I’m considering starting and acting as the paid staff for a PAC to promote the interests of russian spies. I’m thinking of calling it Russian Spies for Trump. I’d list julian assange and mike flynn as honorary co-conspirators.
I’m also considering starting a PAC that would advertise itself entirely in pink swing states, Pro-Choice & Pro-Trump
My third PAC idea is Cheaters for Trump, campaign, golf, business, taxes, illegal aliens and marriage.
What do you Trail experts think of these ideas for pranks ?
X-R, lee Atwater would be proud of you.
those guys who glued maga hats on pigeons would be also.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be:
Long story short:
Liz, Amy, Kamala
and speaking of putin, IMpotus better curtail some of that “mini mike” stuff as his BFF at 5’7″ ain’t no giant either. mike can look vlad straight on eye to eye and be better able to execute a well placed knee when necessary.
Liz is not going to team up with Mike “step aside” Bloomberg. Did you see Bernie taking deep breaths and loosening his collar at the start of the debate? I fear for his health. Warren/Booker or Klobuchar/Yang or Joe/Warren
Can Assange prove anything?
Awhile back Craig was tossing Biden/Harris in among the team up groups
Almost gives me hope for a Klobuchar/Harris ticket
Can we please pass a law that no politician anywhere is ever again allowed to say,
“The Fact of the Matter is”
As long as we’re outlawing phrases I vote for: “at least he/she died doing what he/she loved”
I wonder how many more voters see Bloomberg’s ads than watched the debate
I second the motions by Jamie and sturg.
i’m sick and tired of hearing Bernie’s “sick and tired” and joe’s “period!” too.
Poobah, I suspect the answer re: Bloomie’s ad saturation versus the debate is a large order of magnitude. (I’m guessing that a large percentage of the LV Culinary workers for instance were working during the debate.) And who watches the Dem debates? Political junkies on both sides of the aisle plus probably even a few voters who haven’t made up their minds on a candidate – five to six I’d wager – so half who do watch (assuming an equal split) won’t matter in the end.
pat, I’d expect a 78 year old man who had a heart attack within the last 6 months and is burning the candle at both ends since to be sick and tired and say so. 🙂
xrep…. I like Russian Spies for Trump the best.
Methinks that other than a few more viewers interested to see what Bloomberg would do… not much of the American electorate bothered with this debate. Too many debates… and there’s another one next week. The most I can say is that this was the one debate of which I didn’t fall asleep.
Movie of the Month:
”Boogie Man”. The story of Lee Atwater, which, thanks to ye gods and little fishes, ended with a karmical twist.
Boy got above he raisin’.
Lee Atwater……typical bandleader.
I was new in Nashville so I went right on down and joined Local #257, AF of M.
I’m talking to the desk-guy and he ax me what I play so I told him piano, he says oh you’ll never get work with that, woods are crawlin’ with em. So I said well, I play guitar a lot also and he just shook his head and says, “In Nashville? You kiddin’?” So I told him I could do a good bit of banjo in a pinch, and he put that down as outa sight as well. “Well, I’ll be a son-of-a-bitch,” I says.
He perks right up and says, “Man, why didn’t you SAY so…..we can always use bandleaders!”
Tom Perez was right. We should fight and argue in the primaries. We are not brain washed goopers
we also need a Mitch spoof pac, haven’t thought up a good name yet
I’m still on a Liz sugar high from last night, not the first time so we’ll see if it lasts
KGC… I think the media set us up for expectations of it being all over with by Super Tuesday. They are still saying that with regards to Sanders. After sleeping on it… I’ve come to see a protracted fight as a good thing for the eventual nominee. As this fight among Democrats will be the easy one when compared to going up against trump.
If it goes to a second ballot when superdelegates can vote and they stop Bernie, could be a bloodbath
Oooh, oooh how about Registered Sex Offenders for Trump? RSOPAC.
Turtles for Trumpsky
Richard W. Painter
Lots of big talkers on the stage last night obsessing on their own egos and hurt feelings. But
focused on working Americans. That’s why she will beat the biggest blow hard of all
Even if voters didn’t watch the debate, they will see clips on the news. They will also see clips on the candidates’ websites/social media if they care to look so, you know, their own, personal highlight reels. Mike was very good when he had the floor to give his spiel, otherwise, he was terrible. Maybe the lack of people skills is a NY thing. Pete must spend a lot of time in NY.
How long before he’s pardoned?
new PAC “dMMb”
ditch Mitch, Moscow’s bitch
Bloomberg and Pete are in the losers club after last night. Must be a mayor thing. Mike can throw more of his money the problem. Pete can go sell himself out to billionaire donors who would own him, should he be elected. Liz, Amy, Joe, Bernie, in that order, for me.
Do you realize that a whole team of NBC moderators couldn’t control the debate but Liz could? She owned the entire night, the stage was hers- it was glorious.
Liz Liz Liz *raises sword*
40 months for Roger? First there’s the denial of the motion for a new trial, then there’s the appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Then the denial or remand for a new trial, then the …. the options are many. He’ll be out for that entire time, and he’ll be hoping against hope either that all that happens before January 20, 2021 or SFB wins re-election, or SFB just says screw it and issues his pardon before all that.
Craig… let’s say that in the Nevada caucus Bernie wins with the highest turnout of 30%. That still means that 70% want someone other than a self described socialist Democrat. If Bernie never cracks much higher than that.. why shouldn’t it go to a second ballot at the convention… and why shouldn’t those super delegates listen to the will of the Democratic voters.
I realize this whole thing could turn into a cluster fuck…. but what’s the alternative? Just roll over and give it to Bernie because the Democratic party is afraid of Bernie Bros. What does that say about the Democratic party’s ability to confront Trump?
ps… don’t really expect you to have the answers any more than I do.
Teevee Alert: CNN Town Halls tonight – – Biden 8pm ET, Warren 9pm
There is one SFB supporter in western Sonoma County and he has sign up that says. No Socialism.
Also, i’m in the market for a “I wish everyone was as perfect as you, Pete” T-shirt, if you know anyone selling them.
from wapo:
Bink, bet the Buttigieg campaign co-opts for their own that “I wish everyone was as perfect as you, Pete” T-shirt.
Are you sure Buttigieg even has a campaign after last night?
Get out of Liz’s way, you schleps!!! Arrrrrggghhh!
So hyped. Let’s do this!
Love the enthusiasm Bink, but no.
You’re coming with, dude
Also if Jr is still NYC-based, “Governor’s Ball” has an amazing line-up this year, Jun 4-6, i think
Mr C said. I could tell Liz was fired up and ready to go. But I wasn’t sure what she was saying
Kind of weird, seeing into the future and realizing that if McCartney dies at some point, the headlines will all read: PAUL IS DEAD
Putin on the Potomac Pac
Haven’t been so proud of a federal judge since John Sirica https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sirica
Judge Jackson nailed Trumpism today.
And the democrats NAILED it last night….all of them, best damn president debate since the beginning of presidents debating, ever. They nailed 45 to the wall and showed the way to all would-be democratic pathfinders…..
Now, Go Liz. The clear winner on ALL fronts. Her and Amy, they were both outstanding winners.
Sturg, Here’s a clue for you all, the Walrus was Paul. Oh, yeah, and Goo goob a joob.
Looky here, speaking of who watched the debate and what the hell it might mean:
From Wapo:
Who knew?
Still on my Liz sugar high, looking forward to her CNN Town Hall tonight at 9pm ET.
But I am rethinking Mike’s performance. He was weirdly distant but in a presidential way. As if saying, I’m above this bull shit.
Cons for Don
Pete is just snark and ego with a sign on his head that lets the 1% know he’s for sale.
Mike is just all ego; he just wants to beat Trumpsky. If you listen to his past positions, he’s not the droid we are looking for.
Thief on Adam-12 as he’s apprehended by Adam and 12 after his attempted heist wound up netting only $107:
“$100……I was doing better on unemployment!”
Hahaha…….Thief played by John Sebastian
I can see Republicans who think Trumpsky is out of control and ruining their party voting for Mike. One of those who says she thinks SFB is out of control is…drum roll…Susan Collins. Jeez, lady! You had your chance. Nobody believes a word you say anymore.
“I am rethinking Mike’s performance. He was weirdly distant but in a presidential way.”
That’s your anxiety playing tricks with you. Worst debate performance, ever.
Oh, wait- i forgot about Admiral Stockdale. Bloomberg was 2nd worst debate performance, ever.
…and don’t say “Nixon”, at least that was memorable, and as KGC said, listeners thought he won.
Craig, You should’ve heard Warren on The View today. I don’t know how you can like Liz and think he’s a good idea, too. She’s right, too. Bloomberg will just buy more ads to try to get folks to forget his poor showing last night. She also asked a good question. Why has the media given him a pass on his past? She didn’t answer it, but of course, if someone is stuffing cash in your pockets, you wouldn’t do anything that might stop it.
Garry Kasparov
Worried about climate change? Beat Trump. Abortion rights? Beat Trump. Gun violence, election interference, systemic racism, SC judges, kids in cages, govt corruption, health care, economic inequality? Beat Trump. Any Dem does much better. So unite, focus, and beat him!
Yes, unite and focus, dear hearts.
Guys, I watched George W and Barack deliver horrific debate performances that seemed fatal but both overcame that in later debates and delivered two term presidencies. Mike not done yet.
Check out how Bloomies are spinning last night..
Tom Steyer is still spending money on ads, bless his heart.
Of course Mike isn’t done. Just as Liz said, he’ll spend more money on ads to erase memories not beneficial to him and paint a new picture. It’s about more than a debate where Warren cut him down to size, it’s about who he really is and, well, no thanks.
Yes, I saw the cricket edit this morning. Snore. That’s the first ad that’s looked tacky and juvenile. I would love to see a copy of the “step aside” for Mike memo. He’s just a humorless, entitled egomaniac.
Julian Castro has been campaigning for/with Warren almost since he dropped out.
Wonderful suggestions, fellow Trail Hands !
Another Empty Lot For Mitch
Russky Miners 4 Mitch
Chinese Bankers 4 Mitch
UK Independent on Trump incoherent mental decline
Hey Ping, at his Colorado rally Trump just attacked your company Siemens for making wind turbines that “kill bald eagles.” Response?
First, I’m enjoying the Biden Town Hall on CNN. Second, I watch several bald eagle nest all across the continent. Trust me, their offspring are NOT piling up around the wind turbines. In fact, there is a bit of a population explosion. We just had a pipping in NE Florida awaiting egg number two. For your area, there are two observed eagle nests with the most watched in the arboretum with First Lady and Mr. P.
Gabriele and Samson nest in Northeast Florida. If you want to watch live, here it is. Right now Gabriele and her chick are snoozing waiting on the pipping of egg number two.
Well, 24 hours since the pie fight. I wrote a couple of posts – but erased them out of frustration and depression.
These guys have got to get their stuff wired together or Trump is going to be re-elected. The only piece of true wisdom that I heard last night is when Blumberg said that there’s a couple of people on stage who have zero chance of winning against orange hair.
If you’re not actively campaigning or donating then there ain’t shit you can do but vote and watch so stop stressing so much, people. Follow your heart!
Stop trying to outsmart the electorate; no prizes are awarded for accurately predicting the winner, either.
…keeping a good attitude, now, and will continue to even if dipshit wins, again, because a good attitude is needed to cope in a despotic regime.
I’m behind on CNN town halls because I watched Trump’s marathon rally of lies in Colorado. This has always been Joe’s best format, taking audience questions, exuding authenticity, think I’m back to his camp for now.
Yep let’s give Uncle Joe another look. He could clean up Trump’s mess at home and abroad in a long weekend.
Not a bad idea, Poobah. JFC, he’s a safe choice, he doesn’t piss anyone off and he knows more about this shit than anyone else on the stage.
Bernie, GMAFB
If he can keep his ‘game on’ Joe’s not a bad choice. He’s ready to be President day 1. I’ve always liked him and supported him – but sometimes he looks like he’s having a “geritol” moment. Now – if he were to get the nomination and pick Kamala Harris – I would be a pretty happy person.
Now watching Warren on CNN town hall. Back on my Liz sugar high.
Poobah, sounds like you’re impressionable, and a bit fickle.
I can just see the VP debate between Lizzie and Pense?.
OK I’m tired trying to figure this out, but I’ve decided Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren are what this country needs.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest @ 7:17 pm that my slogans were great. I meant that the Trail Hands’ slogans were great. Then I followed with 3 of my own for midge mcconnell, one of which might be pretty good. It’s hard to beat ‘Moscow Mitch’.
Ms Dallas’ Cons for Don made me snort my coffee. I was trying to work up a Dons [Mafia type] 4 Don, or Don for the Dons at that moment.
I could certainly support a Biden/Warren ticket. My question is would that combination draw more voters in November than a Biden/Harris or Biden/Abrams ticket?
Truth Is Faker Than Fiction
I need some info on a bit of a suttle jesture I observed during the debate. As Biden and Buttigegg (sp?) were engaged in a side debate about something or the other, Biden grabbed Buttigegg’s right forearm and held on while he (Biden) was trying to make a point. I was amazed that Buttigegg did not display any reaction to Biden holding onto his arm. It was not a pat on the arm, Biden had a firm grip and did not seem to want to let go until Buttigegg gave in to Biden; Buttigegg did not and Biden finally let go. During interrogations/interviews I was always more interested in people’s body language than what they had to say. I saw this as agressive frustration and a sign that Biden was on the edge of explosion. OK peop’s, what do you think was going on, and was I the only one to notice?