This day being the anniversary of Lincoln’s Lyceum address let’s ponder “The Perpetuation Of Our Political Institutions”:
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
That Lincoln feller was one prescient dude, no? BTW, he was what, 28 y.o. when he made that address?
Took me a minut but I’m on board.
Bill Maher has changed up his jokes but I remember when the pair of them were Douchbag Von Fuckface and Thurston Von Shitbag the 3rd
today’s meme…
meme #2….
Hey, you are back!
Least we forget.
Today in 1945 the Soviet army liberated Auschwitz where over 1 million people, most of them Jews were murdered.
Look out below!
This is what Trump wants here so he can finally get the Pentagon to shoot Americans he doesn’t like..
“Thousands in Germany protest the rise of the far right ahead of next month’s election”
After Action Report:
Our outage this morning was due to our server company, Network Solutions, doing something with our security settings that shut the place down. It now seems fixed. For what I pay them this is not good, but overall they’ve been great through the years so I’ll cut them some slack. After all, they were just trying to protect us from the bad guys. For the curious with tech knowledge, our SSL certificate got corrupted somehow in a routine update and they had to uninstall, then reinstall it.
BTW, that 17% drop by chip maker Nvida resulted in a loss of 468 billion dollars in market cap. A record loss for the US stock market.
Market fluctuations aside, i am seeing AI-generated images of celebrities that are impeccable
With how stupid phones have made everyone, manipulation and scamming is going to be so easy for nefarious actors
The reason for the market drop is that the Chinese have rolled out their own AI product. They are having some technical problems in the roll out which they are blaming on foreign interests attacking their platform.
Yeah, and the dog ate my homework too.
I liked this paragraph from a Bloomberg article.(behind the paywall)
Why does the thought “stolen goods are aways cheaper” come to mind?
AI graphics are to art what Velvetta is to cheese, yet McDonalds asks “Do you want cheese with that?” and the masses say yes. All the while knowing that it isn’t real cheese.
As I learned years ago in the construction business, it doesn’t pay to do quality work when everybody will pay the same for crap.
Jack – Last week I posted a link about the financial brains expecting a 30% market correction. That’ll get the attention of some who think nothing is going on.
So, Adolf spent hundreds of thousands on military transports instead of ICE charters that cost far less,,l and are the norm, because he wanted to look tough, How ~efficient~ of him.
Holman is an idiot, a liar, or both. If illegal gangs members are young teens, they are not sitting in a classroom.
Pulling away farm labor will raise food prices in the short term, and cause wide shortages down the road. Stock up on canned goods and start planting seeds when it’s warm enough.
Other countries are now making trade agreements with each other, cutting out the US because we are now an undependable trade partner. That is exactly what Putin wanted. By exploiting divisions in our society and using propaganda to foment hate, tRUMPsky got a second chance to destroy democracy.
There are some blind congresspeople helping Adolf. Not blindly loyal, just blind. They think this helps them, Nope, it destroys our standing in the world and they is what Putin wants.
ps – The evening news won’t show it, but there are protests around the world. We are not alone.
pps – I would still like to know the details of Elon’s “surprise” that Adolf talked of at the n@zi rally in NY, and Elon’s vote counting machines that he spoke of after the Inauguration.
i doubt the billionaire class is enthusiastic about their global business models being vulnerable to the temper-tantrums of an enabled man-child
nice job, billionaire class 👍
“Accelerationism, is a radical ideology advocating for the deliberate intensification of societal collapse to create a new order, has gained alarming traction among both extremist groups and influential elites.”
“While traditionally associated with extremist groups, the ideology is increasingly resonating with certain billionaire figures, including Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and others who envision a “reset” of current government structures. By leveraging significant financial resources and technological platforms, these high-profile advocates are pushing for sweeping changes that bypass traditional governance.”
Word of the day: Accelerationism
Border Kaiser Tom reminds me of Bull Connor. He even looks like him. He will be on thin ICE as he escalates his crimes against humanity.
Ivy, Bull Connor, a name from my past. Went to high school with his nephew.
Pogo, a friend of mine moved into what they claimed was his old house. Exorcised the ghost.
Also, Bill Maher’s interview with Jesse Eisenberg was intriguing. Will look for the movie when I see it hits the Netflxer.
HOUSEKEEPING: Expect occasional slowdowns on page building. Site is coming back gradually from our morning outage, but we’ll get there.
Hah, from the “Shoe’s on the other foot” department. WaPo
Saddle up. Looks like an interesting time coming up.
“It’s a stark role reversal in Washington”
-that’s one way to put it 🫠
Happy Birthday Mozart
Mozart if he played electric guitar:
Today’s anti-Transgender action by sfb is to kick out all Transgender members of the military. How sadistic 2025/sfb and cult is towards a small number of active duty and reserve members.
Costa Rica is looking better every day. Although the rainy season and the creepy crawlers in your house give me pause (apparently way worse than Florida). But retirement visas are only $50 a year, and health insurance is about half the price it is here.
Will they allow seniors who move abroad to collect Social Security?
Ivy – Yeah, at what point will Holman or someone get charged with crimes against humanity?
ps – Orange Adolf is out of the office today. Golfing.
A thought about the Chinese “artificial intelligence” computer machine. I put it in the same category as the new Chinese super fighter, not seen flying, guarded from anyone getting close to it, but the pictures show it held together with screws, pieces of stuff and what might be duct tape. Or the news that the Chinese economy is still expanding, when it is shrinking. Stuff that the orange liar would be happy with, total lies.
Yes, they have something, best check to see what networks and other computers it is tied into, perhaps a chat system and uses that output to feed the media. Never trust a computer, especially one the Chinese are touting.
Craig, we stayed in Costa Rica for two weeks in 2020, part of the time in a friend’s house in the jungle. Crazy high speed terrifying driving, the best coffee, wild toucans coming to the deck for a close peek, an earthquake, many areas where no one spoke English, no flushing of tp or other items down the crapper, delicious food even at roadside places, but again, no English. We loved it luckily departed the day before they locked down or we would’ve been stuck there for months. I’d go back.
This ranking puts Panama and Portugal ahead of Costa Rica for retirement..
The stupidity is stunning. WaPo
First Secretary Dead Brainworm. Now hello Mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough and polio? (And this is only on the public health issue).
“The lip color returned in fashion during World War II. As soon as women in Allied countries and in the resistance learned of Hitler’s distaste for it, they adopted it as a show of resistance. In Britain, Felder says, the women were so intent on wearing red lipstick they would stain their lips with beet juice if they could not find or afford the tubes.”
OK, then. Red. MAGAts may think it’s for Shitler, to match their asshats, but we’ll know better.
Portugal seems to be a good choice.
“An Indiana man who was pardoned by Donald Trump for taking part in the January 6 insurrection was killed by police during a traffic stop on Sunday.
Matthew Huttle, 42, was shot by a sheriff’s deputy after allegedly resisting arrest and getting into an altercation with an officer…”
Well, one J6er is dead, already, and one back in custody.
“Another January 6 participant who was pardoned last week was rearrested on federal gun charges. Daniel Ball of Florida was detained for an illegal firearm possession charge, a case that predated but emerged from his involvement in the 2021 Capitol insurrection.”
bId – I heard there is another one on the run for child sex crimes. Not sure all the particulars as it was like a follow on to the one that committed suicide by cop. (sorry for the description being so blunt, he could have just held his hands up).
I always wanted to “live abroad” but probably too old for that shit now. Moving is hard.
Poobah, my uncle had a one year assignment to Panama back in the 60s. My memory’s a little dim on it but I believe they were stationed in or near Panama City. My aunt loved it from the perspective of how far US money went down there – she’d never had a housekeeper who worked mostly full time for her before (on an Air Force Lt. Col. pay). She loved the people, loved the food, but had her reservations about the weather and I remember her talking about monkeys. Aside from that, …?
Mr. Ivy had a number of projects in Panama and always would speak of how “American” it felt whenever he was there.
Rolling Stones 100 Best Protest Songs. A play list for the next four years.
The 100 Best Protest Songs of All Time
Panama? Isn’t that kind of risky? We might end up living in/under the US after going to all of the trouble to move there.
Google says it will change Gulf of Mexico to ‘Gulf of America’ in Maps
Google is hiding info on searches, too. I get really old stuff. Never had that problem before last week.
Is it time to revive Jeeves?
Inside Colorado joke.
conservatives have 30-year plans
liberals wondering what search-engine to use
this is NOT an endorsement of football which probably contributed to the downfall of our society
that was an obvious first down
Trumpism may fall fall apart more quickly than i tend to predict- consumers and employees too unsettled to leave the house isn’t great for the economy
“Buchanan, who worked at Northside High School, used his X (formerly Twitter) handle @HookEm232 to urge U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to target the school, claiming that many of its students “don’t even speak English.” His remarks quickly drew backlash, and Buchanan soon found himself doxed—his identity and personal details were shared widely online.”
Sometimes resistance looks like doxing a n@zi snitch. Good to know.