Always tell the truth about your barbecue. Then you don’t have to remember anything.

— Mark Twain

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

cow mapBrisket?  What do you mean a smoked brisket is going to bring down the world? Jesus Alou!!!  (haysus ahlu)

I am very sorry.  At first I could not conceive of a single idea as to why a brisket would cause the Dow to drop faster than the diaper on a three year old at a wedding.   Or why a nice brisket could cause panic in the usual panic prone.

No.  I was very confused when the Loon Carny Trump took credit for a crashed brisket.  I cannot imagine he knows how to drive.

It was only after I enjoyed a martini, perfect drink when pondering a carny taking credit for anything.  Usually they run for the next county.  It was actually the second round that I started to put it all together.  Trump had lost his diaper and his small hands were playing with a brisket.

brexit-shutterstock2Okay, so now I watch a little television, actually a forty inch (101.6 cm for our EU folk)  television – not really very little, and find out that not only has a brisket been abused, a brexit has been too.  Not that I know anything about a brexit.  Rather scary word there.  Possibly one that has very significant meaning to those with access to good apple or pear wood for smoking the brexit.

Although, my ancestors fought, and eventually fought very well, against the Brits, I do not remember anything in the family tree which was associated with a British Brisket.  Then I started to consider that a Brexit and a Brisket might not be in the same meat group.  Maybe a Brexit was closer to a Gaegogi (dog meat).

That is when I realized I was closer to the truth.  Carny Trump did not know what a Brisket was a week ago, and all of a sudden he was taking credit for killing the European Union, the United Kingdom and England.  That takes a lot of Gaegogi.  And, probably a lot of other things us poor people cannot afford.

What is going on?  I finally asked myself, after making sure I had no left over brisket which could be involved in some sort of weird relationship with the orange one.

It took some time to understand that the Brits had done their own Revolution, like ours, but without the winning side sitting in the worst winter in a very long time.

Now that the British Union Jack is flying high, except that Scotland is about to vote to dump the English and the Union Jack becomes jacked off.  So, if you bought a Union Jack and you still have the receipt you might consider returning it for the simple Saint George’s version.

Looking in the refrigerator left me with the knowledge I have chops tonight, lamb chops (not mutton).  Therefore, I am not involved in the great brisket caper.

More Posts by Blue Bronc


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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8 years ago

Donald Trump Was The Victim Of Some Vicious British Insults, Which Are Incredible And My New Favorite Thing


found this today- thought of you jamie..

8 years ago

Brisket? Brexit?

In honor of Emily Litella: Never mind.

8 years ago

Blue, i know- too clever!!  Just listening to last nights news- was unaware that northern ireland voted remain. what a sticky wicket that presents..

8 years ago

Great piece, BB.  The Cheeto jesus stood surrounded by red golf balls with swastikas and blathered, unable or incapable to decide whether he was in Florida or Scotland, whether to sell time shares, hotel rooms or suites in a light house, congratulate himself for predicting or joining in or leading the US version of Brexit, whatever he thinks it is. He cluelessly congratulated Scots who voted to remain for winning a referendum to withdraw. And he thought the day was good. And he would be president. God help us.

8 years ago

daily telegraph: ‘Unusually high number of people’ seeking Irish passports, Northern Ireland’s Post Office says after EU vote


and from  Aljazeera: Scotland and Northern Ireland react to Brexit vote

In Northern Ireland, where 56 percent of the population voted to remain, the Brexit vote gave rise to speculation about the prospect of a unity poll to unite it with neighbouring EU member, the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland’s deputy first minister, Martin McGuinness of the Sinn Fein nationalist party, called for a vote to unite both parts of Ireland, saying it was “imperative for a ‘border poll’ to be held”. This was rebuffed by Northern Ireland’s pro-British first minister, Arlene Foster, who called her deputy’s demand “opportunistic”.


As the only land frontier between the UK and the rest of the EU, Northern Ireland’s forthcoming departure via a Brexit is also raising questions about the reintroduction of border controls between north and south – and the potential repercussions of the Brexit vote on the Northern Ireland peace process. Currently free from any hard border, the installation of “physical checkpoints along the border would instantly undermine a hard-won peace, and the psychological impact alone would be catastrophic,” speculated Kathryn Gaw in The Guardian on June 21.

8 years ago

Sign o’ the times update: Seeing Trump, Bernie (yep) yard signs/bumperstickers but none for Secretary Clinton. Weird year.



8 years ago



8 years ago

bill maher on brexit: “48% voted for sense and sensibility. 52% for pride and prejudice”

8 years ago

Jamie, thank you so much for that wonderful description of he-who-must-not-be-listened-to-letalonebecomepresident

“tiny fingered, cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon” perfect!

8 years ago

I haven’t yet seen discussion on the effects of DumpEU on American businesses that relocated their legal presence to the UK hoping to gain easy entree into continental markets while remaining able to speak English exclusively.

8 years ago

Brexit meet TEXit.  Yep, the secessionist asshats down  here have been emboldened by the UK’s exit from the EU.  (sigh)  I guess I’ll need to move back to US before they close the borders.  🙂 Maybe they’ll force all of us northerners to go back where we came from. With pleasure.

8 years ago

The company I work for  has a division in the UK, branches located in England and Scotland.  The next quarterly meeting might be interesting.


8 years ago

PatD – Maybe if they had used Jane Austin to campaign against leaving the way Maher explained it, the vote would’ve gone the other way.

8 years ago

flatus, according to times of india: Morgan Stanley has started moving 2,000 London jobs to Frankfurt and Dublin… JP Morgan has indicated that it could reduce close to 4,000 UK jobs and HSBC is moving 1,000 jobs to its subsidiary in Paris… 

also looks like tata will also be saying “ta ta, old chaps” pretty soon

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The swift response is because the reason many US companies are in the UK is so they can speak English and do business in Europe without the ez entre to Europe the UK is silly

8 years ago


You started this wonderful exposition with a Mark Twain quote, which probably explains why I thought you had typed Gaegogi as Ghoti, but one is dog meat and the other is fish courtesy of incorrectly attributed George Bernard Shaw.  Must better citation for all things British.  BBQ Ghoti won’t take nearly as long as brisket and will exit to the plate much faster.  

8 years ago

from john oliver last week.  warning: vulgarities ahead

8 years ago

Donald Trump has completely lost whatever he still had left of his mind.  Even CNN cut away from the doofus with the remark, “This is Insane”.


8 years ago

BlueB….   ROTFLMAO!!!

American companies in England….  well….  London is the financial capital of Europe…  but probably not for much longer.  Then the pound will be worth as much as Confederate money.

Lovin’ those tweets at Trump!

8 years ago

The Journal reports that JP Morgan was processing 1,000 tickes per second by currency interests during Friday’s early morning hours. The other industry most immediately challenged seems to be the major international big-pharma outfits that absolutely depend on their EU partners in conducting the business of screwing American patients on their prescription meds. The other trans-nationals are still in a chaotic dither hoping for divine whatever.

8 years ago

Conservative columnist  George Will  has left the Republican Party, and he is urging others to make sure the GOP’s presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, doesn’t win.

“Make sure he loses,’’ Will told PJ Media, an online news company, in an interview Friday. “Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House.”

Will, a long-time columnist and commentator, spoke Friday at the Federalist Society luncheon. “This is not my party,’’ he said during the speech.

According to PJM, Will said he has changed his GOP registration in Maryland to “unaffiliated.’’

8 years ago

how did I miss this nugget of truth?  must share.

8 years ago

The EU split was all the fault of O’Hare pizza. If cameron had the sense God gave bowling teams, he’d have headed south to US30, and Nino’s. Over a few Buds, Solar could probably have talked a little sense into the spoon.

Luv that edit button, Luv.

8 years ago

Jamie, thanks for the heads up on that. here’s a transcript by
media matters:
CNN’s John Avlon Calls Trump’s Failure To Discuss Brexit “Completely Insane”
Avlon: Trump “Seems To Be Trying To Profit Off A Presidential Run And Not Taking It Seriously”


I was very surprised at the candor of avlon and gregory

8 years ago

also from media matters;

On CNN, Christiane Amanpour Highlights How Brexit Results Were Fueled By Trump-Like “Demagoguery” And “Xenophobia”

….. “And clearly, what Trump represents is the fear by many, many others around Europe that his kind of nationalism, his kind of populism, his kind of demagoguery, anti-immigration, xenophobia, all of that kind of stuff, including economic nationalism, protectionism, and this and that, this is what people are afraid not just about Trump, but about Le Pen, about Geert Wilders, about Norbert Hofer”

8 years ago

Peace, Trailingtons…….What Ho?

8 years ago

I used to kind of like Will as a representative of a type. Like Cosell, or Buckley etc.

And if he were to confine his shtick to talking baseball he could actually be entertaining……


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

George Will Oh puleeze even his baseball stuff is pretentious twaddle

8 years ago

I’ve got 3 goofy-ass plants…..Gordon’s rosebush in a big pot, which refuses to die yet refuses to bloom……..a bulb of some sort, (amaryllis?) can’t tell because it too, refuses to die, yet refuses to bloom.   And then there’s this third one which is some kind of:


and it’s in a pot, having been rescued as excess from a billion dollar landscape job down on the beach at Kiawah and I don’t think blooming is part of its mandate.

Yet they live.

8 years ago

Gordon’s rosebush at its last bloom,  a week or so after Gordon kissed the train……

8 years ago

The Shrubbery
the would-be amyrillis.
Gordon’s rose.        Catskills bound

8 years ago

As someone who left off any attentions to baseball about the time of Mantle and Maris…but who followed it intensely from 54 or so until then……..anyone even marginally informed about baseball is interesting to me.

i saw Jimmy Piersall play in Birmingham, Alabama.

and I got cussed at by Nellie Fox.

8 years ago

Oh, yeah……. One More Cow.

8 years ago

Good grief. george will is still alive ? Whatever for ?

8 years ago

will is pretentious and annoying. I hate that. I can’t stand the competition.

But, at least I’m honest. Mostly.

When Sweetie asks me how she looks in the dress she brought home, I might mumble, “Hmmnmspmmnnn.”

“Would you like liver tonight ?”  “Hmmnmspmmnnn.”

8 years ago

I’d like to see the Hispanic and Black players (and others, if they also object to the deadbeat’s nativism, racism, and religious bigotry) on the NY Yankees all get together for a press conference and tell trump that if he hates America’s ground rules, America’s fair play, and America’s freedom, so much, he should go back to the old country. 

8 years ago

Al Kaline was wonderful, indeed.

8 years ago

The Indians in the late ’40s were the team of teams. I can still remember many of them:

Bob Feller

Bob Lemon

Early Wynn

Satchell Paige

Jim Hegan

Larry Doby

Gene Mitchell

Gene Beardon

Bobby Avilla

Al Rosen

Lou Boudreau

8 years ago

Trump & Boris Johnson?  Lordy, Darrell Hammond is going to be really busy on SNL this fall.

8 years ago

Make that 2 million british signing the referendum petition.

Will, what an ass.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

What you rarely hear discussed is the fact that Trump is a really stupid person.  

8 years ago


Yes, Al Kaline was terrific.. I used to go to Tiger Stadium watch the Detroit Tigers play.. Good times..

8 years ago


Isn’t that the truth.. Truly a dummy.. Great with the media and sucking up the air.. Appealing to low info angry whites.. Lol, some when he started his campaign of hate and division thought him to be a conservative Democrat, oh my, no way no how, much worse.. Hillary is going to be the President. The deadenders will just have to deal…

8 years ago

neither sunday serendipity nor sublime.  just ridiculous

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

8 years ago

wapo: Some experts suggest the explanation for that decision has to at least partly be put down to racism and xenophobia.

“There isn’t anything subtle about this sort of campaigning, it’s comparable to Nazi propaganda and just straightforwardly racist,” David Gillborn, a race relations expert at the British University of Birmingham, told the Associated Press of Farage’s campaigning. “The fact that people could have voted for this despite the crudest representations of racism is quite astonishing.”

8 years ago

Bout the sorriest excuse for a ball glove ever turned out……..

8 years ago

It it does not fit, you must acquit.  Oh, wait.  Is that for Trump’s tiny hand?


At least Donald has the sense to think TEXit is a bad idea.

8 years ago

oldsea, amen to that.  and when sjwny earlier said “Seeing Trump, Bernie (yep) yard signs/bumperstickers but none for Secretary Clinton” I tho’t about how the constant drip drip of negative reporting might be scaring Hillary supporters from outwardly showing their support.  probably scared their yard signs would surely be trashed or stolen by the neighborhood bullies (i.e. drumpf dummies)

8 years ago