Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

Nostalgia, beautiful scenery and amazing men’s singing. One of my favorite clips ever. Enjoy the music, enjoy the day!

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8 years ago

jace, beautiful. here are the lyrics in English to “o gymru” (our wales)
You are the only country for me
You fill my heart with joy.
You’re my heaven and my sunshine.
When I’m saddened, a picture of Wales will lift my spirits,
I will give my life for Wales
Wales is my heaven
So I shall sing it’s praises

blue bronc,  your after-the-race picking belmont winner creator (done tongue in cheek of course)  reminded me of what rev. kevin cosby said at the ali funeral that may also be applicable for some to hillary’s race:
“Please know the rules,” the pastor said. “You cannot bet for the horse once it’s in the winner’s circle. You have to bet for the horse while it’s still in the mud.”
“There are a lot of people who will be and have bet on Muhammad Ali when he was in the winner’s circle, but the masses bet on him while he was still in the mud,” Cosby said.

8 years ago

another welsh beauty
Do not go gentle into that good night

Dylan Thomas, 1914 – 1953

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

8 years ago

A fun fact related to jace’s lovely piece: Secretary Clinton has Welsh ancestry.

Everything circles back to politics 😉

8 years ago


Clinton airs her first  general season ad.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Sitting here in my recliner, with a cup of coffee, and time to reflect on my twelfth year of participating in LGBT Pride events gives me some thought about what has been occurring during the last several weeks, or last two months. Frequently when someone is curious about transgender life, they come to me, almost always to know if I know someone they can call.  I do.  I give them contacts depending on what their needs are.  That they have an expert on the subject but wish to bring someone else in is interesting.  I have done several LGBT events, but I am a familiar figure and known in the building.

If you have a sense of adventure, take a couple of hours and attend a LGBT Pride parade.  For the most part the parades are family affairs now.  There maybe a nude guy in chaps roaming around, but he is less seen now as the shock value is absent for anyone who watches television.  Dykes on Bikes are now wearing tops, and often lead by children on their bicycles.  Big businesses have floats, the local gay and lesbian bars still have their floats, but those are overwhelmed by corporate America.  What’s good for Gays is good for America?

Interesting reading in the various newspapers and blogs around the country.  Trumps voters getting buyers remorse?  Trump’s business deals coming under scrutiny?  Trump not liking the mirror showing him sans culottes? Too many people believing the Republican efforts to blast HRC?  November is close and still far away.

8 years ago


About 20 people were killed and at least 42 people were wounded when a gunman armed with an assault rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a downtown Orlando nightclub about 2 a.m., Police Chief John Mina said.
The police said they had classified the attack as a “terror incident.” The gunman was not from the Orlando area and was organized and well-prepared,

8 years ago

jace, here’s another one you might like

8 years ago

Nice, jace.  As always.

BB, I am completely supportive of LGBT rights and the people like yourself they help generate support for. We really don’t have that sort of thing around here. At least we don’t have any events that I’ve ever been aware of. The L,G & B issues are much more well known and understood even in our little corner of WV.  The T issues aren’t on the radar here except in response to news coverage of things going on like those in NC.  Here they tend to support the wrong headed position – think grown men will dress in drag and accost little girls and women in ladies’ rooms.  With apologies to Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder, ‘You know, morons.”

8 years ago

Orlando…no words, just prayers for families & that this stops.

8 years ago

wonder how many people have died by gun since this was said last november

8 years ago

Jace: Thank you for a beautiful start to my Sunday.

Sad to say it’s in dire contrast to the headlines on my browser home page this morning 🙁

Too many stories like these have begun too many of my days!

The world needs more beautiful music.

8 years ago

Wonderful defense of Hillary originally published as a Facebook Post now circulating on Twitter via Daily KOS

8 years ago


Jace is our resident of musical beauty every Sunday.  No matter how ugly things in the outside world become, this is where you can find rest with poetry and music mixed in to make the burdens lighter.

Woke to the horrific news.  I can only hope the leap isn’t made from a madman to a general condemnation of a whole people.


8 years ago

Extra creepy seeing these Orlando scenes, I grew up just down the road from that area — Sean’s place, btw, was about a mile away, and his cancer treatments about 2 blocks from the scene

8 years ago

Jamie, thank you and thanks to daily kos for reposting that piece on hillary hatred. if nothing else from that long article apart from the great quote by gates, I hope most will read this (particularly the media):

The only thing both teams seem to share is the insistence that Hillary is a Machiavellian conspirator and implacable liar, unworthy of society’s trust.

And this claim of unabated mendacity is particularly interesting, because while it is not the oldest defamation aimed at Hillary, it is the one that most effortlessly glides across partisan lines. Indeed, for a surprisingly large percentage of the electorate, the claim that Hillary is innately dishonest is simply accepted as a given. It is an accusation and conviction so ingrained in the conversation about her that any attempt to even question it is often met with shock. And yet here’s the thing: it’s not actually true. Politifact, the Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking project, determined for example that Hillary was actually the most truthful candidate (of either Party) in the 2016 election season. And in general Politifact has determined that Hillary is more honest than most (but not all) politicians they have tracked over the years.

8 years ago

jace, yep, responses are quite different in tone and substance.

The White House issued a statement early Sunday: “The President was briefed this morning by Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, on the tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims. The President asked to receive regular updates as the FBI, and other federal officials, work with the Orlando Police to gather more information, and directed that the federal government provide any assistance necessary to pursue the investigation and support the community.”

The leading presidential contenders also commented:

“Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded,” Donald Trump tweeted.

Hillary Clinton tweeted that her thoughts “are with those affected by this horrific act.”


8 years ago

they’re now saying 50 dead in the Orlando shooting, sickening

8 years ago

The gun nuts are already out with the usual “If the dancers had guns, this wouldn’t have happened” … Needless to say, the saner contingent of Twitter is telling them what they can do with their guns and their anatomy.


8 years ago

Just horrible, 50 dead 53 wounded.. Can’t ever make sense of it!!! I’m sure the right wing will say if only more of the victims were armed this wouldn’t have happened..

8 years ago

Thank you Jace, for the music from my maternal grandmother’s homeland. She was born and raised in Corwen,a town on the River Dee in North Wales. Kumcho and I visited that beautiful place with my parents when they visited with us while we were stationed in England. My mom had visited Corwen with my grandparents as a youngster. Those visits would have been made before the !st War.

An update on my aunt. She died less than hour after my sharing the news of her sudden terminal illness. Thank you, Group, for your comments of support at that time; they were very much appreciated. I have spoken with my uncle. He is tying to be resilient, but is clearly overwhelmed by the magnitude of his loss.

8 years ago

Jamie: Wow what a great article that was. ( So many good points made…well worth taking the time to read the whole article.

Kudos to the original writer

Amazing how nobody wants to use the “S” word in the media but the vitriol over Hillary is really a lesson in sexism!

Don’t know who created the Dalai Lama meme but I love it!

8 years ago


You can find Colorado Bob on Facebook.  He doesn’t post a lot, but the concentration is still very much on the environment or music.

8 years ago

The Orlando Massacre: A Reminder of the Dangers LGBT People Live With Every Day
There have been scored of attacks on LGBT spaces, some of which received more attention than others.
Michelangelo Signorile

8 years ago

My heart is breaking for the mother that George Stefanapolous is interviewing.  So many more…?

8 years ago

OMG…  my heart goes out to those in Orlando and the LGBT community.  Such a senseless act!

Flatus…  I’m sorry for the loss of your aunt.

Jace…  lovely music…   lovely video.

8 years ago

Tony, what can I say? I worry for you and our other members and leader who are directly threatened by irrational hate. Be brave, hold your head high, and know that I and so many others in our group challenge hate every time it raises its ugly head.


8 years ago

granny, the dalai lama said that at the Vancouver peace summit in 2009.  here’s a more recent teaching by him on the power of women:

8 years ago

“He is trying to be resilient, but is clearly overwhelmed by the magnitude of his loss.”

flatus, no doubt he will take solace in your efforts of words or deeds knowing that you, not too long ago, suffered also the immensity of that same kind of loss.  condolences to both of you.

8 years ago

good for marco.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, once a candidate for president, tweeted out his own call for central Florida residents to donate blood after several dozens were rushed to local hospitals.

8 years ago


Thanks You.. I know most people resist and challenge hate. I certainly know you do. How kind you are!

8 years ago


Please let your Uncle know that he is in our thoughts. Remember that you are too.


Thank You for the update on Colorado Bob.


I agree. There are no words.


Your Posts are so important. Thank You.


8 years ago

Orlando Gunman’s Father Says Son Was Upset By Gay Kiss, Not Motivated By Religion
“We’re apologizing for the whole incident,” his father said.
Nick Wing

Sorry but i don’t believe religion isn’t at the heart of this.. I’m def not saying organized religion is directing people to harm gays but religion’s insistence that being gay is a sin, well some people then begin to hate the sinner.. Also i believe repressed gay feelings are involved as well.
No matter because gay people obviously are not the main targets of most of the mass shootings, children are so much, very sad..

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Horrible morning!

8 years ago

Anti-LGBT Texas Lt. Gov. Tweets: ‘Man Reaps What He Sows’
Dan Patick

Oh now he plans to remove the Tweet… Another horrible human being! Trump, immediately before he knows anything mentions terrorism in hopes he scores political points for his Muslim ban..
How do people support the GOP? Trump and his fellow Republican’s are so responsible for this tragedy as well as the countless other massacres
NRA Donald Trump at National Convention

8 years ago

Tony…   I completely agree….   religion IS at the heart of this.  Sayings such as “hate the sin, but not the sinner” is, IMO, total BS.  One is not being loving and positive to label an entire group of people as “sinners”…   it is only hatefulness.  But I’m sure some religious communities along with the gun rights people will just do the usual and make excuses for this event.

8 years ago

Orlando.  Worst ever in USA history.  The grief is just unbearable there for these families.

8 years ago

Some days, I don’t even know what to say. I cannot believe the hatred that is in the hearts of some individuals. Love is the only thing that will get us through days like today.

8 years ago

Lumping all religions  & all people of faith together?   Not everyone is an extremist.

This shooter was, from the reports coming out about his involvement in domestic violence against his ex, a long-time asshat.

The politician who posted a Bible verse in an attempt to blame the victims, he should look in the mirror; he is sowing hate.  That is how a wuss shows his extremist views.

Whether the shooter has direct, indirect, or no ties to any extremist group, the human suffering & loss is very real.

Where is the mental health support, too?  The poor singer who was killed yesterday, that seems to be a mentally-unstable fan.

Remember, “Free To Be You & Me”? Maybe the media should work on mental health programming that begins with young people.

Instead of crime dramas & magazine shows reinacting horrible crap, maybe do some positive programming, done mental health programming, some cultural tolerance programming.

Yes, get the stinkin’ assault rifles off the street, but we need more than that.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I have a friend who is a gay elected official and I have marched and tap danced in big and small pride parades with him and a long long time ago when I was thinking about moving to SF from DC I accidentally went to the SFPride Parade which was then mostly bars and on Polk St. I knew I wanted to live in SF

We just got up and hadn’t seen the news but I did see this facebook post
Tom Ammiano

The hardest thing to do right now is take a step back, to grieve, to plan, everything is so raw, I want to lash out, but know violence can t begat violence there are those who will over politicize but we need a community response free of rhetoric lets mourn,and then fight back against the hate speech and the opportunism the laissez faire homophobia that enables, I was struck by the wonderful response for blood, and then troubled by the gratuitous restriction on Gay men donating, I understand there will be a gathering at 18th and castro for later today,all though I am sure there will be spontaneous actions as well take heart my friends our freedom comes at a high price almost unbearable but Harvey Milk who paid that price knew that we could weather this, pay homage and move forward.

8 years ago

“Lumping all religions  & all people of faith together?   Not everyone is an extremist.”

I would agree only that lumping all religious people in with extremists isn’t correct or true..  I do however lump all religions in with extremism as there always seems to be a small number of members who become extreme. For those like Trump that want to insist it’s terrorism because he’s Muslim or pledges to Isis, well, bullshit.. I can call anyone and pledge to the fairy god if i want too.. Most of these killings are done by white men of Christian faith..

8 years ago

temperature here 102 with a heat index of 113. seems appropriate.

8 years ago

I was struck by the wonderful response for blood, and then troubled by the gratuitous restriction on Gay men donating

Yes, KGC and this from the US government, homophobia.. The ban has not been lifted here in Central Florida as was mistakenly said on Twitter and elsewhere.. So awful and ridiculous.. Gay men can only give if they pledge they have been celibate for a year.. In 2016, wow.. All blood is tested.. HIV testing is fast and much simpler.. Its irrational fear like Christie and that nurse he quarantined..

8 years ago

It’s 2016 And Two Men Kissing Is Still A Stunning, Terrifying Sight

Just existing as a queer person is still a radical —and very dangerous — act.
Noah Michelson

8 years ago


I continue to admire you and your love and strength.  I am truly sorry for the loss of your Aunt.!

Tony, U bet it was religion based killings…….I also feel for those religious (Truly) people like our own Jace, that loves all mankind….not matter who, what, and where.  Discrimination of any kind should not be excused………..

BLUE,,,,cut the crap already…..stop trying to protect religion….as a whole…they are the darkest, scariest side of Humans all over the world…..You want to have Trump as potus instead of putting your hatred for Hilary aside just because Sanders did not win….if you vote for Trump…you will be an enabler of this type of hate……..I will remind you of this every chance that i get if you do……enough is enough…..sure everyone has a right to their own opinion….but not when it is so hurtful….then you must take a good long hard look at your self………your shadow is dominating your good side…..


Pat…..I love the link with the Rabbi….i love that Rabbi….and agree with all that he said about everything….I e mailed that article to a friend Lisa that is Jewish….she also loved every word in it…….Netenyahooo uses religion to further his greed and need for power…….i think that he and Cheney, Donald R. are Brothers……….

The End Of RELIGION is the end of 98% of wars, violence, hatred in the world…………………YES Bring our soldiers home from all bases….figure out which ones are absolutley needed for our protection and stop our Empire Building……….the solution if super easy…….but the super hared to do……..the solution: stop giving our tax dollars to other countries unless for humanitarian reasons….

Obama is wrong…..this was not an act of terror…….just Hate……and who promotes Hate………..RELIGION….dont care for the Pedophiles that teach hate…..






8 years ago



Craig, congrats to You and to Us all……you let us be us….even  a pug like me…….thanks…..

8 years ago

Don’t know why….and its not exactly the same…..but does have Hate as a common denominator because it is taught……People should be forced to watch a movie called “WHITE DOG”…..i shows how Hate is Bieng Taught By a grandfather to a 6-7 year old of black people…..same for Gays……..hate is taught at HOME……..later going to hug a tree or someone

8 years ago

Solar – a) I am a Bernie supporter.

b) That was a very hateful statement.  Religious organizations do a lot of good in the world.

Tony – That was a very small-minded statement. It’s not all white, Christian males causing problems any more than it’s all Muslims.

Where have all the liberals gone?  They certainly aren’t on the trail today.

Peace and healing to all.

8 years ago


8 years ago


This is one of your best comments of all time.. You are a lovely human being..

Religion is def at the heart of all of this.. I went to the Mormon church till i was 12 or so, ugh the hate and discrimination that i was surrounded by.. Mostly fine people corrupted by religions nastier side..  Spot on about some leaders using religion to further their own agenda like Bibi and Bush before him..

This from Noah’s article i posted above. You bet i can relate and more times than i care to think about.

Even today, even living in New York City, one of the most accepting cities in the world, I think twice before holding another man’s hand or kissing another man’s face. I don’t want to — every time I do it I internally recoil a bit at my own reaction. And then I take a deep breath and take my date’s hand. Or I push my lips towards my friend’s lips when we’re saying “goodnight.” It’s a simple act — a moment — but even twenty years after I first came out, I feel the terror swarming me because I do not know what might happen.