A Recommendation and Another Take On The 2016 Election

By GrannyMumantoog, a Trail Mix Contributor

soskinI’ve been a fan/follower of Betty Reid Soskin and her blog for quite a while. She’s an amazing writer and, at 95, she is the oldest full-time park ranger in the U.S. She’s led quite a life! She was in the music biz, was/is a political activist, civil rights champion and was part of the planning & development of Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park, where she now serves as a ranger/historical interpreter.

She is also into genealogy and her family history is amazing. She’s been blogging “CBreaux Speaks” since 2003. It’s very no-frills site but it makes for some terrific reading. On the left side there are links to some of her other pages and family sites. There are a couple of dead links, but the ones that work are worth a look. Also on the left side is the blog archives, it’s a long list, she writes a lot.

If you like oral histories and genealogy this is a fascinating read:
“Rosie the Riveter World War II American Homefront Oral History
Project: An Oral History with Betty Reid Soskin conducted by Nadine
Wilmot, 2002, Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library,
University of California, Berkeley, 2007.” It’s a pdf transcript of a series of audio recordings that were made by UC Berkeley in 2002

betty_reid_soskin-e1467349699951She often writes about political subjects and, needless to say, was not a fan of Trump. I’ve been waiting to see what she thought about the way the election turned out and she finally wrote her feelings about it yesterday (11/16/2016). She didn’t disappoint and I wanted to share what she had to say. Scroll down to the second posting on the blog page to read it there if you have time, but I’ve copied it here too for simplicity (bold text emphases are mine):

How on earth does one respond to the state of the Union?

As are we all, I’ve been in a state of shock for a week, and grateful for whatever was built into the human anatomy that allows us to retreat into ourselves for whatever time it takes to recover.  That, I suppose, is what we call “shock.”  How else can this state of numbness be described?

I’m guessing that I’d secretly kept a corner of my mind in enough doubt to retain the capacity to see the possibility that my country might well slip into a period of regression.  The hints have always been lurking in there somewhere.  We all must have known this, but chose to ignore it.

The fact that the electorate had been persistently dumbed down over past decades by a failing system of public education colored by the introduction of reality television being pumped into every home at the sacrifice of the nation’s values and eating away at our cultural base until little is left with which to fight off cynicism and hate of “other-ness” and the empathy needed to support community.

Over coming months we may learn the painful lesson that Democracy cannot be sustained without an educated electorate.

My fear that the cause of the rise of hate — gradually going dormant in our society but now being given one last chance at dominance — may have been the growing apathy and disconnections within the democratic process. The 39% turnout in the last general election did not bode well for our ability to sustain our system of  governance, and the 50% participation in 2016 simply may not have been  enough to turn us back to the painfully slow progress being made over recent years

I suppose I’m less concerned with how the incoming administration will effect our fate as a nation as I am of the ascendance of hatred and bigotry into an electorate that has been inching its way toward forming that “… more perfect Union” over recent decades, and now will be slowed in that progress as we try to figure out where the Ship of State hit this reef!

I am fairly convinced that we may be seeing the final frantic defense in the attempt to reinvigorate white supremacy in a fast-changing world.  These may be the last gasps as the nation begins to realize and accept that our strengths are in our diversity, and that the inexorable creep toward that realization and acceptance might well be our final chance at eventual salvation.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAUniversal mobility and an irresistible system of communication has made of us one world; a world that might well begin to achieve a relatively peaceful existence, but only if we can come to terms with the urgent needs to save Planet Earth.

Just how we will manage to do that when the Evangelicals are now holding the reins of power — good folks who sincerely erroneously believe that the “… scientific warnings of global warming, rising sea levels, climate change, are a hoax created by China”,  — and that this global concern is irrelevant since they are hoping to hasten the Rapture when Jesus will return to the world to carry them up to Heaven!  How do we deal with the deniers when everything in which they believe has convinced them that scientific evidence is simply humankind’s wasted effort in the face of what they know is profoundly real and biblically verified by myth?

How could I have ever guessed that there would come a day when I would view Christianity as a detriment to any hope of sustaining life as we know it?

How can this be?

And how can one dare to utter such blasphemy yet feel the ring of truth in the utterance.


I recommend reading Ms Soskin’s blog anytime you’re bored. You can pretty much just click on any year in the archive on the left and you’ll find something interesting to read about.

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8 years ago

granny, thank you.

I so hope Jamie revisits the trail* today as ranger soskin, her interest in genealogy and her blog sound right down jamie’s alley… surely a soulmate.

*craig, hint hint, perhaps a sweet timely email to her enticing her return?

8 years ago

a very serious and profound jon

re American style democracy “…this ain’t easy…it’s an incredible thing..”

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

A woman tied to Mother Earth…how wonderful, granny.  Awaiting the morning glory here…for the past week has been busy for the winos…two out-of-town swarms of visitors, my SIL has been laid to rest in Santa Fe and my brother had hand surgery.  Plus, my head has been buzzing from the election results.  Holy digital takeover….17 counties ruling our lives for the trumpence junta.  Dems fold under ruskie pressure and the internets have been played.   Study on the poorest vs. richest counties.

For the life of me, I feel a fast backward movement to the nixon years.  pat nixon did tell dick that trump would make a great Prez…sent him a letter.  The gift of nixon to the aging baby boomers as he will kill us yet!  The lunacy (actually the super lunacy as in the super moon) is that I expected AI (artificial intelligence) to arrive in 2020, but who knew artificial stupidity would takeover first?

I am also scrambling on health insurance…but I think I am safe in my state….you all have to remember that I was lucky to wake-up in a blue state last week.  Locally, the blues carried the day….except for pearce…have to redistrict to make that work.  In my county?  pearce went down big, but not enough to overcome roswell…home of rabid repugs.  All elections are local…local to county level, the political divider of election results.

I most likely will check in from time to time, but my nine year journey ends.  I have held my mouth correctly for so many years and now I hope my heart muscle is as strong as my tongue.  Like the ERA, women must wait and suffer the shame of rejection by the minority.  I feel strongly about majority rule, but good luck with an amendment to the electoral college.  Perhaps further into the digital history for the US of AA.

The rise of artificial stupidity!  I never saw it coming.

8 years ago

Beautiful Post, but what do words mean if nothing is done? A bazillion blogs, op/eds have been written about recent history. Great. Now what? The Cast from Hamilton stood united & spoke as one publicly. Boycott the products peddled by those who back the incoming administration. Donate time & money to candidates in upcoming elections who define your vision of what our country represents.

Do everything you can to make life uncomfortable for those who work to thwart decency. Take one step out of your comfort zone. Democracy ain’t a free ride or a sit down job.

8 years ago

bw and Jamie, so are we to just give up even here on the trail? leave it? once more stand back and let the boys have their way again…. and again?

please hang in there, particularly hang with us here.

8 years ago

patd speaks truth about staying here. If you leave, your voice is silenced. More importantly: you will be missed. The human element matters most.

Tony …. where are you? Miss reading your articles. Don’t let the Trump bastards get you down. Get even. Get the better of them because you are better  😉


8 years ago

another way to participate is to hold the congress critters’ feet to the fire. surely those who shouted to the heavens they were going to hold hearings on Clintons’ conflicts would be hard put not to take a peek at drumpfs.

wapo: Congressional phones jammed by calls for Trump conflict-of-interest investigation

8 years ago

PatD, I wrote to Jamie a couple days ago. She’ll get back eventually. Blonde, your perspective always welcome and constructive here.

8 years ago


You get your wish at least for today.  Granny and I are often on the same wavelength as can be immediately proven.  I just finished writing a short blog article about researching family history with an invitation for others to drop by and tell me the stories of your family travels.


Loved that Hamilton cast giving VP Elect a short lesson in American history.  Mike Pence saw Hamilton.  The Cast had something to say.  

Of course I doubt he bought his tickets months ago, so welcome to the insiders who rule the world club, Mr. Pence. Oh I’ll be around, just knew I was angry and didn’t want to say anything that I would regret to a man I respect.


8 years ago

One thing about Sessions for Trump, it follows the rule that you want an AG as close and loyal as possible — considering that’s the only Cabinet member who can put you in jail. Nobody went further with that rule than JFK. Go too far the other direction, for an independent and honest AG, and you get Janet Reno appointing Ken Starr.

8 years ago

Wisconsin’s “epidemic” of voter suppression

Trump won by 27,000 votes, and 300,000 registered voters lacked the proper credentials


Neil Albrecht, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, told the Journal Sentinel, “we had some of the greatest declines in the districts we projected would have the most trouble with ID requirements.” He said four districts of the city with the most “transient, high-poverty” residents experienced trouble with people struggling to meet the photo ID requirements. “We had a lot of calls” about such problems, he added.

Ari Berman, writing for The Nation, notes that in Wisconsin, “300,000 registered voters, according to a federal court, lacked strict forms of voter ID” and that voter turnout “decreased 13 percent in Milwaukee, where 70 percent of the state’s African American population lives.”

Milwaukee also has more than 50,000 students attending colleges and universities like UW-Milwaukee and Marquette. And university students, says McGrath, often have out-of-state driver’s licenses that can’t be used to vote without additional identification forms. Many, she says, are first-time voters who can be confused about the new requirements. 

Former Republican legislative aide Todd Allbaugh testified in federal court that Republican lawmakers were giddy about the voter ID law and the impact it would have on elections. As he recalled, Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) said, “Hey, we’ve got to think about what this would mean for the neighborhoods around Milwaukee and the college campuses.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

I posted this comment a little late on the previous article. So here it is.

Back when I traveled all the time I carried hot sauces in my briefcase along with other spices.  I do not consider Tabasco a hot sauce.

Craig – the back bench of the Dems has been a concern for many years.  This last presidential selection circus showed there were no young Dems except O’Malley even ready to take on the R’s.  It is not just our little group of commentariats who have seen the problem, it was pointed out many times, often with pictures of the difference between the leaders of the Dems and the (youthful) R’s.

What will the fate of the floater be during the next four years?  Not having checked out the odds yet, I am free of that knowledge. I tend to think he has a good chance at treason with impeachment a very good second choice.  Treason for his future life with Putin.  Impeachment for many reasons, including pissing off McCain.  There is also the possibility that movies of him at cocaine and sex parties with him participating in both with enthusiasm will surface.  Or he goes on trial for rape.  Will he make it through four years, I doubt it.

8 years ago

“Go too far the other direction, for an independent and honest AG, and you get Janet Reno appointing Ken Starr.”

so true, boss, and same with Loretta lynch stepping aside (to avoid appearance of conflict) to unwittingly let comey do his thing getting trump elected.

8 years ago

BlueB, Gavin Newsom might be one to watch, now running for CA gov. Don’t know that much about him.

8 years ago
8 years ago

GrannyM….  what a wonderful post and a wonderful lady!

Everyone needs to heal over the wounds of the election in their own way.  IMO, begging people to stay or come back doesn’t work.  If some need to get their ya yas out over at Jamie’s….  so be it.  Methinks Craig, you were insensitive to those wounds in some of your comments the other day.  I decided to take Patsi’s route and just let it roll off my back.  Others will take the route they so choose.

8 years ago

what’s the story on the new senator from cally forny?  how does she rate reputation and presentation wise? from wiki:

Harris was elected California’s Attorney General in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris was the first female, the first African-American, and the first Indian American attorney general in California.

On November 8, 2016, she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the 2016 U.S. Senate election to replace outgoing Democratic senator Barbara Boxer, becoming the second black woman and first Indian American elected to serve in the United States Senate.

8 years ago

granny, ms soskin can take heart with this good news:

Historic US Senate wins help advance public education, women

C. Cortez Masto, T. Duckworth, K. Harris, M. Hassan

It’s been a week since the presidential election, which continues to generate shock waves, but in a promising sign, the U.S. Senate will have four new members, all women, who support public education.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Sigh – Another suicide from Hollywood land.

Mental health is so bad in the U.S.

What a morning.  Getting ready for the big storm front and high (for here) winds.  At least the decks are cleared and the canvas stored.

8 years ago

Yes RR I was insensitive and do apologize. Longtime friendships should “trump” political squabbles. Let’s just say last week was septimanae horribilis for most of us.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

There were bright spots   Ayotte gone  a worthless voice for no one but her own ambition

Lovely post Granny.  Living in the Bay area I am familiar with Ms.Soskin and she is a national treasure.

Trump seems to think that size matters so we are planning on attending at least one of the big demos

BW hang around. Your writing is usually so clever and humorous

8 years ago

Blue; “I do not consider Tabasco a hot sauce.”

You are correct in the sense that the McIlhennys consider it to be a ‘pepper sauce’. In the 1960s, Tex-Mex had not yet reached the upper mid-west and there were no Korean grocers much less restaurants. Portable heat was available in the form of Tabasco.

Traditional Korean hot sauce is in fact a paste called kochuchang that is tailored to last in a pre-refrigeration environment for a full year. It would be made in batches of several pounds at a time. This condiment would be available at the dinner table.

When peppers are in season, they are often diced and combined with things such as vinegar, fish sauce or soy sauce, or whatever, to make a tasty hot sauce to fit the occasion. Good peppers must pass the sniff test, scovils are secondary. In cooking, dried red pepper is usually used to add heat and flavor as desired. FWIW, normal Korean restaurant food is not nearly so spicy as I want; my usual place automatically adds more heat and withholds the cilantro that makes me berserk. The proprietor and her family will be at our Thanksgiving dinner to be held at Sue’s house.

Back to Tabasco. Have you tried their habanero sauce? I have a bottle on the kitchen table. I like it.

8 years ago

speaking of habanero Flatus, I soak those mean peppers in vodka in the sun for several days and mix with grapefruit juice (lots of pulp). I call it Stingray, a drink I came up with in law school. Haven’t made it for several years, now inspired to make a batch.

8 years ago

Craig, that really does sound tasty. Stetson and environs were so pretty. I can see you going over to the beach in Gulfport for an hour or two of wind-down with your jug of Stingray.

Last week I bought the fixings for Moscow Mules–when my now100-yo uncle returned from the European War, he raved about the drinks he shared with Russian soldiers near Berlin. Moscow Mules that kicked your ass with their vodka and ginger beer.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Hillary Clinton carries hot sauce in her bag

The pepper vodka sounds like it would make a great bloody mary

Trump not only doesn’t understand the role of government he doesn’t understand that over half of American voters think he is an ass and aren’t going to give him or the enemy of religious freedom Pence any respect – he can expect 4 years or less of a very hard time

He is the one that ended political correctness and now he has to live with the consequences of being called out every single day. He will be known as President Doofus before long — I see Melanoma has been hidden away and who will be running the business is playing first lady. ick

Donald Trump has ended political correctness. As ar as I’m concerned he is exactly what he was during the campaign – a clueless bigot with no understanding of the concept of the public good. His only measure is money

It is important to remember the lessons bitterly learned about the privatizion of safety services — people died ambulances and fire departments didn’t arrive on time because it was too expensive to arrive in a timely way.

People need to be reminded about what is was like before medicare. Senior citizens could not afford health insurance and died at very high rates due to lack of care. The idea of privatizing medicare is beyond disgusting and for all their blathering about death panels – this will cause the premature and unecessary deaths of senior citizens.
Paul Ryan is a murderer in his heart.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Being from Denver and having worked in oil fields from California to Texas I learned to enjoy a bit of heat.  It was in California, outside Bakersfield at a crossroads eatery that I got the training.  I did not speak Spanish so the staff (waiter and cook) always substituted what I would order for the hotest meal in the place.  To survive I learned to enjoy the things.

I love Korean food.  When I make Chili con carne I always add in a good dose of the dried red pepper powder, along with the usual diced jalapenos, and a few of the little red skinny peppers, diced, Frank’s Hot Sauce and cayenne.  I like to have the beans sing to me when eating.

8 years ago

A day without cilantro is like a day without sunshine.

8 years ago

“I like to have the beans sing to me when eating.”

bbronc, their encore a few hours later must really be moving.

8 years ago

Vietnamese water buffalo soup with plenty of onion, garlic oil, lemon grass, lots of red basil, a couple of chilis, and then covered an inch deep in cilantro. Yum. It went verrrry well with a Tiger or four.

8 years ago

Everybody Knows

Leonard Cohen

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows that the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight is fixed
The poor stay poor and the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows that the boat is sinking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody’s got this broken feeling
Like their Momma or there dog just died
Everybody’s hands are in their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows
Everybody knows
Everybody knows
that’s how it goes
Everybody knows

8 years ago

Well….   Jack is correct that New Englanders aren’t into spicy food.  My stomach has done a few flip flops just while reading some of these posts.  But one thing we do take delight in is to put a bowl of steamed clams in front of a foreigner ( you know… like someone from Missouri)…  take one, dip it in butter…  then let if slither down our throats while watching the horrified face of our visitor as we imagine him thinking…  “holy shit, they really do eat them things!”

8 years ago

All morning the leaves have been flying from the trees behind our house searching for hiding places from the front that will be arriving momentarily. It has been a beautiful autumn rivaling the one 19-years ago next week when we arrived here to close on our brand new house–soon to be leaving Florida forever for safer climes and a new destination for our family.

8 years ago

There are clams in Missouri, too. They call the Mississippi River home.

8 years ago

Flatus: “I can see you going over to the beach in Gulfport for an hour or two of wind-down with your jug of Stingray.”

You nailed it friend, that’s exactly where my mind’s eye takes me back to.

8 years ago

Xrep…  lots of fresh water clams in rivers up here too.  We consider them good for only otters and heathens…  🙂

8 years ago

renee, use to get the same reaction from snow birds when i’d take them to posey’s down in st. marks (alas no longer, wiped out by a hurricane). shucked at the spare counter by a rough looking local, laid open live in their shells on cookie sheets, handy were lemon wedges and tabasco or texas pete and a pitcher of beer to both anesthetize and disinfect you and the poor critters quivering there.  ummmm Appalachia oysters the best..  but reminds me of a very very sad poem….

“A loaf of bread,” the Walrus said,
“Is what we chiefly need:
Pepper and vinegar besides
Are very good indeed–
Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.”


“I weep for you,” the Walrus said:
“I deeply sympathize.”
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

“O Oysters,” said the Carpenter,
“You’ve had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?’
But answer came there none–
And this was scarcely odd, because
They’d eaten every one.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

BlueB, Gavin Newsom might be one to watch, now running for CA gov. Don’t know that much about him.


He likes the game and has access to big bucks. His father was a big time political fixer — The Getty’s were/are friends clients. Gavin was in business with the son for a while before he ran for office.   He owned a couple of restaurants, winery, ski resort before he ran.   He was a right-wing mayor as far as SF politics.  He ran on cleaning up SF (no visible homeless) and doing whatever the restaurant association wants

He was an early advocate for gay marriage – he started marrying people in SF city hall issuing licenses etc but then he tried to use it as a national platform and he and the guy that was his campaign consultant at the time – did a bunch of stuff that electorally backfired and set the gay marriage issue back a bit.   Now he is the champion of legal recreational pot and again is a good advocate but only as far as he is getting more out of it.   He used to be married to Kimberly Guilfoyle of Fox News and is married again to a very rich woman,

He is very attractive, glib and shows up.  But in the end he is kind of a dick (I might get to like the end of political correctness)

8 years ago

Renee, I’m with you on that, although up here in Minnesota they make pretty buttons for rich folks out of them. Mother of Pearl buttons used to be a big business in St. Paul before plastics killed it. The deadbeat had better bring that business back to America too, don’t you think ? And, our Studebaker showroom !

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

and vaccum tubes too


8 years ago

If Liz is too old, let’s run Craig in 2020 ! I’ll bet Jim Webb and Jimmy Carter would both endorse him.

8 years ago

Right outta the box, Craig’d have FL, KY, and D.C. sewn up.

8 years ago

Ha, xrepub, I’m up for spending the next 4 years in Iowa. Their KFCs are buffet style, and pork at every meal, plus I’ll almost be on Medicare my then.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

If there still is medicare

8 years ago


if you go away…………

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Gavin was supposed to marry my friends in San Fran, but at last minute had to go somewhere so the vice-mayor did the work.

There is also Hickenlooper governor of Colorado.  He is middle of the road enough, but in his early sixties.  It is tough coming up with names, but it is necessary to prep them to run.

Oysters, clams, crabs and lobsters – things you would not naturally think of as food, but are stunning with butter and lemon.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

My first real laugh at politics since 11/9. NSFW but Keith tells it as he sees it.

8 years ago

rocket science alert:  goes-r are about to launch.  delayed until 6:12 pm est…. otherwise tomorrow around 4 something.  big deal weather satellite

8 years ago

Wow, Alan Dershowitz on CNN just took a wire brush to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) as DNC chair:

“The right is moving more right, the left is moving more left, and the vital center is being eliminated. So in reaction to this anti-Muslim statement we’re going to see the appointment of Keith Ellison as the head of the Democratic National Committee. Keith Ellison is a kind of radical personal of the left, strongly anti-Israel, who had close connections to  Farrakhan in the past. If the Democrats think that’s the way to win elections they’re just making a terrible mistake.”

8 years ago

I’m a Zionist and always will be. I hope the Dems are being thoughtful

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

You don’t have to be retired to get on board to save medicare

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

The hardest task for the media is to make any Democrat equivalent to the floater.  Oh they will try, and often they will make the Dem sound worse than the sexual assault promoter.  But, stains can result.

8 years ago

KGC, they won’t completely kill Medicare – they will do it in stages.  They will kill it for people under a certain age, like 45 or 40.  For those between, lets say 30 and 45, they will offer some kind of credit into a private account.  The older folks won’t rise up because they’re still gonna get theirs.

This will happen in much the same way that unions were able to talk companies into lowering wages and benefits by grandfathering current employees, and putting the new employees on a lower pay and benefits scale.  This approach is incideous because once in place, the company starts finding ways to lat off the older folks.

They’re cruel, but not stupid!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Well, DV  I hope that is not what happens

the goal should be to expand medicare.  People should not allow themselves to be picked off

It is important to remind people what it was like for seniors before medicare.  People died because they could not afford medical care.

8 years ago

Well KGC, this is EXACTLY what’s going to happen.  They don’t have the same goals that you or I have.  They are still driven by the crazy unproven economic style that says we give everything to the upper 1/2 of 1 % – and goodness and life will flow down to everyone.  Yea, I know they’ll use the “rising tide lifts all boats”, and flagellate that the phrase comes from JFK, but JFK stole the phrase from a local politician.

They’re going to take a hard run at privatizing medicare and medicade – I’m not sure if they’l succeed – but it’s going to be ugly.

8 years ago

one thing to remember about Trump, he never explicitly signed on to cutting Medicare, social security or Medicaid, despite much pressure to do so.

8 years ago

No Craig, but he needs a home.  He desperately needs to be loved and admired and respected.  Iffen the repugs figure out how to do this – he’ll embrace their policies – since I doubt he has any of his own.

8 years ago

I have talked to so many Democrats in recent days, who simply conclude that the voters are idiots. That is hardly a winning strategy for the future. Blaming the voters for losing an election ensures further losses.

8 years ago

Can’t be any worse than the strategy of believing they are smart. How did that work out.



8 years ago

Jack, winning in a Democracy might be about understanding how to win the idiots. FDR got that. So did Bill Clinton. Time for modern Dems to figure that out.

8 years ago

Clinton had an advantage in that Perot took a big chunk of the idiot vote.

As i remember Roosevelt ran against big government spending , bring back booze and get rid of the depression

8 years ago

Craig, when Democrats tell you the voters are stupid – guess what – that’s arrogance!  And that is why this election was lost.  When those wanting to lead decide those who they want to lead are too stupid to think for themselves – we have the makings of a disaster.  If the Democrats want to lead – and they have the intelligence and issues to lead; then lead!

8 years ago

dershowitz doesn’t know Keith Ellison, but I do. Keith is on record as saying that he loves Israel and that Israel has a right to exist and defend itself. I know, because I heard Ellison say those words.

dershowitz has become a lying little, little, mouthpiece for netanyahu and other right wingers who hate women.

8 years ago

just think about how stupid the average American is and remember half of them are stupider than that, ( God bless George Carlin)

DV The Democrats didn’t lose because they thought the  voters were stupid. they lost because they thought they were smart. Trump knew the voters were stupid and doubled down his bet on their stupidity and won. Remember , he even told them they were stupid, when he said he could shoot somebody and they wiould still vote for him.
They loved it.

The founding fathers understood this, that is why they made it almost impossible for a democratically elected majority to govern.


8 years ago

granny, sorry about that. it launched not long after I posted.  here’s noaa’s page on it:

November 19, 2016 GOES-R, the first of NOAA’s highly advanced geostationary weather satellites, lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 6:42 p.m. EST today. The satellite will boost the nation’s weather observation network and NOAA’s prediction capabilities, leading to more accurate and timely forecasts, watches and warnings.

and goes-r mission page for all the nitty gritty on mission itself.

8 years ago

hey guys, we’re not as stupid as you say we are.

While the number of votes for both president-elect Donald Trump and his former Democratic rival Hillary Clinton continue to increase, the gap is widening, with Clinton expanding her popular vote lead over Trump.

According to new figures released by The Associated Press on Saturday, Clinton received more than 1.5 million votes than her Republican rival.

As of Saturday, Clinton had received 63,390,669 votes, while Trump received 61,820,845 votes — a difference of 1,569,824, according to The AP.

Rounded off to whole numbers, that translates to 48 percent vs. 47 percent.