Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
Too good not to share. Just  kick back and enjoy! Have a great Sunday!

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8 years ago

Wonderful  selection. Lady Billie doing her best slow blues. And I love slow blues.  And wonderful sax work. Thanks for posting it.

8 years ago

“Feed the turds, TrumPence a bag…”

blueid, perfect! now in my head all day long a musical earworm has taken root and I too will be  humming the tune from “Mary Poppins.”
let’s do the chorus:

though their words are simple and few
“listen, llisten”, they’re f*cking with you
don’t feed the turds, trumpence is bad.
with trumpence, trumpence, we’ve been had.

jace, I apologize for above if it messed musically with your fine sunday serendipity mood but just couldn’t help myself.

8 years ago

Here’s the dreaded US-Turkish coup link (Alleged link). Of course he & his followers deny any involvement. Who knows?

8 years ago

Houston chronicle on Hillary Clinton, the candidate we know so well — and don’t

Comedy aside, the ambition tag has dogged Clinton, 68, as if it were a bad quality rather than a necessity. The satirical website The Onion captured the irony: “Hillary Clinton Is Too Ambitious To Be The First Female President.”

That gets a laugh from Melanne Verveer, Clinton’s chief of staff as first lady.

“If a guy is described as ambitious, it’s a noble attribute,” says Verveer. “But if a woman is ambitious … it’s a pejorative.”


Who she really is. There’s that question again.

Is it fair?

Former Rep. Pat Schroeder thinks not. “What more do you want to know?” says the former congresswoman, who tested her own candidacy decades ago. “Do they want some kind of a confession?”

Herron feels that we don’t subject male candidates to the same scrutiny. “We expect her to let her hair down, to talk about her failures and self-doubt or something,” she says.

“You know what, she’s not like that! Let her be who she is.”

8 years ago

Here’s a very nice piece  at WaPo by Pamela Constable that I completely identify with. Her upbringing was similar in many ways, politically at least, with mine, maybe a bit more affluent  (sounds lie a lot more actually) but the same WASPY Republican parents with beliefs and opinions that were products of hard times in the depression, and in my case, a bit of benign southern racism (a kind of perceived white superiority with no support for the white southern racism that was and is so repugnant)  thrown in.

8 years ago

So Bing, you watching the tour stage 15? Tough one.  Two Cat 1 and 1 HC climb.  Be interesting to see how Froome and his team manage it and the upcoming Alps stages.

8 years ago

forbes: The Republican Show In Cleveland: All About Space — And Trump’s Final Frontier

8 years ago

raw story: Elizabeth Warren absolutely shreds ‘terrifying’ Trump/Pence ticket: ‘Two small, insecure, weak men’
[sample of one of her tweets]
Elizabeth Warren
✔ ‎@elizabethforma
.@realDonaldTrump & @mike_pence are a perfect match: Two small, insecure, weak men who use hate & fear to divide our country & our people.

8 years ago


Beautiful piece by Ms. Constable. Hits home for many of us, no matter our parents’ economic status.

8 years ago

be sure to click on at 3:40 minutes in to hear eliot spritzer on drumpf

8 years ago


Long live Senator Warren & her twitter account. I was reading Pence’s political history ( I knew some of it) & had to stop because I felt like my brain was being encased in concrete. Holy cow – what happens to people to make them devolve into such uncaring creatures?

8 years ago

What’s the plural of Doofus?

8 years ago

Mon dieu.  Quelle heure est-il?!  Le tour!!


…missed it.  No spoilers.

8 years ago

Positive consequence of Trump candidacy: we will finally have an accurate count of the total number of assholes in this country.  It’s like a census- for assholes.

8 years ago


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Forget salt and pepper, we have tangerine and ivory!   Corpse trump and holy ghostly hair pence form creamsicle meltdown.

8 years ago

We had our neighborhood meeting where we handed over a check to  Youth Pastor Juan Murillo. Juan and others had spent the day helping an elderly parishioner with there yard, said if he had realized we were going to take his picture He would have change clothes.

Between here and Mrs. Jacks co-workers we raised $850 for school supplies.

Juan ask me to pass on a heart felt, “muchas gracias”  for your help.

Let me add to that and say you all are a great bunch of people.

8 years ago

Doophi but don’t expect an Oracle

8 years ago

Doofux? Fun to say, anyway.

8 years ago

Bink beat me to it

8 years ago


Thank You to you & all others who thought this up & acted on it. Good Luck to the kids.

8 years ago

Buen trabajo, Jack.

8 years ago

Jack, such good news. Thanks for sharing..

8 years ago


Well done with the music–maybe we’ll be able to survive next week after all 🙂

8 years ago

oxford dictionaries doofus plural = doofuses


btw, is there such a word as “doofiness” as in the state of being doofy?

8 years ago

8 years ago

8 years ago

tony, if pence had trouble with Obama talking to dictator chavez, wonder what he thinks of trump’s bromance with putin.

8 years ago

jace, it also helped probably that you weren’t suffering from a kegger hangover or worrying over whom you’ll take to the dance next weekend or if you’re wearing the coolest sneakers.

8 years ago

jace, can you imagine the excitement generated at a debate between kaine and pence?

8 years ago

1. One doofus, two dwofus.

2. It must be a slack news day.

3. When is the FEC going to ask the FBI to investigate trumps foreign campaign financing ?

4. If trump’s campaign takes money from foreign officials, will it have to register as the agent of a foreign government ?

5. Isn’t what trumposeurs raise from foreign sources illegal alien money ?

8 years ago

Jace, you fibber, you’re never dull.

8 years ago

Day dull no longer.  Bullets in Baton Rouge.  Another nut with a grievance who thinks killing police is the answer.  Can we please go back to boring?


8 years ago

Donald Trump’s speech introducing Mike Pence showed why he shouldn’t be president
Updated by Ezra Klein
I do not know how to explain what I just watched.
It should be easy. Donald Trump introduced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. There it is. One sentence. Eleven words. But that doesn’t explain what happened any better than “I spent a few hours letting lysergic acid diethylamide mimic serotonin in my brain” explains an acid trip. What just happened was weird, and it was important.
Back in May, EJ Dionne wrote that the hardest thing about covering Donald Trump would be “staying shocked.” Watching him, day after day, week after week, month after month, the temptation would be to normalize his behavior, “to move Trump into the political mainstream.”
But today helped. Donald Trump’s introduction of Mike Pence was shocking. Forget the political mainstream. What happened today sat outside the mainstream for normal human behavior.

8 years ago


Sigh. and so the numb minding political finger pointing begins.

Looks like Craig was right. It seems to be a trend.

One thing a great many shootings have in common is powerlessness. Be it the fired worker shooting up his work place, The aggrieved spouse taking out the ex and her lawyer. In some ways terrorism itself is a tactic of the powerless.

We swim in an ocean of guns and we live in a society where we view guns as a solution. So when it comes to Dallas and now Baton Rouge about all we can really say is

“What took so long?”



8 years ago

jack and Jamie, better buckle up for some more fireworks at or outside the convention in Cleveland this week,

from fox news:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s office rebuffed a call Sunday from the Cleveland police union to ban the open carry of firearms during the Republican National Convention, in the wake of the deadly shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge.

FOX 8 reported earlier that Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, is asking Kasich to prohibit open carry this week in Cuyahoga County, which surrounds Cleveland. 

A spokeswoman, though, indicated the governor’s hands are tied when it comes to unilaterally changing a state law like open carry.

[….] According to USA Today, Loomis said the open-carry law has made security far more difficult for the convention

“Somebody’s got to do something,” Loomis reportedly said Sunday. “What we have now is completely irresponsible.”

8 years ago

see wave3 article on full list of banned items.

The City of Cleveland released a complete list of banned items not allowed inside the Republican National Convention “event zone.” 

Some of these items include paintball guns, swords, fireworks, metal knuckles, nun chucks, weapon or any firearm that is prohibited by the State of Ohio.

The ban also includes containers of bodily fluids and grappling hooks.


but looks like jill and joe six pack can still bring in their open carry… how close to the podium might still be determined

8 years ago

msnbc: At GOP convention, toy guns are banned, but real guns are not

8 years ago


Jace…….old boy’s eat up wit it, ain’t he….

8 years ago

Local news interviewed someone from a group called the Huey P Newton Gun Club the other day.  He had no sorrow for the Dallas officers and their families.  Hoping their membership doesn’t grow.  There is enough anger without feeding it.

patD – Sorry about the earworm.  Like what you’ve added to the lyrics.

corey – I thought you were joking about Chaci Arcola.  Nope.  He seems to be lined up as a speaker at the convention. I didn’t know he was political.  If he introduces Ivanka or Melania, will he say waa-waa-waa?

Just when ya think it can’t get any weirder.

8 years ago

Ralph Malph is all growed up and has become a singer with his own little big band……seems to be doing pretty well with himself……..


8 years ago

Another nice day at the beach…

8 years ago

Saw the speaking schedule for convention.  So who is going to sacrifice themselves to watch so the rest of us don’t have to stock up on vicodin and barf bags?


8 years ago

Geez I settle in for some Trump comedy news after a day of fun and chores with my Dad, and there’s just more killing on the teevee. Going back to our recordings of Mountain Men — Eustace is building a smokehouse!

8 years ago

Not to mention the hostage situation in a burger joint involving.a wanted racist.  Have to check how that one turned out.

8 years ago


Yes, there is definitely a legitimate word “doofiness”.  It may take Oxford a while to catch up, but, yes. 😉

8 years ago

Jace,  nailed it.

And Hillary nailed Pence.  Win, win.

8 years ago

Bink, perfect analysis.   Btw, did you catch stage 15?  Don’t want to spoil….

8 years ago

…was playing Pokemon Go, all day.  My legs are screaming in pain.  Your phrasology implies I need to go see what happened, though.  Thanks.