By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
A quiet and peaceful way to start a quiet and peaceful Sunday morning. Just too beautiful not to share. As always enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
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User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
A quiet and peaceful way to start a quiet and peaceful Sunday morning. Just too beautiful not to share. As always enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
jace, thank you. calm and contemplation. a lot to think about what yesterday meant to an estimated 3 million folks here and everywhere.
like our trail mixer-upper
grannymumantoog, what a day. what a wonderful day you had. tomorrow the dt s (delirium tremens for sure) begin.
from cnn: “Former CIA Director Brennan is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump’s despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of CIA’s Memorial Wall of Agency heroes,” Nick Shapiro said in a statement. “Brennan says that Trump should be ashamed of himself.” One source who attended Trump’s appearance said many people there were troubled by the political aspect of the remarks, in which the president speculated about how many people in the room may have voted for him. “We are not political in that way,” the source said. “Talking about whether we voted for Trump is offensive and foreign to… Read more »
vanity fair: Trump Makes First Gaffe as President, Steals Twitter Photo from Obama
Goldman Sachs showers upon America. the WH is now a goldman sachs headquarters. It was always about the insurance anyway. The publicity stunt at the spook headquarters? Cleaning staff and trumpence supporters applaud and have a laugh track for their boss…why do I think all of this talk about size is about his ego, his penis and penis’ ego?
How much is trump costing us a day? Why do we have to pay for his security? Billionaire stealing from our mouths to keep him safe. How about funding your own family’s trips and security? Stealing from us to keep his DC hotel open in spite of the lease loss. The guy is a thief and has nothing for the American heart or soul. He is a bankrupt human and I am sick of his hands in my pocket to pay for his residences and security. A rip-off. I understand his staff did not give-in to… Read more »
Why It Matters Donald Trump Has No Inaugural Poet I will really miss having a President who knows how to read. The Dictators Poem An odor has remained among the sugarcane: a mixture of blood and body, a penetrating petal that brings nausea. Between the coconut palms the graves are full of ruined bones, of speechless death-rattles. The delicate dictator is talking with top hats, gold braid, and collars. The tiny palace gleams like a watch and the rapid laughs with gloves on cross the corridors at times and join the dead voices and the blue mouths freshly buried. The… Read more »
Long live the pussyhat.
bw, a couple of weeks ago the gothamist reported Trump Reportedly Tells De Blasio Feds Will ‘Work With’ City To Reimburse Security Costs The NYPD has declined to confirm security costs for incoming First Lady Melania Trump and the Trump children, but NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Management and Budget Vincent Grippo acknowledged Tuesday that he’s anticipating costs of $500,000 per day when President Trump is in town. This, regardless of the fact that the federal government has so far committed only $7 million to the cause—about 20 percent of the $34.7 million price tag for security between election day and inauguration… Read more »
SNL Kate McKinnon being brilliant
Crafters of the world…. UNITE!
Jace I love the very appropriate funereal start of this morning’s William Byrd played by Gould. Another attaboy for you!
I finally figured out why so few women were wearing hats at the inauguration. As they were being led to their VIP seats, the ushers made them remove their Pussy Hats.
Apologies to Barbie.
The cats’ heads buttons on that cost? Why? Absolutely loved Aziz’s monologue on SNL. Looking at a pic of the protest signs in today’s paper: I’m with her. Stronger together. No mud, no lotus. If my vagina could shoot bullets it would be less regulated. Make America America again. The country is in a stew and we have posterboards to show it. Does Madonna go on a terrorist watch list for her comment about the WH? That was really not helpful, Madge. Trump needs to pick his battles. Crowd size? Ridiculous, dude. Ridiculous. Sending Sean Goebbels out to lie… Read more »
Kellyanne is wearing a giant, official-looking medallion today. What is it?
What is that gold medallion KellyAnne is wearing today?
Sewer Cover.
Gold Medal for Mendacity.
Amulet to ward off truth.
Ballast so she’ll go to Hell faster.
From this point forward, the ‘Pottery Barn’ rule needs to be applied to everything republicans touch. You break it you own it. No exceptions.
Price of gas in my neck of the woods up .40 a gallon since Nov. 8.
Nice way to start Mr. PG!
Not going to wait four years to start asking if I’m better off than I was. Will be asking monthly. Not optimistic about the answers.
bid, you mean this one?
Host Aziz Ansari describes how different groups of people have reacted to Donald Trump’s election.
What the hell, maybe Drumbth and the republicans will open up the check book on infrastructure, and give everyone great healthcare and on the weekends find a cure for cancer and reverse climate change.
If they do at least two things will become obvious for all the world to see. The last eight years were never about the money, and a white president’s plans are easy accept, a black president, not so much. Eight years of denial haven’t made it any less true.
Medical Care for everyone sounds pretty good Donald. You mean like these folks?
So old Mitch thinks the country is in danger if the CIA directorship goes unfilled for a few days. His comments show both a total lack of understanding about how such agencies operate, and a shameless hypocracy. It will take only a few days to fill the directorship. It should take about ninety days to fill a Supreme Court vacancy!
So allow me to be the first to offer Mitch a word of advice. Go fuck yourself!
the best part of Aziz monologue imo was re that small group of supporters he said “have gotten way too fired up about the Trump thing for the wrong reasons. These people that, as soon as Trump won they’re like, ‘We don’t have to pretend like we’re not racist anymore! We don’t have to pretend anymore! We can be racist again, wooo!’…Please go back to pretending. You’ve got to go back to pretending.” “I know it’s been a rough couple of years. Obama, Empire, Hamilton, Star Wars movies where the only white characters are storm troopers. I get it. It’s… Read more »
Jace, thanks. After the last couple of days a peaceful start to Sunday morning is welcomed.
And as to your 11:09, you can tell Mertle I agree with you.
usatoday: First online petition to Trump: Release your tax returns The Trump transition team gutted most of President Obama’s White House website but left one innovative feature intact: The “We the People” petition site that “empowers the American public to take this action like never before.” The first petition of the Trump era: “Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.” The petitioner, identified only by the initials A.D., explained that potential conflicts of interest “need to be visible to the American people.” The petition seeks the release of “any pertinent documentation which… Read more »
above petitioners have increased according to time: A petition demanding that President Trump release his tax returns has surpassed 140,000 signatures — a figure that would require the White House to respond if the new administration continues to follow a policy instituted by its predecessor. “The unprecedented economic conflicts of this administration need to be visible to the American people, including any pertinent documentation which can reveal the foreign influences and financial interests which may put Donald Trump in conflict with the emoluments clause of the Constitution,” the petition reads. Trump broke with decades of precedent by refusing to… Read more »
Daughter Sue participated in the local demonstration at our State House. She reports her fellow protestors were spirited and motivated despite the foul weather that has in her bed today with a cold.
Our local newspaper reports that thousands representing all racial groups and demographics overflowed the secondary location where most of the crowd moved because of the weather.
President Donald Trump, in between tweets about his “long standing ovations” at CIA headquarters and his inauguration’s television ratings, implied in a tweet early Sunday morning that the Women’s March protesters did not vote.
“Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election!” Mr. Trump wrote. “Why didn’t these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.”
Guess this is Kellyanne’s version of truthiness — on the crowd size claims: “our press secretary, gave alternative facts”
Keep talking asshole — if they didn’t vote last time they will be voting in one year, two years three years and in 2020 you tinpot wannabe
You have surrounded yourself with people just like you and you are the biggest loser.
need we say more
For the amount of effort Kellyanne puts into her job, I hope she gets paid as much as a male counterpart would get.
Patd, I have thought for some time that the tax returns are going to be a continuing thorn in Trump’s ass. They are going to come out. How they come out is up to Trump and company. They can release them and catch Hell or they can wait until they majically appear on the front page of the Washington Post or the NewYork times. Then Hell becomes a shit storm. To date Trump has been the beneficiary of leaks and hacks, that does not mean that he is immune to the same. If some of the most sensitive information in… Read more »
Condom’s use of the phrase alternative facts shows she has been sleeping with Frank Luntz and ewwwwwwwwwww
Trump’s entire team is second or third tier so no wonder he looks like a bumbler by the time they figure out what is going on he will be out of office and hopefully all the scum that lied willingly will be shunned for ever
mrd’dog – Your list about Kellyanne’s medal couldn’t be more perfect! patD – Yes, the entire monologue was great…and Aziz’s does not have tiny hands. The end of the monologue, where he talked about change coming from large groups of pissed off people, that was Hillary’s problem in the primary, as she failed to put Bernie away without help from the DNC; that was her problem in the general, as she refused to speak to concerns of people who felt let down by Obama; that is now Donald’s problem. It’s been a wild 48 hours. Yes, 48 hours down.… Read more »
today she says
but on august 19th 2016 (less than 6 months ago) she said
“he says he’s for the little guy….but he’s actually done a lot of his business on the backs of the little guy”
guess who said this only a few months ago.
The condom will tell you that is an alternative fact
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Kelly anne says most americans not interested in his tax returns but says
cbs, a week ago:
Most Americans believe Donald Trump should release his tax returns, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.
Seventy-four percent say he should release his tax records, according to the poll, and further, among Republicans, 49 percent also say the president-elect should release he tax records.
must be some kinda liar germ pandemic gone viral in goper-ville
Great signs everywhere
The only ‘little guy’ Trump knows anything about is the one between his legs. Not exactly what you would call heavy lifting on behalf of ordinary folks.
Trump and his chihuahua
this is not fake news….
Now JellyAnt Conwiz has called ex-CIA Director Brennan a “partisan political hack.”
Do these Tramp alternate universe people have an endgame or are they incredibly crass and sleazy? Or both? Is their intent to throw us all into chaos or are they punching above their weight? Why do this? They’re foul.
Before you run into any of those pesky alternative facts, here are the Presidential Inaugural rank in the ratings.
WADR Hillarys problem likely is she did not put enough emphasis on 3 states that shoulda woulda coulda gone her way but didn’t, combined with Comey’s finger on the scale with the Russian hack. Blaming Hillary’s loss on failing to get you excited is possibly partially true, but if you chose to vote for a certain loser and take what you get, feel free to wallow in what you got. And of course this is directed less at the yous in Texas than the yous in PA, MI, WI & NC.