A Political Ponzie Scheme?

No one enjoys the Bernie show more than me, but it is getting to the point that his campaign seems more like a political Ponzi scheme than a credible bid for the Democratic nomination, taking money from donors in order to run a campaign that is going nowhere other than to raise more money from other donors to pay the bills funded by other donors.

Sanders could always remain on stage by morphing his campaign committee into a vehicle for advocating his issues and supporting other candidates.

It’s great to have a message that a lot of people want to hear, but isn’t it becoming obvious he can’t get nominated? Perhaps the New York primary offers him a chance to change this scenario, but if he gets get clobbered, what then?

credit: CheapShot by Sunil Adam
credit: CheapShot by Sunil Adam


Open auditions are being held for the hottest show on Broadway — but whites need not apply.

Already the hottest ticket in town, rap-based musical “Hamilton” put out a casting call, seeking “NON-WHITE men and women” to audition for its Broadway run and touring companies. — NY Post

‘Hamilton’ Quota Mongers Open Auditions To Whites — Daily Caller

Obama Warns: If ‘Madmen’ Terrorists Get Nuclear Material

I always worry when the guy who gets daily intelligence briefings talks like this:

There is no doubt that if these madmen ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb or nuclear material, they would certainly use it to kill as many innocent people as possible. It would change our world.” — Barack Obama

Perhaps some solace in that he said it on April Fools Day? NOT!