Very well done and interesting documentary.

7 years ago

If only this were still possible.

7 years ago

granny, i saw that documentary about a year ago, what prompted me to get the book for David last Christmas. Will watch it again with him after he finishes the book. Also got him Rod Stewart’s autobiography which he just finished and highly recommends.


7 years ago

They say Mueller is famous for running no leak shops. Darn. Could be awhile before we have substance to chew on, maybe not until any indictments come down, or at least a grand jury impaneled.

7 years ago

My karma took a beating today as well since I couldn’t resist tweeting The Hell of It. A reprise will certainly be in order for DJT


7 years ago

1. There goes the plan to make dana rohrebacher head of the FBI.

2. mar la ego is just a short helicopter hop to Cuba and safety.

7 years ago

So drumpf’s transition team, headed by who- wait, I know this- Mike Pence – was told by Flynn that he was under investigation before he was hired by the trump administration. So what do you ask? Were you, the trump administration transition team, particularly Mike Pence, when you said that Flynn was fired because he lied to Pense about his contacts with Russia, aware that he was being investigated, and if it was his Turkey connection why wasn’t that a problem?

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

the gang that couldn’t govern straight

7 years ago

Perfect theme music:  To-the-dump, to-the-dump, to-the-dump-with-drumpf…

7 years ago

If Trump tried to stop the investigation & Pence knew about Flynn, does that take us straight to Ryan 46?

7 years ago

Speaking of music..allahpalooza

Toby Keith Is Joining Trump In Saudi Arabia For A Men-Only Concert – HuffPost


7 years ago

I can’t believe people are seriously cheering-on the appointment of  a 75-yo newbie to the FBI to be its director for the next 10-years

7 years ago

BB, if you can make meaningful contact with Manning, she’ll be very fortunate for it. Her treatment by our Army was despicable.

Had this been a ‘conventional’ case of espionage, I would not consider a 35-year sentence as being inappropriate. That sentence amounted to about one day for each 58-documents–a pretty good deal. But, as we were to learn, it was not a conventional case. The only good thing to come out of it is that she was able to have her reassignment surgery done while incarcerated.

I know that I have learned from her tragedy.

7 years ago

Nothing like destroying the educational means for unskilled people to get training for better paying jobs.

From Joy Reid

Meanwhile, while we’re all enraptured by Russiagate, Trump and Betsy DeVos are about to gut public education, especially for poor kids

7 years ago

Lieberman?  Good lord.  His firm represents trump – I call that a conflict of interest, bigly.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Lieberman….I thought we were done with that

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

I heard someone on some station (do not remember when) who pointed out how isolated the floater has been for his entire life.  He never experienced anything outside of his arm stretch (stand up and put your arms out and twirl around – that is his world.  He has no knowledge of what was beyond the lights and arm stretch on the sets of the television shows he was on.

You have to excuse me for not having any idea of who he was prior to his hate attacks on Obama, I am not om NYC and I do not watch television programs which focus on bounding through tractor tires.   All I knew was a rich white guy was attacking the black American president.  Even then I did not know who he is.

All that aside, the floater never experienced or knew of those who were not in his immediate inner circle.  He could not connect with you if you needed a jumpstart to get your Yugo going after a day of cleaning out clogged traps in his bathrooms.  On top of all that he seems to be illiterate and possibly dyslectic

Most importantly – he never expected to win the election.

He cannot fill positions because he requires absolute fidelity of his appointees.  Fewer and fewer are accepting nominations.  There is  prestige to being asked to be a presidential appointee.  Under the floater there is a lot less shine to those golden door knobs.

I doubt there are only three places he can go after destroying relations with Europe.  Have fun running the trains.


7 years ago

In watergate it was all on tv……we kinda watched it, but it was “them”,  the guv’ment ……….

we somewhat trusted our institutions and watched them like Ed Sullivan……

now, ladies and Germans…….it’s us…….it’s not on TV…..it’s like a python on our chinchilla farm…….

7 years ago

Being a strong believer in the power of ms Mitchell’s words,  at least as regards those of Rhett Butler at the outset of her book, I’ve often kind of wondered why was there a civil war…….could we have somehow not pulled the stupid horse into the city?

7 years ago

I don’t know what Kemo means, but sabe means He, She, or it, knows

7 years ago

I always figured it meant one who names his dog after a form of cactus….

7 years ago

I thought sabe was a Japanese liquor …

7 years ago

Profound moment: hearing Senator Lindsey Graham tell reporters “This is now a criminal investigation …”


7 years ago

Whereas three Confederate statues in New Orleans were moved in the dead of night, the fourth, General Robert Edward Lee, will be removed today in daylight. Interesting – history does cast long shadows but ultimately sheds more light. Just takes wise heads to realize this.



7 years ago


I’d prefer Mr Mueller to be like the guy who nailed Capone on taxes. Methodical is boring but building a sound foundation of facts is the way to go.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Several times the guy said he wants to be on the road only five days.  That along with being told”No” by Israelis that he travels in a lift like everyone normal no drumpf hellofacopter. One writer posited he will be very unhappy with his diet too.

All in all… Sounds great. May he hate every minute.

7 years ago

The Lone Ranger (Brace Beemer on radio) as I remember him and Tonto. It was a wonderful broadcast


7 years ago

so there’s tape of house GOP leader saying Putin paying trump.


“Spokesmen for both the speaker and majority leader initially denied that the conversation had ever occurred until the Post informed them that it had a recording of it, at which point Ryan’s spokesman changed tack and said McCarthy had been joking.”

7 years ago

Well, drumpf’s approval rating is at 38% at Gallup – that’s 5 points down from a high of 43% 3 weeks ago and 2 points above his low of 36% 2 months ago.  Needless to say, he ain’t moving the needle in the right direction.

7 years ago

He’s naming Preet Bharara for FBI chief !

Pass it on.


7 years ago

Imo, picking old man Lieberman to head the FBI would be like picking john stennis to listen to nixon’s Watergate tapes.

7 years ago

#Preet4fbi  LOL

7 years ago


Ms, Dallas and Ms Pat, I phughking LOVE it.

7 years ago

The centipede just lost another shoe.  Trump called Comey a “nut job” to the Russians and told them in the Oval Office that this would relieve the pressure on the Russian investigation …..


7 years ago

Patd has fast fingers

7 years ago

Air Force One executing gentle starboard turn towards Guantanamo

7 years ago

According to 2 people, the grand jury(s) produced two sealed trump indictments two weeks ago. Surely, the russkies knew that when they met the deadbeat in der fuehrerbunker.

7 years ago

I’ve got to go buy some geraniums–otherwise I’ll become a potted plant

7 years ago

patd,  that Times article you provided really pisses me off.

And by the way, the only grandstanding Comey could be said to have done related to Hillary – he refused to comment at all on the Russia investigation.  Exactly how could he have been putting pressure on or hampering drumpf’s ability to conduct foreign policy with Russia?  BTW, my thanks to the Times for the story and to the Russian Foreign Ministry for the photo.

I said it before and I say it again – we are phugcked.

7 years ago

Flatus, LOL!!

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

NYTimes “nut job” firing takes the pressure of the inquiries about his Soviet love.  HAH

WashPo “someone close to the president”   HAH

One of the frustrating, and exceedingly tiring, things going on is the old norm was on Friday afternoon the stuff you wanted to not be noticed would be released.  The new norm is everyday there is something released at five am and five pm, seven days in a row, week after week, month after month.  There are no more weekends.  This weekend we even have the floater going abroad to insult and abuse people who are not in the confines of America.  Sigh.

7 years ago

BB, that could have been the WH Chief Usher, but he already fired her; something about mishandling the dirty laundry

7 years ago

Livestream of Robert E. Lee coming down in NOLA :



7 years ago

Will he urge that the saudis ban Muslims from Mecca ? Will he demand to visit the Empty Quarter alone, to see the stars all to himself ?

Will he demand to be ‘coptered onto Masada & flown into the Western Wall ? Will he demand to be parachuted onto the al Aksa Mosque ?

Will he eat hare stuffed sheep stuffed camel ? Will he take goat & lentil stew with the fingers of his left hand ?

Will he demand to wear the Pope’s triple crowned miter ?

7 years ago

And there’s this from the Times:

WASHINGTON — Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, talked with Attorney General Jeff Sessions about replacing James B. Comey as F.B.I.director last winter, before either man had been confirmed for his position in the Trump administration.
In a briefing memorandum to members of Congress released Friday by the Justice Department, Mr. Rosenstein indicated that he had long believed Mr. Comey should be dismissed because of his public statements related to the investigation of Hillary Clinton. It had not been previously known that Mr. Rosenstein then discussed the matter with Mr. Sessions as he was being considered for his position.

Hmmm, I wonder how trumpco decided on Rosenstein?

7 years ago

If the deadbeat gets himself done in by raging mobs, will the wolves descend on happenstance pence, the guy who knew flynn was a foreign agent but short-circuited the vetting, and gave flynn the keys to the NSA.

7 years ago

Hell, I thought last summer that comey deserved the hook. By election day, I believed he deserved the guillotine*.

* My usual over-the-top exaggeration. I don’t believe in the death penalty . . . . much.

7 years ago

XR, think we should start collecting torches and pitchforks?

This has gotta be some of the worst machinations to get rid of the sitting FBI director – or anyone for that matter – and worst kept secrets in the history of the presidency.  I guess Comey’s reservations about Rosenstein were correct.

7 years ago

Mr Pogo, Esq,
Rosenstein’s and comey’s thoughts about each other could both be true. At this point, I have to side with Rosenstein. At a later point, who knows ? Anyway, I’ve got my pitchfork handy, and am fueling my torch.

Keep your powder dry and don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes. They may outgun us, but we outnumber them. With patience, discipline, and accuracy shall overcome.

7 years ago

Now, what did happenstance pence ( ha’ pence, for short) know, and when did the scoundrel know it ?

7 years ago

Do not vouch for this in any way shape or form, but Chris Hayes just tweeted

“A source close to the investigation would not disclose the name of the person of interest but noted it rhymes with Bared Tushner.”

Do we have an alliance of two New York crime families?


7 years ago


This is a list of the WH power players with Trump on the trip.  One or more of them is a target.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

There may be a confluence of mobs  soon.  The mafia, the korean, the japanese, and the russian are all interested in something in NYC.

7 years ago

If you voted for Trump………you MAY be a redneck.

—Jeff Foxburger

7 years ago

“If you own a home with wheels on it and several cars without, and voted for Trump……you just might be a redneck.”

—-Jeff Foxenburger

7 years ago

If you’re employed by Goldman Sachs and voted for Trump, while you are probably not a redneck—- you might as well be.

7 years ago

I wonder if there was a large contingent of disgruntled German WW1 veterans who swelled the ranks of the early Nazi party.

7 years ago


Why isn’t kelly ann conway on that list ? I thought she was the WH strategic communications tsarina.

7 years ago

Kelly Ann isn’t on the trip and her role is now “counselor to the President”.  More honorific spokesliar for pay not actual job.

7 years ago

The track is pretty muddy, but Jared looks good.    If so, did he turn Ivanker to place?  And for show, Flynn?  Pence is a smart man.  How could he not have known?

Actually, the only one in the list who would surprise me is Reince.  He sticks out like a sore thumb in that he doesn’t belong there.


7 years ago

Renee, Flatus, you watching the game? Wholly schidt. Largest halftime deficit in NBA playoff history. 41 points. Lebron 22 pts, Kevin 18, Kyrie 14. No celtics in double figures. Wholly schidt. Go Cavs.!!??

7 years ago

Oh my god. Funny as schidt. Kimmel hits a grand slam with I’m Just a Lie. Can’t link it on my phone but go to cnet, google or YouTube and enter Kimmel I’m Just a Lie. Laughing my nuts off (almost).