Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

Continuing in a Shakespearean vein, an amazing and dramatic telling of Othello by Verdi. One of his most powerful works. Desdamona’s Salice and Ave Maria from the opera.

Enjoy the music and as always enjoy your day!

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30 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. jace, beautiful as usual.
    bbronc, even if it is a “no news” day for you, you might not mind hearing about senator rant’s neighbor assaulting him.   btw, have same dog/cat time change problem here too.
    sturge, thanks for the 6:02 & :03 photos. here are those shots also posted in a telling tweet by a mr bouzy yesterday:
    Mueller during the Vietnam War vs Trump during the Vietnam War. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    9:22 AM – 4 Nov 2017

  2. Magnificent Jace

    Othello is such a powerful, intense play and this music truly brings out that quality.


  3. If I make absolutely no sense for at least a week, blame it on the time change.  Fall makes me a mess.  Everyone else “Yay I get to sleep in”.  Me, “Why am I up at 3 AM…. groan”.


  4. Great selection Jace.

    And now, the tax plan dissected.

    The tax plan debate in two paragraphs:

    Trump and congressional Republicans argue that business tax cuts would also help the middle class because companies will create more jobs and pay workers more.

    No. It’s always promised and never happens.

    The Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think tank, found that the GOP bill would result in almost a million more full-time jobs and that wages would rise for many workers.

    No.  See above.

    JCT also took a close look at what happens to people’s incomes after taking into account the business tax cuts. JCT found that more Americans would be better off, but some families, especially in the $20,000 to $40,000 range would still see tax increases after 2023. JCT assumes about a quarter of the tax savings that businesses receive would end up in the pockets of workers because of higher wages. Wealthier families also benefit from higher stock dividends and changes to small businesses taxes.

    JCT sums it up  (ok, it’s 3 paragraphs – so sue me).



  5. On this day, 1956: The Nat King Cole Show debuts on NBC, the first variety program to be hosted by an African-American. His voice is poetry.


  6. I’m starting to think Marco Rubio doesn’t like Donald Trump.  Today’s bible verse:

    “But we call the arrogant blessed; for evildoers not only prosper but even test God and escape.” Malachi 3:15 1/2

  7. Creepy Google.  I have been working on my Linux machine, adding stuff and just reacquainting myself with Linux apps. I did a search for a specific website on that machine.  A while later I fired up the Windows machine and opened a search using Google. To my surprise there was the search term.  Not nice.  Google is getting way too creepy.


  8. excerpt from nbcnews:

    “For those who are telling me to shut up, they told Hillary that a couple of months ago, you know what I tell them, ‘Go to hell.’ I’m going to tell my story,” she said on ABC “This Week” on Sunday.


    Brazile added Sunday that she found no evidence the party’s primaries were “rigged” against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

    “I found no evidence, none whatsoever” that the Democratic primaries were “rigged” against Sanders, she said. Clinton won 16.8 million votes to Sanders 13.2 million in the primaries.

  9. If she wants to tell her story..then she should tell her story and not be making shit up

  10. the guardian: Trump commerce secretary’s business links with Putin family laid out in leaked files

    Wilbur Ross stands to profit from company run by Russians, some of whom are under US sanctions

    Donald Trump’s commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, is doing business with Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law through a shipping venture in Russia.

    Leaked documents and public filings show Ross holds a stake in a shipping company, Navigator, through a chain of offshore investments. Navigator operates a lucrative partnership with Sibur, a Russian gas company part-owned by Kirill Shamalov, the husband of Putin’s daughter Katerina Tikhonova.

    Ross, a billionaire and close friend of Trump, retained holdings in Navigator after taking office this year. The relationship means he stands to benefit from the operations of a Russian company run by Putin’s family and close allies, some of whom are under US sanctions.


  11. also from the guardian: Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner associate

    Institutions with close links to Kremlin financed stakes through business associate of Trump’s son-in-law, leaked files reveal

  12. My goodness, what a day.  I happened to sit down after replacing a water valve pair in my refrigerator and happen to click on Twitter.  What pops up, but another NRA massacre in a church.  May those wonderful and thoughtful NRA members send their dollars to NRA headquarters to protect the murderers from restrictions on killing.

    And, for some reason, there is a document dump on a Sunday afternoon which shows that another SFB lover is a member of the putin family.  Seems a certain secretary, might rhyme with wilber ross, has a direct putin connection.  Guess (if his name rhymes with ross) what’s his face is beholden to russian interests and not American.  Sigh.  And he must have forgotten how much in bed he is with the FSB/SVR/GRU (KGB).  Some would call it treasonous.  But not SFB.

  13. Please don’t shut up Ms Donna, We find your stories totally fascinating, in a ” a crazy, senile old auntie ” sort of way. After all no reason that Trump should provide all the entertainment.

    The more of these elders who get discredited the faster we can move on to new blood.

    Popcorn any one?



  14. See…..everyone thinks after Dylan Roof walks into a black church and while digging a confederate flag guns down 9 people praying…….everyone thinks, ok, justice system working, the little worm-boy gets found guilty and Lo, it’s over.     But you and I know better, right?   That brutal murder is reverberating and resonating in a certain heartland, and will be throbbing beneath the surface for years to come

    .and violence of abhorrent and aberrant nature is bursting thru the surface on all sides of the equation.


  15. I chose this version of one of my favorite tunes for the intro, the set, il teatro, the man, and the song. The vocal quality is incidental…….
    The singer, not the song

  16. I went from Caroline to Color-raydo camping along the way in a caravan looked about like that one…..brings back many memories of walking sticks made……took about three months……or four

  17. Devin Patrick Kelley, White male, age 26 – So despite murdering 26 people and sending at least 15 to the hospital, he is not a terrorist.

    Political thoughts and prayers flood the internet. NRA non tweeting for the media duration.


  18. But if he shot up a country music concert or rented a truck and drove up a bike path … oh wait, I get it, he forgot to shout Allah Akbar.

    But hey, I thought gun toting red necks made Texas totally safe. Isn’t that the argument?

  19. Sturgeone,

    Today was a good day for Bobbie Gentry music. Well everyday is, actually. Interesting album, The Delta Sweete. Jessye’ Lisabeth, a favorite.

    Thanks for the Maria Callas music.




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