Transitioning to greener energy is inevitable and necessary. The national, high school debate topic so long ago when I was debating was based on US energy independence. You know, “drill, baby, drill.”
Despite strides made in green energy, the old guard will not give up the ghost of fossil fuels. TX AG, Ken Paxton, has even sued to reopen Keystone XL.
What does this have to do with the Department of the Interior? Plenty. Everything is connected.
Of all of President Biden’s wonderful cabinet picks , Deb Haaland was a most welcome choice. She is a woman with a deep understanding of the agencies she will oversee, from land management to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (Will they rename the bureau? It seems behind the times.
I was surprised to learn that there are tribes who rely on gas and oil revenue, although this is a drop in the proverbial bucket to what the big guys in gas and oil industry are making.
Revenue going to tribes in the US (or to all citizens in Norway) doesn’t fix the many problems caused by fossil fuels. From destroying land and polluting water, to the increase of extreme weather events due to climate change from its use, it’s a costly firm of energy. The gas and oil industry costs money and lives in the long run.
Though it may be possible to extract revenue from wind and solar, I don’t know that the trade would be dollar-for-dollar.
With our new, Secretary of the Interior, I have hope that the lands of America will become even more beautiful because someone is truly watching over them with her head and her heart.
Here are some small ways that wind and solar have come into play, and, they can be replicated.
For his pick of Deb Haaland, Joe Biden deserves a hearty “atta boy.” She is the perfect pick for this enormous and important job.