It’s Time for a Feel Good Story

For a change, something to warm the cockles of all us trailhands

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Blue Bronc
8 years ago

One of the things about living out west and getting a few miles out of the city is to see working cowhands.  My wife’s uncle was a real cowboy.  Early in the 1900’s there were working ranches along the Front Range of the Rockies, including the Denver area.  He worked from Wyoming to Colorado Springs and probably a lot of other places.  When the ranches slowly went away he became a ditch rider (ran the water in the ditches to the farms).  It was great to see his saddle, boots and ropes.  The cowboys need the ropes and know how to use them.  And he was a great man.  Funny too.

8 years ago

Good one PatD, got me in the mood to see a Rodeo, used to go to the one in Kissimmee now and then

8 years ago

Reminds me of a great Heinlein quote:  “Any society not based on women and children first is doomed to extinction”.

The above story is the good testosterone … A handsome man will open your eyes, A smart man will open your mind, and a gentleman will open your heart.  Somewhere along the way we stopped teaching our young people responsibility and empathy for others to create a good society.

Over in Aleppo (and Trump’s Twitter machine) the bad testosterone is running rampant as Putin and Assad lay waste to hospitals and private homes.  Then we get the pictures of the dead and wounded innocents plus one good man sobbing because he was able to save an infant cradled in his arms clinging to him for safety



8 years ago

Me: I was born in a log cabin.

Her:  That is not a log cabin.

Me:  Well……….It FELT like one…….


8 years ago

Jim Webb got a nice-ish mention in a Slate article yesterday, about the false choice the media is pushing of only having a choice between Trump or Clinton.  It’s titled, appropriately, “Two, Crap Sandwiches.”

Maine has something interesting on their ballot, too.  Rather than choosing between the lesser-of-two-evils, it is proposed that voters would get to rank ALL of the candidates on the ballot.

If that were an option this year:  Stein! Johnson, Trump, Clinton.   If Trump wins, he’ll overstep his boundaries and be removed from office quickly.  I could live with a President Pence.   Hillary & Kaine both make my stomach turn.   Stein is the only candidate I actually like, though.

8 years ago

My Dad’s first house, in the low country, SC………c. 1942.

they had 6 years to make it ready for me.

8 years ago

Poor cattle. ?

8 years ago

“…could live with a President Pence” ???

Jesus H. Christ……..

a republican by any other name would be….a republican.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

President Pence

he was the only republican willing to run with Trump and only because he was losing the gov race

he is total right wing loser   he’s a free trader (before he met Trump and would be again) a right wing racist and thinks gay people should all be rounded up and “treated”   yeah we want a president who has been rejected by the state of Indiana as unfit for office
just the cup of tea you re looking for…
some people are so consumed with irrational hate they are just plain stupid


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

According to Factcheck  Trump has had to LIE about Pence’s gov record


Donald Trump introduced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate July 16, but, in doing so, oversold Indiana’s economic performance under Pence:

Trump praised Pence for reducing the state’s unemployment rate, which has declined by 3.4 percentage points since January 2013. But that tracked the national average, which dropped 3.3 percentage points during that time.
Trump said it was “very unusual” that Indiana has added 147,000 private-sector jobs. Not really. Florida (12.7 percent) and Utah (12.4 percent), for example, grew jobs at twice the rate of Indiana (5.9 percent). In fact, Indiana’s rate lagged behind 20 states and the District of Columbia.
Trump praised Pence for balancing the state budget. “Can you imagine a balanced budget,” Trump marveled. But Indiana is legally required to balance the budget, as are all states except Vermont.
Trump said Indiana has an AAA bond rating. But that has been true since July 2008 — nearly five years before Pence took office. He also said “very few states have that,” when, in fact, 15 states do.
Trump correctly said that Indiana’s labor force has increased by more than 186,000 people under Pence. But he suggested that that was unusual, saying it is going “down, down, down” in other states. The labor force has gone up in 41 states.

8 years ago


Great picture of the homestead. Is it still around? The 1850’s farmhouse where I grew up was bought & bulldozed; new owners wanted “modern.” Will say the original home had a great dirt cellar with a coal chute. Also a good place to hide the bodies. Just sayin’

8 years ago

Methane is not good for environment so bring on the backpacks

Now That’s Windpower

8 years ago

Pat: Love the cowboy story! We need more stories like that…as Anne Murray sang originally in ’83 “we sure could use a little good news today!”  

Can’t get the video to show up 🙁

Jamie: That cow story is very sad! More reasons to let cows eat their natural food and to stop feeding them corn & wheat!

Here’s the full piece that Hillary wrote regarding national service:

8 years ago

pat, you always make feel good….gooder…..cowboy storys, even gooder yet:

My Mom and Dad were real cowboy/cowgirl….they had their own ranch back in ol Mexico…Mom could ride and shoot with the best of em…even better than dad.

Ive been told that when i was around 4…i stole my unlcle Philips horse he had tied up near town….I rode him into town where all the young people gathered to dance….the gals would walk clockwise…the cowboys counter the clock……seems that i rode that hoss right up to them…and there he decided to unseat me and threw me right on top of them…..guess the big breasted gals broke my fall…….and probably where i learned to love to dance no?mmmmmm

anyway im still a cowboy at heart….and still waiting for santa to bring me my pistolas with the holsters……a cpl of wks ago, i had to help a young cow girl get ready for her horse ride…it was her first horse…and she was a little short for the task at hand… i saddled and adjusted her stirrups and all……..the smart ass even—-after i adjusted her first stirup, she told me…hey i got two legs u know……..was tempted to let her ride thata way…on one short stirrup and one long one……Oh click on the blue link above

8 years ago

Pat: Thanks for the video. I was torn between the original the more live recent performance. Sooooooooooooo how the heck do you get videos to show up???

Also, the Mother Jones quote is incredible. He has the nerve to call women pigs! Wish he would move to SA, he’d certainly fit right in!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

These last five days have been quite good, considering that for a week, or was it two, the floater seemed to pull his act, and it really was an act, together.  Although I should not have been concerned, his learning how to read a teleprompter was causing issues.  Maybe the battery attached to the cattle prod stuck between his shoulder blades wore out and he felt free to demean humans again?

8 years ago

President Pense? Just what the country needs.  A RW evangelocal antiabortionist appointing SCOTUS members.  Sorry, thats absolutely stupid

Nothing blue left in you.  Should be RWiD.

8 years ago



What a day, is it a full moon out? I just keep running into stupid today. Makes me understand  Trumps success.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

McConnell what a joke.  Blaming his mistake on Obama..he is a force for all things bad in government

8 years ago

Granny:  You Tube posting how to

1.  Go to You Tube

2.  Search for the song or artist you want

3.  Under the video is the word “share” with an arrow.

4.  Click on that and underneath will popup a code

5.  Copy that link

6.  Come to the trail and paste that link

When you post the comment, the video will pop up.

8 years ago

Just kept shaking my head.  The President kept saying he would veto and giving reasons why the law was a bad idea.  Congress passed it anyway.  Obama vetoed as he said he would with another message about why it was bad.  Congress overrode his veto.

Now McConnell blames the President for not telling him what was wrong with the bill.  I guess the GOP really does want a dictator.


8 years ago

Oscar Brand, folk troubadour dies at 96

Have some fun Bawdy Songs and Backroom Ballads

8 years ago

Sj… had become a pleasant little 2 bedroom bungalow by 48 at which time there were Ma and Pa and TheirThree Sons…..

In 56 said family moved across the road to the new cinderblock house which had been a’building for a couple of years.  Just in time for Elvis.   The bungalow was then rented to the son of a neighbor who was a lineman for the co-op. He and his wife rode it a few years, and a family or two after that and then…….along about 63…… became The Shack.  The band house.

After a considerable time, say 65 or 6 (to 4) it somehow burned to the ground with mucho band stuff inside………I remember thinking, Is That All There Is To A Fire??

so, in ashes, it passed from the eearth

But years later…after so much water under that old bridge…….in the early seventies…..the garage, still intact,  was turned into……The Shack……..became a local underground legend.

8 years ago

The Shack was bulldozed after Hugo to make way for Bill’s Farm……..our vegetable and flower enterprise.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


That is very cool.

Mr C and I are going out with some neighbors to a local bar and grill (with a view of the Pacific Coast) and I am having a bacon-cheddar burger with jalapeno relish and maybe a Tom Collins.  I’ve been thinking about it all week,  Oh yeah and fries

I am concerned about the 2nd debate.  Desperate people do dangerous and stupid things.  Before this townhall they should spend a bunch of time on how much and often he lies.  Everyone should know that he lies every 31/2 minutes.

8 years ago


Thanks for the post..


Yes, Trump /Pence are up to their tricks again regarding gay marriage and other civil rights protections. No surprise.. Trump has pledged much to Tony Perkins and his hateful bunch..

Pogo and KGC you both always make good sense..

Granny, good trading you.. Solar you too..

8 years ago


Excellent post yesterday.. Yep Trump is just plain crazy..

Yes, 30 or so days away from the election. Time to pull together and get the first woman President Dem elected.

Also spot on, get her elected and hold HRC accountable for all her promises..

8 years ago

Oh and anyone who says they can live with President Pence, well their just plain careless bigots.. Yes, Bigots and women hating gay haters..

Or as KGC said perfectly “some people are so consumed with irrational hate they are just plain stupid”

8 years ago