Our Town

By SJWNY, a Trail Mix Contributor

A few years back Mr. Crawford posted a painting & matched the various people in the scene to Trail Mix contributors. It was fun & pretty much dead-on.

For enlarged pic Click Here

In the same spirit, how do you “see” the various members who make up this blog?

To me everyone here is a supporting player: individual contributions add & enhance the overall effect. I’d much rather be a Mary Wickes or John Fiedler than a big name. More variety, more opportunities, more fun.

When I wake up or come home from work my routine is the same. First, check email; second, check Trail Mix. The former can be an annoying chore. The latter is always a joy.

Thank You to everyone here for creating, if not a perfect world, at least one that is based on information, intelligence & humanity.

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7 years ago

it was a dark and stormy night…..  but not as bad as expected.  at least in these parts.

sjwny, re team pic above, yep, there I am, that rung-out rat passed out on the floor leaning against the bar. still there taking a break from half time duties job-sharing veep with pogo and bird-dogging problems for sec of state solar.  no wonder I needed a drink or few.

7 years ago

Way back in the mists of time, we had another “group” cartoon of a marvelous bawdy bar brawl that looked to be se in the mid 1800s.  This was lost to the many changes of servers and attacks.  Since our last get together was in Las Vegas, I’ve found another where the guns a-blazing might happen at any moment.

I’m sure there will be more than enough political angst to fill the blog, but in between, how about your favorite pubs & bars and the happenings therein.



7 years ago

Yeah…   well…   I’m the fat, big boobed, hairy legs bar floozy…

Oh… and Solarman… I weave what I wanna weave… comprende

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy Blackout!  I do not remember this bar scene, but I know it is a bar in New Mexico….notice the space alien, party animal on the right.

7 years ago

travis, your creation story was so good it deserves a repost:

And Travis sent forth His Judges unto humanity with a hot Latin beat. And Travis said to humanity, let there be Dancing. But the people were afraid because their footwork was clumsy and too full of heel leads. And so Travis took pity on humanity, and He sent His most favored Lords and Ladies of Choreography to the people, to instruct them in the ways of Samba rolls and sexy Mambo hip swivels.And the people rejoiced to learn this wondrous thing called Dancing. And the Judges were pleased, and anointed humanity with Holy 10’s. And Travis smiled on humanity, and blessed them and His Judges and His most favored Lords and Ladies of Choreography, and bade all join Him in rapture on the Hot Tamale train.And when all were assembled in peace and joy, Travis Waltzed with them.And the world was full of Dancing from that time unto the ending of days. And Travis looked upon the world. And it was good.

what? no bunny hopping them off Eden’s dance floor after they partook of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and did the chicken dance?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

putin is preparing the wee-weeleaks info as diplomatic whiplash over syria starts in earnest.   Last week, haley announced the badassad can stay in power and then this week he drops a stinking chemical barrel bomb on his hated citizens.   Now haley uses porn photos of poisoned syrian children at the UN…aren’t we going to do something about this?  The commander in thief tries his hand at empathy…a lost art in the narcissistic, fake sun world he lives in.

7 years ago

Published on Apr 5, 2017

Turns out Americans are exactly as gullible as Russian trolls think we are.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Bring back the bump!   The disco dance craze of the 1970’s.   Bay City Rollers, KC and the Sunshine Band…white people getting hip.

7 years ago

Published on Apr 5, 2017

It would be wild and dangerous, but so are these times.

7 years ago

bw, a million kudos for “badassad”

7 years ago

 palace intrigue excerpt from  huffpo:

New details emerged Wednesday about the role President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, played in convincing the president to remove top political adviser Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.


The move was widely interpreted as a sign of Bannon’s diminishing influence in the Trump White House following a series of botched executive orders and the failure of health care reform.


But Kushner was a driving force behind Bannon’s demotion, according to Politico, which cited anonymous sources.


From the beginning, Bannon’s take-no-prisoners style of populism and his openly stated desire to “deconstruct the administrative state” have clashed with Kushner’s more technocratic approach to government.


Kushner reportedly told colleagues recently that Bannon’s nationalist agenda was hurting Trump. He was also concerned that the former executive chairman of the far-right Breitbart News brought out some of Trump’s worst qualities.

7 years ago

That’s as close as I could get to our old pub pic. I’ll take the barkeep, as before.

7 years ago

Can’t recall which of those characters I was back then, but now I’d say the guy passed out on the left side of the bar seems right.

7 years ago

here’s a version of pub pic above you can click to enlarge

7 years ago

in the old saloon picture, the doggie on the far lower left is spitting image of billie bob which blows my cover sitting to the right posing as the upright but soused old gentleman in the top hat about to call out the crooked greedy gambler.  I assume the portraits over the bar and on the wall have eyeholes from which bbronc quietly observes the crowd looking for sleeper agents.

7 years ago

I’m the T-Shirted grouch on the phone by the door since she is wearing the expression I get whenever forced to speak on one of those communication objects.

7 years ago

Bannon out now Nunez out.  This could be a good day.

7 years ago

Devin Nunes stepping aside in Russia probe — at least for now

Jamie, portends to be a good day indeed

7 years ago

I’m the old lady with the cane cause she’s about to give that guy what for with the business side of her cane for molesting that young woman…right after she punches him in the balls 😀

I have a cold and missed yesterday but enjoyed catching up on all the government positions everyone chose. If the government positions offer is still on the table, I’d like to be Secretary of Graphic Manipulation please!

7 years ago

Craig: I wanted to put this as my avatar but it looks like I have to join some other site to do it??? Is there an easier way?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

(Godfather theme music)  while kushner is whisked to iraq…bannon demoted, nunes stepping aside after being an effective block…the fired and recused body count (strewn on the WH lawn) continues to climb.  All that is left is the nepotic swamp and it sure looks like the generals are in charge instead of the election gang.  The stolen election and the ruskie connection body count list —

1)  Manafort

2) Lewandowski

3) Page

4) Flynn

5) Flynn junior

6) Cohen

7) Stone

8) Sessions

9) Nunes

10) Ailes

(looks like an fbi top ten most wanted list)


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

good one, SJ.  I forgot to add christie and guiliani to the list to make it the dirty dozen.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

That’s me in the lower lef-hand corner.  That is not tobacco

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I spotted April the giraffe immediately…before she was pregnant…she is working behind the bar.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

KGC…near the hookah genie?

7 years ago

And frump is overlooking the fighting that he started…  see that monkey in the upper right hand corner…   putz!

7 years ago

Granny, to add your nifty Avatar within our site only, go to Edit My Profile (in the drop down at your screen name top right) and scroll below Profile Picture to Avatar, click Choose Image to upload yours. (Profile Picture section above is only for those who use Gravatar.)

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


Why yes it is!

7 years ago

not telling but I’ve picked out Whskyjack in the pic. Gonna wait to see if he picks it.

7 years ago

another dove pic, dutiful couple staying out of the rain, guarding the babies

7 years ago

I have fingers in my ears.

7 years ago

So Nunes stepped down from Russia investigations under investigation by the ethics committee and McMertle invoked the nuclear option. What a day in Congress.

7 years ago

I am the ice cream cone melting on the floor of the bar, for I have pretty much given up, too.

sj – Yes, what I wouldn’t give for a little scandal like Nancy & her WH astrologer.

7 years ago

Is that dove part peacock?  Look at those long tail feathers.

7 years ago

Thanks Craig, done and done 🙂

PS: love your doves

7 years ago

Given the goings on in the political world, it would seem that even Mr. Breathed is in severe need of an over the top insanity break.

7 years ago

oh no. Don Rickles has left us. Loved that guy.

7 years ago

bw, for your scenario, an ass’s ass instead of a horse head in the bed….or would that be redundant?

7 years ago

I’m the guy that got kicked out 5 minutes before the picture was taken.

7 years ago

Published on Apr 5, 2017

After a rough start as White House press secretary, Sean Spicer finds his footing as a disdainful, overworked kindergarten teacher.

7 years ago

Very sad news about Don Rickles. He was truly an original! RIP

7 years ago

wapo about the above spliecer presser:

The whole sketch was spot-on. Depending on your view of Spicer and the media, the takeaway is either that Spicer treats reporters like children or that reporters act like children.

The best part was that “The Daily Show” portrayed individual journalists.


The sketch was funny, even if you didn’t recognize the journalists the kids portrayed. But if you’re a hopeless political junkie who watches the briefing every day and actually knows what these non-TV journalists look like, it was even better.

7 years ago

Okay. Filibuster killed. poop

rich perry is now on the NSC w/prince rebus.
luv that edit button

7 years ago

now that the goper majority in both houses can enforce what they will and have their way with lady liberty, who will support the bastards they spawn?   will they run amok? how many wars will be authorized?  will the unfilled fed judgeships only be filled with liberty college grads?  will they criminalize  clean air and clean water? grant mining operations and open hunting seasons in national parks and wilderness areas?

7 years ago

and will there be a pipeline in every pot?

7 years ago


Meet Mike Conaway, the new sheriff on the Trump-Russia case
The Texas congressman, who once led the House Ethics Committee, takes over for Devin Nunes.
Rep. Mike Conaway has contended that Russian meddling in the 2016 election is no different than Democrats enlisting Mexican entertainers to campaign for Hillary Clinton in Nevada to get out the vote.

“If we’re worried about foreign influence, let’s have the whole story,” the Texas conservative told the Dallas Morning News in January.

Now, Conaway is the man leading the House’s investigation into Russian interference in the campaign, including whether Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Moscow.

Conaway was tasked Thursday with overseeing the probe after the House intelligence committee chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), stepped aside amid an Ethics Committee investigation into whether he divulged classified information and accusations by Democrats that he ran interference for the Trump White House. Nunes has denied both charges.

Despite Conaway’s minimizing of the Russia’s cyber attacks, Democrats say they’re cautiously hopeful that he can heal the fractured committee as it handles one of the weightiest investigations in its history.

“I think Conaway is a sharp guy. He’s a tough guy. … I have confidence in him. I’ve worked well with him,” said Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.).

Conaway, an accountant, is an unlikely candidate to be a bipartisan healer. He was elected to Congress in 2004 to a heavily Republican district in midwest Texas, and has since racked up one of the most conservative records in the Capitol.

Conaway, 68, has also served stints in the leadership of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the House GOP’s political arm. He used his accounting expertise to uncover an embezzlement scheme at the NRCC. A longtime ally of George W. Bush, Conaway worked as chief financial officer of Bush Exploration, an oil and gas firm, in the 1980s. He was later appointed by then-governor Bush to a state board of accountants.

7 years ago

A little less funny present in the world

Don Rickles, Equal Opportunity Offender of Comedy, Dies at 90


7 years ago

looks like our bbronc and craig are in a tornado warning area right now.  stay safe.

7 years ago


one of the best: CPO Sharkey

7 years ago

I wonder if someone can help me understand what is going on with the filibuster. According to what I’ve been reading, it appears that Republicans have eliminated the cloture vote, but any senator can still take the floor and speak for as long as he or she likes. And with this cloture vote eliminated, there can be no vote called to require the senator to yield the floor.

Do I understand that correctly? Essentially, the Republicans have taken away the ability to stop a vocal filibuster with a vote to request yielding of the floor? Any senator from any party can now speak for as long as he or she can hold out and hold up any votes? So can Democrats still stop a vote on a nominee with a vocal filibuster?

7 years ago

Death is going to regret taking Rickles.

7 years ago

Imagine, Death getting roasted !

7 years ago

patd, weather OK here, sun is coming out and we are grilling steaks tonight for our official anniversary. Then dinner Saturday at scene of the crime, Maggianos in Chevy Chase, where we get a 10% discount.

7 years ago

xrepub, gotta believe Rickles has God in stitches pointing out his mistakes, like knees and teeth. “Were you drunk or just tired? Only orthopedics and dentists thank you.”

7 years ago

He was good on twitter for a spell there too…….first saw him in those Frankie Annette Beach Movies…….a real gas, along with Eric von Zipper, III

7 years ago

I loved those movies for giving Buster Keaton a little work.

7 years ago

Happy Anniversary, Craig & David !

7 years ago

Not sure what his politics were, but plenty of “hockey pucks” in office these days.  RIP

7 years ago

Travis, the cloture was done with the final vote to be taken 30-hours later, i.e. early tomorrow evening. It’s open floor until then–wasted verbiage unless one wants to get on the record on super-majority.

IMO, his character was shown when he developed the secret rationale for torture of detainees by GWB’s regime. Major defect that shouldn’t be carried forward to the SC.

7 years ago

Flatus – Thanks for the clarification. I figured there was something I didn’t understand about what I was reading. Sounds like the person who wrote what I was reading didn’t fully understand either.

7 years ago

thanks, xrepub, today marks 4 yrs legally married, not counting the 26 yrs together we had to wait to make it legal.

7 years ago

The 15% discount will be added to the pre-computed 20pct gratuity which will, in turn, be subtracted from kitchen workers’ salaries.

7 years ago

Oops! Happy Animosity: BW&Hubby, Craig&David and the others whose announcements I have missed. (I’m not even going to mention birthdays–sheesh–my curse)

7 years ago

Are you prepared for the next recession?  The last one was just a dry run to work the bugs out.


7 years ago

our NY strips for tonight’s anniversary dinner, marinated with my own secret 14 herbs, spices and sauce.

7 years ago

This next one…….they coming for yo’ ASS.

7 years ago

….they coming for yo’ ASS.

They can have it–it’s paid for. All that’s left is the disposal fee

7 years ago

Grapes of wrath………hey dust-bowl oklahomioids…….sell that piece of crap land of your daddy’s and come out cheer to the land of oranges and lush greenery……so 3 or 4 kazillion oklahomioids show up and work for dust and sticks……

they want a nation of dust and stick eaters.

7 years ago

Please, Massah……..could I have another chunk of that tree bark?

7 years ago

McConnell just sneaked into the chamber and changed the schedule and rules without opposition. Gorsuch will be Justice by noon

7 years ago

They will rue the day.

7 years ago

The middle class of the fifties actually caught a fleeting glimpse of the sky for 15 or so years…….


7 years ago

Flate, you’d fall among those who are prepared for the next recession, then? 🙂

7 years ago

Meanwhile…….Bannon has seen everything there is to see

7 years ago

According to gore Vidal, the NSC is the real government and all the congressmen, senators, and presidents are the shadow government who get to run around wearing party hats and shit like they really doing something…..

7 years ago

Fingers crossed. Everything’s paid for. Been keeping it that way since we moved here in ’97.

7 years ago

You can bet that RBG will stay in her seat until she dies or a dem gets into the WH, whichever first occurs.

7 years ago

Pog…..by what a slender thread our republic hangs……..

7 years ago

97’s bout when the old man died……time is funny……

7 years ago

Wooly Bully

7 years ago

So, Putin intervenes in a civil war, has a puppet installed as head of his geo-political enemy, stages a chemical attack, has the puppet get the U.S. bogged-down in another Middle-Eastern shitstorm, pulls-out, and let’s the U.S. bleed itself in an unwinnable war.  Pretty nifty trick, eh?  Americans are so manipulable.

7 years ago

How convenient the chemical attack happened right as the administration needed a war to curry favor with a restless, listless citizenry.

7 years ago

Happy Anniversary Craig and David – May there be many warm and joy filled years ahead.

7 years ago

To Republicans, good-governance means a body-count.  The bigger, the better.

7 years ago

No, you can’t seek refuge from a war-zone in our country.  Yes, we will bomb the ever-loving fuck out of you, because we care!

7 years ago

I don’t know who Craig thinks I am but I must say I look damn good in that dress. As usual, I need to shave…………


7 years ago


7 years ago


When I envision this place I tend to think of it as Callahan’s  Cross time saloon.



7 years ago

Oh good. We’re sending 50 cruise missles to Syria. What could possibly go wrong?