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Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Where’s the naked statueof Kelley ann conway – she isn’t the campaign manager she is the campaign condom

covering the candidate and speaking for him so she can lie to gooper women

haha the headlines today are about the naked statue and Trump 3.0 and manipedi’s problems no good headlines for Dumpster

8 years ago

Wonder if there’ll be retaliation with a naked Hillary statue

8 years ago

Immediately following the statue’s removal, NYC Parks officials issued the following statement.
“NYC Parks stands firmly against any un-permitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the hillbillys of Middletown Ohio

yeah it’s a great read and has caught the imagination of a press core without imagination.

but they are still folks for the most part who blame people who don’t look like themselves for their problems



8 years ago

I absolutely love the statement from NYC park officials about the statue.  SNL’s best writers couldn’t have done any better.

8 years ago

OK, now about all this intrigue about swapping cash for hostages – c’mon.  The guy on TV this morning, after blowing it in a presser earlier in the week, came close.

How hard at this point would it be to say that given the discussions about the timing of both the hostage release and the cash release, we could not disclose to the press any details for fear that the Iranians would not honor the commitment to release our citizens.  Of course we held up the cash delivery until the hostages were released.  But it wasn’t our cash.  This notion that “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” sounds good but it wasn’t true when Reagan uttered it and it isn’t true now. It’s more accurate to say that we don’t pay money to terrorists to release hostages they have taken.

Or something like that.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

not many people vote  on the issue of border security ask Tom Tancredo

8 years ago

Well..it ain’t exactly ‘David’

8 years ago

Thank you to all for providing such humorous entertainment on this blog.  Sorry for not participating much.  We are going through some difficulties with Rick’s father.  It eases the tensions to come here and laugh…

8 years ago


At least Hillary’s statue will have boobs and exhibit balls!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

troll and the condom trolling thru the south

how come there are only white faces at the rallies

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

manipedi has resigned…..Kelly ann Condom was just a fraud –first gooper woman to manage a presidential campaign indeed a cover up for a firing
Ryan Lochte just apologized for his behavior maybe Trump could take some tips on apology technique

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Mrs. Pence is traveling with the campaign   where is Melanoma?  Did she have to leave the country to get her visa renewed?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Sorry to hear that ..keeping you and your family in my thoughts

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Pence is working Trump like Trump is a ventriloquist dummy — he keeps is hand on or near Trump

8 years ago

G’bye, Paul, we hardly knew ye.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

kellyann condom was the ONLY gooper gal willing to sign up — what happened to her undying loyalty to Trustedted

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I’m glad to hear the feds are ending the use of private prisons.  I hope it is the end of the privatization of public services – someone should ask the tub of lard what he thinks about privatization.  There was a big trend in the 1990’s and it has not worked out well for anyone except the investors.  Glad to see this is coming to an end. There are also many stories about the failure of private ambulance services.
Kellyann Condom says this campaign should be about issues (she is lying f course) but fine let’s make it about Trump’s policy on privatization

It’s amusing to hear tube of lard talk about how every child should have a good education but whose policies are going to destroy public education

He’s given up being Joe McCarthy and is back to being Nixon

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

trump is La  not one black person

and someone should ask him how much money he has raised or better yet personally given to flood relief
he did not tour anything – he met with local members of the elect trmp committee so once again the appearance of doing something without doing anything
kind of a trophy crisis for Trump must run in the family

Let’s review Clinton is raising money for flood victims
Trump the optics of being president all fluff (a lot of fluff) and no substance. Ask him about federal flood insurance

8 years ago

KC, imagine. Trump acting as if he’s doing something while doing nothing. HRC should do a fundraiser in NO for the BR flood victims. And I don’t know how you could do a rally of 10 people in LA from Baton Rouge to NO and not have any black people among them.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Except they drove quickly by flood damage to a meeting with the all white public safety officers in Southern LA or as we know them Trump supporters  they did no touring

Trump helped unload something for a photo op
no wonder he is never photographed without a coat is wearing a corset …I mean spanks

8 years ago
Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

race walking is so weird

8 years ago

“Wonder if there’ll be retaliation with a naked Hillary statue”


Sculptor Daniel Edwards did one in 2006 he called “The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States”.  


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

It’s pretty straight forward  I thought it would have more of an Arneson touch

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

HRC has more brass than all of the republicans sucking on the hind of the orange blob combined.  And she is a lot more honest too.

8 years ago

TY4 + KGC = : )


(gordo tribute)

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

August 19, 2016 at 1:50 pm

Was it something i said?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

he’s not touching the great unwashed — he is not in the flood zone but at a rightwing all white church

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

maybe the Clinton Foundation should take this opportunity to change the face of housing for some of the poorer areas in Souther LA. especially people who have no resources to rebuild.  They could bring in solar, wind and hydro for power   There is an emergency situation and they could fund some great projects  They could get Mary Landrieu to be their project manager

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

The American Red Cross (ARC) does not receive money from the governments.  It is funded entirely by private donations.  Most of the organization is staffed by volunteers.  As an ARC Disaster Services (DS) volunteer I was asked Sunday if I could go to Baton Rouge the next day (we can deploy in twenty-four hours).  Because I work I could not take leave immediately.  Beside Louisiana, the fires in California are requesting ARC DS volunteers.  If you are tired of your regular, boring, vacations, volunteer and do two weeks in the field.  You will need training which can take time, but have no concerns, there are always disasters happening.

8 years ago

PatD, didn’t know we had an outage. Must have been a short one.

8 years ago

The outage affected me as well. Seemed as if it was a ‘net issue.


8 years ago

The women’s hockey that’s now on is really a rugged game.

8 years ago

Has anybody else noticed the little suede sack, like a coin purse, that Hillary is now attaching to her belt? Seems to be empty right now; wonder why she’s wearing it.

8 years ago

Heard she is taking-up ornithology–has a special interest in the pygmy nuthatch.

8 years ago

Well, it’s about time for the weekend to begin.  It’s cooled off to 93F and for the first day this week it did not rain in the afternoon – looks like grass is dying to be cut.  Everyone have a good weekend.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Craig – Labcorgy looks really alert there.  And your frogs look like they are doing well.  The wood frog in my little pond disappeared for a while, leaving me to think it was a decent meal for one of the snakes.  Nope, back on the iris and looking a little larger.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I hope Troll is being fact checked…he just lied through the whole speech

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Mid-Atlantic wood frog (I think).

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

trump just said – there is only room for one culture

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I can’t imagine anyone is going to pretend he isn’t the same being giant asshole no matter how polite he is and  no matter how he broadens the terms for the people he finds unacceptible.

8 years ago

Medicine bag?

8 years ago


8 years ago

Dateline :  Deadbeat Perish, Louisiana
Notice that trump, while he showed up at a relief supply photo opportunity, didn’t bring ANY relief supplies himself, ‘cuz 
1. He’s too damned cheap, 
2. He’s a taker not a maker, 
3. He’s sure Louisianans would just sell it to buy dope, 
4. He thinks it’s the job of BIG GOVERNMENT !
5. trump’s god Mammon only helps ordinary Americans who get a $1 M!LL!ON for high school graduation, and deadbeat donald is very, very religious in such matters.

8 years ago

Ein Kultur, ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer, ein Trumplemacher !

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

trump apologists say take the apology and shove it– that’s the best you are going to get

The condom said -the people he insulted should take the blanket apology and if they don’t they are not compassionate

well Kellyann Condom  the phrase bygones  just doesn’t  cut it

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Ein Kultur, ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer, ein Trumplemacher !

that’s what I heard.  There were so many dog whistles in his speech I’m surprised every stray in the area didn’t rush the hall

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Joy Reid did actual reporting on the Iran money. Actual facts.
so a Trump contribution to the flood victims is play doh

8 years ago


GOP insiders: Trump’s overhaul won’t succeed


Ya know Republican insiders have been wrong about trump before.

Several times as I recall.



8 years ago


how do you keep watching  all that cable TV and stay sane.

Or is staying sane just not a problem,

not that that is a bad thing I have several friends where sanity is optional.




8 years ago

Yeah,  drumpf showed up ready to get to work.   Pressed khakis,  starched white shirt,  navy blazer with obligatory flag lapel pin and Chinese “Make America great again”  cap.  WHO IS BUYING THIS SHIT?

8 years ago

these are great.  I hope most will be able to get there from here.  John Stoehr is doing a whole series of tweets on Sexism/double standard.

It starts here on the link and he is up to over 60 at present:


8 years ago