User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Not A Joke, Folks
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
also on this national holiday in observance of MLKjr
Boston Children’s Chorus (BCC) performs “Lift Every Voice and Overcome” at Becoming King, the 20th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert at Symphony Hall, Boston, on Monday, January 16, 2023.
When the TANF, Medicaid and disability benefits the FF lemmings have start to get reduced or go away, and the prices at Walmart rise and they bitch about it, remind them they asked for it and he caused it.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
“If it is true, it will be a disgrace, because it makes the poor wretches who have nothing pay the bill for the imbalance,” the pontiff said in an interview with Italian television, according to a CNN translation. “It won’t do. This is not the way to solve things.”
Trump has repeatedly vowed to launch a sweeping deportation program immediately after taking office on Monday.
“On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to get the criminals out,” he said in October.
He repeated that promise at a pre-inauguration rally on Sunday.
“By the time the sun sets tomorrow, the invasion of our country will have come to a halt,” he said in Washington.
Politico said he will sign an executive order declaring a crisis at the southern border on Monday, while the Wall Street Journal reported on plans for raids and deportations in Chicago on Tuesday.
Trump took a similar hard line on immigration during his previous term in office ― and the pope was critical then as well.
When asked about Trump’s promise to build a border wall in 2016, the pope said: “A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” In 2018, he called the Trump administration’s family separation policy for undocumented migrants “contrary to our Catholic values” and “immoral.”
And when asked about Trump’s 2019 threat to close the border with Mexico, Francis replied: “Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build.”
He did allow that immigration was a difficult issue, but said it should be solved “humanely, not with razor wire.”
May I ask what this new “awaiting approval” notation just before my comment disappeared is about? Is a comment about the weather and musing about FF being sworn in at noon not being things I won’t remember fondly worthy of rejection?
I would rather model a string bikini on stage at my high school reunion, while juggling flaming chainsaws and being hugged by a clingy porcupine with serious boundary issues, along with his emotional support skunk, than watch his inauguration.
hard to imagine how many so-called “good christians” and “devout catholics” whole-heartedly supported and voted for FF when … in 2016, the pope said: “A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” In 2018, he called the Trump administration’s family separation policy for undocumented migrants “contrary to our Catholic values”…
Hmmm, it appears the Pope and FF might view the world a bit differently. Well I guess that figures… one is an asshole full of hate for the oppressed among us and the other heads the largest Christian religious organization in the world and appears to be full of love for the oppressed among us.
It’s cold as hell here today. It’s 11°F here now dropping six within the next couple hours and rising all the way to 15 by the middle of the afternoon before dropping and ping-pong between -2 and 10 or 12° over the next three days. I may actually warm the car up before heading out for work today. Oh yes, and at work 5 to 6 inches of snow is waiting for me to clear it from our sidewalk and walkway. As a younger man, I used to like winter and love snow.
And at noon today to top it all off, FF is going to be sworn in his president.
All told, I don’t think this is going to be one of those days I look back on fondly in my dotage.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The crawl on MSNBC says “Sources: planned mass deportation rights in Chicago postponed due to media leaks.“ Media leaks my ass. Finally, a campaign promise. I’m happy to see FF is not going to keep.
Poobah, FWIW it was materially the same as my 6:43 comment (as close as my ragged memory could recreate), and when I posted it the comment was still on my screen with a “comment awaiting approval” notation in very small orange type at the bottom of the comment. When I scrolled to the bottom of the thread and then back to the top of the thread it had disappeared.
So Joe offered pardons for the folks FF said need to go to jail for investigating him over J6 and to Milley, Fauci…. Good on him. (Be interesting to see the full list).
Interesting that almost nothing has leaked about sfb and his executive orders that are supposed to hit the world this afternoon.
Elected Dems seem to have given up the fight and are keeping very quiet. Sigh. I want my Dems to scream, yell, jump up and down and get attention.
My guess about the change to an indoors setting is the orange idiot started thinking about being a target. Small crowd, just get the Sharpie out and change it. Don’t like the size, get a different picture and claim that as the truth. Truth is not something he cares about, becoming holy is.
Did SFB admit Elon rigged 2024 at yesterday’s rally? (How many times did he say he didn’t need votes/had all the votes he needed at rallies after Elon came onboard? Remember the “little secret” he said he & Elon had when talking about not needing votes?)
ps – Noticed he didn’t mention the payload blew up, only that the rocket was recaptured.
Alternate reality; rewriting history in real time.
pps – The kid he takes with him everywhere for PR and as a human shield. Sad.
Why not Jack Smith? Maybe he didn’t want it.
President Joe Biden on Monday issued pardons for Gen. Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci and members of Congress who served on the committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
“Our nation relies on dedicated, selfless public servants every day. They are the lifeblood of our democracy. Yet alarmingly, public servants have been subjected to ongoing threats and intimidation for faithfully discharging their duties”
pogo, it’s registering 1 degree on the porch this morning and my long driveway again resembles a ski run slope. hope you’re well stocked on provisions for a coupla days ’cause it’s not gonna get any better east of here.
Statement of Gen. Mark. A. Milley on the President’s pardon:
“My family and I are deeply grateful for the President’s action today. After forty-three years of faithful service in uniform to our Nation, protecting and defending the Constitution, I do not wish to spend whatever remaining time the Lord grants me fighting those who unjustly might seek retribution for perceived slights. I do not want to put my family, my friends, and those with whom I served through the resulting distraction, expense, and anxiety. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve our great country in uniform for over four decades, and I will continue to keep faith and loyalty to our nation and Constitution until my dying breath. I thank my wife, Hollyanne, my children, my dear friends, and my trusted colleagues who have supported me throughout my life. God bless the United States of America, and the troops who sacrifice so much in order to protect us against all enemies.”
No pardon for Michael Cohen? He has paid FF’s societal debt on his behalf, but that won’t stop the vengeful one from unjustly coming for more. Save us all, Joe, it’s not too late.
Pogo, I did change two settings in the comment platform that might have been the culprits for what you saw. Thanks for flagging it. Anyone who gets a message that your comment was held please let me know. I have disabled all host moderating tools.
Statement of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. re preemptive pardon:
“For more than 50 years, I have been a public servant at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) serving the American people and the global community in fighting against life-threatening
diseases. Throughout my career, I have been motivated by one simple goal: to improve the health
and lives of humankind.
During the course of my career, I served as: 1) a basic scientist running a major
immunology and infectious diseases laboratory at NIH; 2) a physician taking personal care of
desperately ill patients and doing studies as a clinical investigator; 3) Director of one of the
largest NIH institutes, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for 38
years from 1984 through 2022; 4) a global public health leader and one of the principal architects
of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); and 5) advisor to seven United
States Presidents of both parties from Ronald Reagan to Joseph Biden. I am truly grateful for the
opportunity to have served in each of these roles and fulfilled each of them to the very best of my
ability. I believe and hope that my legacy is that of a dedicated and accomplished
physician/scientist and public health official who, with the help of many teams of skilled and
distinguished colleagues, saved millions of lives in the United States and around the world.
Despite the accomplishments that my colleagues and I achieved over my long career of
public service, I have been the subject of politically motivated threats of investigation and
prosecution. There is absolutely no basis for these threats. Let me be perfectly clear: I have
committed no crime and there are no possible grounds for any allegation or threat of criminal
investigation or prosecution of me. The fact is, however, that the mere articulation of these
baseless threats, and the potential that they will be acted upon, create immeasurable and intolerable
distress for me and my family.
For these reasons, I acknowledge and appreciate the action that President Biden has taken today on my behalf.
Excellent. Keep this Fascist administration tied up in court as long as possible.
Elon Musk’s DOGE to be sued within minutes of Trump inauguration. The legal status of Musk’s government waste panel will be challenged in federal court almost as soon as the president-elect is sworn in.
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s a link to the New Republic’s article on Kash Patel’s enemies list. If it wasn’t over 75 lines long, I’d post the list (with comments and titles). This muthafuckah is crazy. I hope that one of the Dems who participate in his confirmation hearing reads the name of every one of the people on the list and asks at the end if there is anyone on the list he intends to investigate with an eye toward recommending charges, or whether that ship has already sailed..
These are the disturbing media times we must endure.
Almost a complete blackout of mainstream coverage showing yesterday’s People’s March in DC to protest Trump. Mostly just conservative outlets making fun, with reporters on scene asking “what is a woman?” etc.
Only useful coverage I found was amateur cell-phone video online, and a couple of independent live streams.
And yet there was a moving story to tell about the remarkable diversity and peacefulness of what appeared to be a lot of average Americans who are sane, articulate — and pissed off.
patd, I drive past Food Lion on my way to and from work, and we’ve got leftovers to get us through the next 3 days, a freezer full of all sorts of stuff – from beef through salmon (stopping at Pizza on the way) and a gas stove to cook ’em up.
just cleared the sidewalk and walk at the office and the sun is peaking through to start the heat loading. Will probably make for a fine ice rink as the melting snow remnants refreeze. Outdoor sensor says 14 (it picks up a bit of reflected sun from the bldg. next door and heat loss from ours) but TWC says 7. Feels like TWC is right.
Poobah, Kinzinger knows that stupid as they are, even FF’s lawyer appointees know that Kinzinger’s defense would be the committee files and investigative reports that would further incriminate FF and likely a majority of the asswipres in his cabinet.And funny enough, I notice that Joe didn’t issue a pardon for Rudy. Pity.
Looks like sfb is trying to kill off a lot of Transgender people. Supposedly our lives will also not exist, a very nazi thing to do. Dehumanize and make existence illegitimate. Hope at least some of the courts stop or at least slow it down for several years.
Even the Pod Save guys had to admit liberals are losing the transgender argument, probably cost the election because of that ad that ran on NFL broadcasts
Stone me if you like, don’t wonder why you continue to lose elections to buffoons though
Anon, I take your meaning to heart. I think there are those of us who realize that Mencken, Carlin and Barnum (and now FF) were right. It is just so hard to learn and speak stupid and stay away from expressing concern over our perceptions of injustice whether they lead to electoral wins or not. Need more Carvilles in the electoral Dem machinery to keep our campaigns focused on what wins rather than our real concerns.
Sadly must depart now. Duty calls. See you on the other side.
20 days ago
if our prison system wasn’t so utterly inhumane, it wouldn’t matter who was housed where, but we’ve allowed the potential for rape and beatings to become a foundation of it, pretty disgusting, and only going to get worse with increased corporatization of it
From WaPo this morning. Somehow this struck me as funny.
Down at the Salamander Hotel, the Village People played “Y.M.C.A.” for an inaugural eve ball hosted by Turning Point USA, a MAGA group for young people. JD Vance, mere hours from assuming the vice presidency, took the stage during the song, softly clapping his hands to the beat. When the song was over, sparklers flew from the edge of the stage.
“They don’t tell you, when you run for vice president, that you’ll be asked to share the stage with the Village People,” Vance said at the end. “What the hell was that?”
From what I can tell the only original member of the group is Victor Willis – the Motorcycle Cop and co-writer of YMCA. Founder and co-writer of YMCA, Jacques Morali died of AIDS complications in 1991. The irony of the organizers of the Turning Point event (or any of FF’s events for that matter) is almost too much to bear.
Last edited 20 days ago by Pogo
20 days ago
i mean, we did get the first transgender VP, so that’s inclusive
JD in drag was the counter to that NFL ad, but Dems don’t have the gumption
i like how he was like “hmm, how would a straight guy order donuts, hmmm ‘sprinkly stuff’, NO WAIT, ‘whatever makes sense’, that’s how”
Last edited 20 days ago by Anonymous
20 days ago
100 pounds of gummies, please.
Sprinkly Stuff
20 days ago
sometimes, the Universe just hands you a screenname
there’s a new Anon in town that ain’t me, so i will be no longer, wear it well, fellow traveler 🫡
ok well i still contend Dubya was worse that Trump I, and thought it gross when liberals embraced him in a lame appeal to voters they couldn’t capture anyway, here’s to hoping for the best and preparing for the worst 🥂
While I croon a verse
In praise
Of the universe.
The universe is quite good-sized,
And is, I think, well organized,
Containing as it does, a slew
Of stars and planets. Comets too
Occasionally whiz about
And dodge and circle in and out
Among the clustered nebulae.
They scare the dickens out of me,
But I suppose they know their stuff
And are expert and quick enough
To keep from bumping or colliding
With other worlds. But I’m residing
At present on the planet, earth,
And it does not arouse my mirth
To see these reckless comets fly
Around as if they owned the sky.
It’s much too dangerous in a crowd,
And really shouldn’t be allowed.
Yet tho there’s nothing to prevent
Bad manners in the firmament,
The heavenly bodies, generally,
Are well behaved and courteously
Avoid all quarrels and disputes-
Tho when they have them, they are beauts.
As to the universe’s size,
It’s rather large than otherwise,
Containing stars and galaxies
And satellites of all degrees.
And some are dim and some are bright,
But all are lighted up at night,-
Mostly along the Milky Way-
A quite remarkable display.
Some scientific fellows hope
By peering thru a telescope
To chart the heavens and name each star
Of all the billions that there are.
More sensible I think it is
Just to sit back and let them whiz
Along on their accustomed track
Around and round the zodiac.
For since they are not bothering me
I think it’s best to let them be.
And that is all I have to say
About the universe today.
—The Poems of Freddy the Pig
By Walter Brooks
So, apropos of the mood of the day, I got a message from WSJ Wine that says, “Blue Monday? Let’s turn it into something brighter. Treat yourself to a free rechargeable corkscrew today!”
While I’m not planning to take WSJW on its offer, they do seem to be after my own heart.
AND SO IT BEGINS: Biden appointees have disappeared from Justice Department website. Awaiting word on Trump-designated acting officials
Now I’ll start paying attention. I want to see today’s 200 exec orders. Especially curious how a president dictates in writing who is a man or woman???
Last edited 20 days ago by craigcrawford
20 days ago
She is going as Spy v Spy although I see a little of Boris and Natasha too
C-Span carrying his rambling post-inaugural mess of a speech. Now a lot of Americans who weren’t paying attention will be seeing that he is a raving lunatic. Before long Putin will order his new hire JD Vance to invoke 25th amendment.
I’m not very worried about the appointment for defense sec. He is a novice idiot and the Generals will be stealing his lunch money from day one. Probably the same goes for Kennedy. The Democrats would be smart to give trump those wins. Fight for where it is important. The FBI and our national intelligence posts. They are smaller departments and very vulnerable to being hacked.
Sprinkles Stuff
19 days ago
i feel bad for my friends and family that serve that are going to have that doofus for a boss
…do support designating drug cartels as foreign terrorists orgs, however
Going deliberately backwards on renewable energy is stupid to the 3rd power
Pogo….. it might well have been that poem which lured me into reading every last one of those Freddy books by Walter R Brooks, who lived and died in Roxbury NY, up in the Catskills—home of The Big Red Barn.
There is even a Friends of Freddy Society for people who have invested prodigious amounts of time reading the works of Mr Brooks when young. And it’s nice to know that he probably bought stuff at The Big Red Round barn. A huge circular barn. Quite a thing.
For a second time in 8 years, a dreaded presidential changeover happened while I was seated in a doctor’s waiting room. Thankfully, this one had no tv, though it did have wifi that I did not tune into. Even so, bad news broke through, I learned Cecile Richards has died. I am so sad.
Driving home, it occurred to me something not fully realized those innocent 8 years ago, what a horrible country we became then, and are now again.
Different color combo, but this is what your memes brought to mind.
Fed the birds. Cried a little. Did a Zoom. Fed the birds, again. Scrolled a bit. Making vegetarian chili & cornbread. This is week two of being iced in; can’t get out of the driveway. It could be worse. Oh, wait.
BB – I’m not sure how to help. Trans sure seems to be red meat for those pretending to be Christian. I’m worried for Sarah McBride stuck in a congressional class of mean girls and insecure boys.
Waiting for MAGAts to feel the impact of what they’ve done. Millions of seniors, veterans, and farmers in that group.
Still think it’s interesting that Adolf admitted to Elon rigging the election, but not a peep from media. Nothing could be done anyway. That was the point of the insurrection; it worked directly then, or it worked indirectly now.
BID, that would be karma, except other, more innocent or vulnerable people will get hurt first, maybe worse, and that’s what Magamericans will gloat on. That’s what they did last time. They haven’t learned anything.
Richards, the daughter of the late Texas Gov. Ann Richards, left the reproductive health care organization in 2018 after leading it for 12 years. Earlier this year, Richards revealed she was battling glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer – the same that killed Biden’s son Beau.
I’m still trying to shield my eyes but did the bozos look like a college of cardinals sitting up there? Without them, instead of being pope, he’d be a second time loser.
Interesting: I found a design of the number 47 that an artist made look like a n@zi ambient and now I can’t find it (and the word for said emblem doesn’t come up in spelling/autocorrect).
I wonder how Orange Adolf’s older daughter, SIL, and his Jewish grandkids feel about Elon going full n@zi in front of the world.
Denaturalize him for violating the Logan Act.
Dispossess him of his taxpayer-funded companies.
Deport him.
Is the MSM going to normalize/condone today’s blatant n@zification?
Sprinkles Stuff
19 days ago
On a lighter note than overt Naziism, i am going to pickle a radish tonight because it seems to be popular in the Korean TV shows (K-dramas) i have been watching, the instant-gratification generation will never know this kind of joy
Just turned TV on for evening news & WTF, it’s still going on? I just wanted to see POTUS Joe & Dr. Jill, but it’s gonna be like the Marcos regime. All dictator, all the time.
bId – I have not talked to Sara yet. I will give her a call during a “break” week, they don’t break they work the phones dialing for dollars. I guarantee she has had a lot of hate to get to this level. Good police provide a lot of protection. The death threats, even for those running races for city council, are handled.
What is necessary is for good to protect her from the bad. I am sure Hakeem Jeffries is reminding the Speaker that he better not go to far in the hate.
When I was running for office a high level government employee suggested I carry a defensive weapon. As a vet I needed to go over to the range and get used to a small arms again. Yes I did get some scribblings that were suggestive of an early demise for me.
College-kids used to call it Food Dog. Is that still a thing? I’m so behind times on my youth slang. “Grandpa T.” made me laugh today, somehow I thought they’d be more vulgar.
Yep, still a thing. However, as far as quality goes Food Lion is dead middle behind Kroger and Walmart and above Aldi and Price Cutters. They carry much of the same wine as Kroger and Walmart, their produce is about the same, and their meat is passable. And they carry the ice cream I like.
Not sure what we’re gonna watch tonight but it won’t be the news, not even Rachel. Maybe later, but tonight? Too soon.
We persevered through the Bezos-butt-ins and finished Alex Cross on Prime. It got terrible reviews but we loved it. Loved the D.C. location scenes. Ryan Eggold was outstanding as the horror-film villain.
Got to look for a new entertainment package. This ain’t cuttin’ it.
“It is shameful that the President has decided to make one of his top priorities the abandonment and betrayal of police officers who put their lives on the line to stop an attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power.”
The party of small government is in your bedrooms, and will have total control over privacy (there won’t be any), work, finances, and all aspects of bodily autonomy. It seems that reproductive doesn’t exist this evening. They are coming for your birth control. Enjoy paying child support you Joe Rogan-following dimwits.
It took Hitler 53 days to dismantle democracy. Shitler might beat his record.
It’s a great day for James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Andrew Johnson. After Trump’s 1st term they were the only presidents below him in CSPAN’s poll of historians for worst ever. These J6 pardons alone should move him to the bottom.
Working hard at destroying America, sfb keeps signing crap with his Sharpie. Most of the paper is just paper, very few will survive a few weeks in the judicial circuit.
One thing is very striking. Almost none of us write our names the same was twice. If you look at the scribble output of the orange moron one thing is very obvious. The sharp up and down that is supposed to be his signature never changes. He cannot write his name. He has a practiced up and down thing, but it is not his name.
I feel for all the neurodivergent people of the world, I am one too, who work hard to do something normal such as writing our names, but what stupid is doing is nothing like that. He continues to amaze me with how he has created a character because he lives in an alternate universe and needs something to deflect how out of this world he really is.
Sprinkles Stuff
19 days ago
How does Dubya presiding over the worst terrorist attack in American history, flubbing the Katrina response, collapsing the economy, and starting two failed wars based on lies not earn him the title of worst President??
Ivy, I’m watching OSU dismember ND. Don’t have any need to watch coverage of the downfall of our country in a half day. Now a 1 point game with 3 min left in the third quarter. ND did just show a little life. Still, steep hill to climb.
Sprinkles Stuff
19 days ago
detail on some of the EOs being discussed, summary is a link to “statnews”, author a former Politco contributor 🤷♂️ :
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people” Martin Luther King Jr
Attribution: The Swearing In by Dave Whamond, Canada,
also on this national holiday in observance of MLKjr
Boston Children’s Chorus (BCC) performs “Lift Every Voice and Overcome” at Becoming King, the 20th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert at Symphony Hall, Boston, on Monday, January 16, 2023.
A day of mixed emotions with the nobility and hope of King juxtaposed with the venality and greed of Trump.
When the TANF, Medicaid and disability benefits the FF lemmings have start to get reduced or go away, and the prices at Walmart rise and they bitch about it, remind them they asked for it and he caused it.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963
speaking out on looming tragedy in chicago ‘A Disgrace’: The Pope Raises Holy Hell Over Trump’s Biggest ‘Day 1’ Promise
May I ask what this new “awaiting approval” notation just before my comment disappeared is about? Is a comment about the weather and musing about FF being sworn in at noon not being things I won’t remember fondly worthy of rejection?
Making the rounds:
I would rather model a string bikini on stage at my high school reunion, while juggling flaming chainsaws and being hugged by a clingy porcupine with serious boundary issues, along with his emotional support skunk, than watch his inauguration.
*Borrowed from a friend*
hard to imagine how many so-called “good christians” and “devout catholics” whole-heartedly supported and voted for FF when
… in 2016, the pope said: “A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian.” In 2018, he called the Trump administration’s family separation policy for undocumented migrants “contrary to our Catholic values”…
Hmmm, it appears the Pope and FF might view the world a bit differently. Well I guess that figures… one is an asshole full of hate for the oppressed among us and the other heads the largest Christian religious organization in the world and appears to be full of love for the oppressed among us.
So I’m gonna try this again.
It’s cold as hell here today. It’s 11°F here now dropping six within the next couple hours and rising all the way to 15 by the middle of the afternoon before dropping and ping-pong between -2 and 10 or 12° over the next three days. I may actually warm the car up before heading out for work today. Oh yes, and at work 5 to 6 inches of snow is waiting for me to clear it from our sidewalk and walkway. As a younger man, I used to like winter and love snow.
And at noon today to top it all off, FF is going to be sworn in his president.
All told, I don’t think this is going to be one of those days I look back on fondly in my dotage.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. The crawl on MSNBC says “Sources: planned mass deportation rights in Chicago postponed due to media leaks.“ Media leaks my ass. Finally, a campaign promise. I’m happy to see FF is not going to keep.
Pogo, *awaiting approval”??? No idea what that is. I disabled all comment moderation admin features in this new system. Will investigate.
What could go wrong?
all hail King of the Stupid
Hail! Hail! It is right to be dumb and mad! 🫡
Poobah, FWIW it was materially the same as my 6:43 comment (as close as my ragged memory could recreate), and when I posted it the comment was still on my screen with a “comment awaiting approval” notation in very small orange type at the bottom of the comment. When I scrolled to the bottom of the thread and then back to the top of the thread it had disappeared.
So Joe offered pardons for the folks FF said need to go to jail for investigating him over J6 and to Milley, Fauci…. Good on him. (Be interesting to see the full list).
Interesting that almost nothing has leaked about sfb and his executive orders that are supposed to hit the world this afternoon.
Elected Dems seem to have given up the fight and are keeping very quiet. Sigh. I want my Dems to scream, yell, jump up and down and get attention.
My guess about the change to an indoors setting is the orange idiot started thinking about being a target. Small crowd, just get the Sharpie out and change it. Don’t like the size, get a different picture and claim that as the truth. Truth is not something he cares about, becoming holy is.
Happy Last Day Waking Up In A Democracy, Y’all
Going to bed tonight will be another matter.
Did SFB admit Elon rigged 2024 at yesterday’s rally? (How many times did he say he didn’t need votes/had all the votes he needed at rallies after Elon came onboard? Remember the “little secret” he said he & Elon had when talking about not needing votes?)
ps – Noticed he didn’t mention the payload blew up, only that the rocket was recaptured.
Alternate reality; rewriting history in real time.
pps – The kid he takes with him everywhere for PR and as a human shield. Sad.
Why not Jack Smith? Maybe he didn’t want it.
President Joe Biden on Monday issued pardons for Gen. Mark Milley, Dr. Anthony Fauci and members of Congress who served on the committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. .
The last couple days this has been showing up. Ellen must be screwing with things again.
lol we sure showed those elites by handing all power to them
pogo, it’s registering 1 degree on the porch this morning and my long driveway again resembles a ski run slope. hope you’re well stocked on provisions for a coupla days ’cause it’s not gonna get any better east of here.
Nice catch by Ivy Green
-5 degrees in NOCO. Today feels like a funeral. The body keeps the score.
If you have to pardon someone for calling Trump a fascist, it sort of proves Trump is a fascist..
Former Joint Chiefs chair Mark Milley:
It is so perfect that the MAGAts who showed up in DC are now literally left out in the cold while Orange Adolf is inside with the billionaires
Statement of Gen. Mark. A. Milley on the President’s pardon:
No pardon for Michael Cohen? He has paid FF’s societal debt on his behalf, but that won’t stop the vengeful one from unjustly coming for more. Save us all, Joe, it’s not too late.
Craig, I was trying to find the location of the Birmingham City Jail because I think I’ve been inside it.
I’ve been in the Jefferson County jails because inspecting them is one of the miscellaneous duties of the grand jury.
Pogo, I did change two settings in the comment platform that might have been the culprits for what you saw. Thanks for flagging it. Anyone who gets a message that your comment was held please let me know. I have disabled all host moderating tools.
It’s only about the method now.
Statement of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. re preemptive pardon:
“For more than 50 years, I have been a public servant at the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) serving the American people and the global community in fighting against life-threatening
diseases. Throughout my career, I have been motivated by one simple goal: to improve the health
and lives of humankind.
During the course of my career, I served as: 1) a basic scientist running a major
immunology and infectious diseases laboratory at NIH; 2) a physician taking personal care of
desperately ill patients and doing studies as a clinical investigator; 3) Director of one of the
largest NIH institutes, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for 38
years from 1984 through 2022; 4) a global public health leader and one of the principal architects
of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); and 5) advisor to seven United
States Presidents of both parties from Ronald Reagan to Joseph Biden. I am truly grateful for the
opportunity to have served in each of these roles and fulfilled each of them to the very best of my
ability. I believe and hope that my legacy is that of a dedicated and accomplished
physician/scientist and public health official who, with the help of many teams of skilled and
distinguished colleagues, saved millions of lives in the United States and around the world.
Despite the accomplishments that my colleagues and I achieved over my long career of
public service, I have been the subject of politically motivated threats of investigation and
prosecution. There is absolutely no basis for these threats. Let me be perfectly clear: I have
committed no crime and there are no possible grounds for any allegation or threat of criminal
investigation or prosecution of me. The fact is, however, that the mere articulation of these
baseless threats, and the potential that they will be acted upon, create immeasurable and intolerable
distress for me and my family.
For these reasons, I acknowledge and appreciate the action that President Biden has taken today on my behalf.
Excellent. Keep this Fascist administration tied up in court as long as possible.
Melanoma looking festive this morning. Undertaker Couture!
She still doesn’t care.
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s a link to the New Republic’s article on Kash Patel’s enemies list. If it wasn’t over 75 lines long, I’d post the list (with comments and titles). This muthafuckah is crazy. I hope that one of the Dems who participate in his confirmation hearing reads the name of every one of the people on the list and asks at the end if there is anyone on the list he intends to investigate with an eye toward recommending charges, or whether that ship has already sailed..
hmm let’s see if i made the list
lol, “Anonymous” did indeed make the list! 🥳
These are the disturbing media times we must endure.
Almost a complete blackout of mainstream coverage showing yesterday’s People’s March in DC to protest Trump. Mostly just conservative outlets making fun, with reporters on scene asking “what is a woman?” etc.
Only useful coverage I found was amateur cell-phone video online, and a couple of independent live streams.
And yet there was a moving story to tell about the remarkable diversity and peacefulness of what appeared to be a lot of average Americans who are sane, articulate — and pissed off.
patd, I drive past Food Lion on my way to and from work, and we’ve got leftovers to get us through the next 3 days, a freezer full of all sorts of stuff – from beef through salmon (stopping at Pizza on the way) and a gas stove to cook ’em up.
just cleared the sidewalk and walk at the office and the sun is peaking through to start the heat loading. Will probably make for a fine ice rink as the melting snow remnants refreeze. Outdoor sensor says 14 (it picks up a bit of reflected sun from the bldg. next door and heat loss from ours) but TWC says 7. Feels like TWC is right.
Poobah, Kinzinger knows that stupid as they are, even FF’s lawyer appointees know that Kinzinger’s defense would be the committee files and investigative reports that would further incriminate FF and likely a majority of the asswipres in his cabinet.And funny enough, I notice that Joe didn’t issue a pardon for Rudy. Pity.
I see on socialized media the young ‘uns are referencing him as Grandpa T.
And sayin’ how he can’t take the cold.
We’ll see now if he can take the heat.
Looks like sfb is trying to kill off a lot of Transgender people. Supposedly our lives will also not exist, a very nazi thing to do. Dehumanize and make existence illegitimate. Hope at least some of the courts stop or at least slow it down for several years.
BB, there are probably discussions about what patch you’ll have to wear on your clothes.
Down to -6 now. The proverbial cold day in hell.
Even the Pod Save guys had to admit liberals are losing the transgender argument, probably cost the election because of that ad that ran on NFL broadcasts
Stone me if you like, don’t wonder why you continue to lose elections to buffoons though
Anon, I take your meaning to heart. I think there are those of us who realize that Mencken, Carlin and Barnum (and now FF) were right. It is just so hard to learn and speak stupid and stay away from expressing concern over our perceptions of injustice whether they lead to electoral wins or not. Need more Carvilles in the electoral Dem machinery to keep our campaigns focused on what wins rather than our real concerns.
The weirdo is the one looking.
today’s meme…
Sadly must depart now. Duty calls. See you on the other side.
if our prison system wasn’t so utterly inhumane, it wouldn’t matter who was housed where, but we’ve allowed the potential for rape and beatings to become a foundation of it, pretty disgusting, and only going to get worse with increased corporatization of it
The caption on the bathroom cartoon Ivy posted should read “We’re just making sure there are weirdos in the Woman’s bathroom.
From WaPo this morning. Somehow this struck me as funny.
From what I can tell the only original member of the group is Victor Willis – the Motorcycle Cop and co-writer of YMCA. Founder and co-writer of YMCA, Jacques Morali died of AIDS complications in 1991. The irony of the organizers of the Turning Point event (or any of FF’s events for that matter) is almost too much to bear.
i mean, we did get the first transgender VP, so that’s inclusive
JD in drag was the counter to that NFL ad, but Dems don’t have the gumption
i like how he was like “hmm, how would a straight guy order donuts, hmmm ‘sprinkly stuff’, NO WAIT, ‘whatever makes sense’, that’s how”
100 pounds of gummies, please.
sometimes, the Universe just hands you a screenname
there’s a new Anon in town that ain’t me, so i will be no longer, wear it well, fellow traveler 🫡
100 pounds of gummies, please.
America the shamed.
Howdy Sprinkly.
First it called me Anonymous, then it put the comment up twice. I guess I hadn’t signed in
How does one delete a comment?
dang it, thought we got some new blood, i’ll stick with a handle for now
Your moment of zen is this FL ABC affiliate editing-out VP Vance saying “sprinkles stuff”, now why would they do that 🤔
Sprinkles Stuff…
everyone calls me RR…. so you want to be called SS….you sure?
AOC: I don’t celebrate RAPISTS, so no, I’m not going to the inauguration tomorrow
Who am i to question the Universe?
ok well i still contend Dubya was worse that Trump I, and thought it gross when liberals embraced him in a lame appeal to voters they couldn’t capture anyway, here’s to hoping for the best and preparing for the worst 🥂
Why is the first (soft porn) lady looking like the hamburgler?
While I croon a verse
In praise
Of the universe.
The universe is quite good-sized,
And is, I think, well organized,
Containing as it does, a slew
Of stars and planets. Comets too
Occasionally whiz about
And dodge and circle in and out
Among the clustered nebulae.
They scare the dickens out of me,
But I suppose they know their stuff
And are expert and quick enough
To keep from bumping or colliding
With other worlds. But I’m residing
At present on the planet, earth,
And it does not arouse my mirth
To see these reckless comets fly
Around as if they owned the sky.
It’s much too dangerous in a crowd,
And really shouldn’t be allowed.
Yet tho there’s nothing to prevent
Bad manners in the firmament,
The heavenly bodies, generally,
Are well behaved and courteously
Avoid all quarrels and disputes-
Tho when they have them, they are beauts.
As to the universe’s size,
It’s rather large than otherwise,
Containing stars and galaxies
And satellites of all degrees.
And some are dim and some are bright,
But all are lighted up at night,-
Mostly along the Milky Way-
A quite remarkable display.
Some scientific fellows hope
By peering thru a telescope
To chart the heavens and name each star
Of all the billions that there are.
More sensible I think it is
Just to sit back and let them whiz
Along on their accustomed track
Around and round the zodiac.
For since they are not bothering me
I think it’s best to let them be.
And that is all I have to say
About the universe today.
—The Poems of Freddy the Pig
By Walter Brooks
What a shit head Graham is
And IMAGINE the OUTRAGE Fox News would have if Biden was failing to bow his head during a prayer!
An inauguration to mourn
Here’s why the big hat. His lips can’t reach her!
So, apropos of the mood of the day, I got a message from WSJ Wine that says, “Blue Monday? Let’s turn it into something brighter. Treat yourself to a free rechargeable corkscrew today!”
While I’m not planning to take WSJW on its offer, they do seem to be after my own heart.
AND SO IT BEGINS: Biden appointees have disappeared from Justice Department website. Awaiting word on Trump-designated acting officials
For East Bumfuck those are pretty big snow piles in the parking lot next door to the office.
1460 days to go
External Revenue Service??? We already have a Customs office for collecting tariffs. What happened to streamlining govt?
1461 (2028 is a leap year).
Sturge, love that poem – Would that more people take heed.
Now I’ll start paying attention. I want to see today’s 200 exec orders. Especially curious how a president dictates in writing who is a man or woman???
She is going as Spy v Spy although I see a little of Boris and Natasha too
The tech billionaires actually seated in front of the cabinet???
it’s going to read something like “the Federal government explicitly recognizes only two genders, Man and Woman…”
immediate legal employment discrimination will be the result
That spy v spy anon was me.
First Wall Street Journal headline after swearing-in.
Jack, we’re (I’m) confused enough … No need to add to it. 😂
Just an idle question – is there ANY campaign promise FF has kept re: what he would do if elected – feel free to focus on his day 1 promises?
the 1st amendment guarantees freedom of expression, but they control SCotUS, so for how long, eh?
so it actually happened? 😒
It is the new system, evidently, I wasn’t signed in and didn’t notice it.
I’m slow but I can still learn, I think, maybe.
“We’re leaving office we’re not leaving the fight…” President Joe
couldn’t resist…
the new action figure…
C-Span carrying his rambling post-inaugural mess of a speech. Now a lot of Americans who weren’t paying attention will be seeing that he is a raving lunatic. Before long Putin will order his new hire JD Vance to invoke 25th amendment.
I’m not very worried about the appointment for defense sec. He is a novice idiot and the Generals will be stealing his lunch money from day one. Probably the same goes for Kennedy. The Democrats would be smart to give trump those wins. Fight for where it is important. The FBI and our national intelligence posts. They are smaller departments and very vulnerable to being hacked.
i feel bad for my friends and family that serve that are going to have that doofus for a boss
…do support designating drug cartels as foreign terrorists orgs, however
Going deliberately backwards on renewable energy is stupid to the 3rd power
Pogo….. it might well have been that poem which lured me into reading every last one of those Freddy books by Walter R Brooks, who lived and died in Roxbury NY, up in the Catskills—home of The Big Red Barn.
There is even a Friends of Freddy Society for people who have invested prodigious amounts of time reading the works of Mr Brooks when young. And it’s nice to know that he probably bought stuff at The Big Red Round barn. A huge circular barn. Quite a thing.
7 days since dental extraction and doing well enough to ease back on the video updates..
Big Red Round Barn
Big Round Red Barn with requisite tourists all a’gawk.
For a second time in 8 years, a dreaded presidential changeover happened while I was seated in a doctor’s waiting room. Thankfully, this one had no tv, though it did have wifi that I did not tune into. Even so, bad news broke through, I learned Cecile Richards has died. I am so sad.
Driving home, it occurred to me something not fully realized those innocent 8 years ago, what a horrible country we became then, and are now again.
All that barn and I’m looking at the moo-jicians. They were playing “I’ll be Seeing You” to a fare-the-well.
Thank you for the updates, Craig, and glad to know you’re on your way to mandibular restoration.
Back to the real reason the kids are off school today which isn’t just to shovel dad’s driveway.
Cecille had glioblastoma, same damn brain cancer that took our Sean Holton (Lardass Liberal), and Ted Kennedy.
Different color combo, but this is what your memes brought to mind.
Fed the birds. Cried a little. Did a Zoom. Fed the birds, again. Scrolled a bit. Making vegetarian chili & cornbread. This is week two of being iced in; can’t get out of the driveway. It could be worse. Oh, wait.
BB – I’m not sure how to help. Trans sure seems to be red meat for those pretending to be Christian. I’m worried for Sarah McBride stuck in a congressional class of mean girls and insecure boys.
Waiting for MAGAts to feel the impact of what they’ve done. Millions of seniors, veterans, and farmers in that group.
Still think it’s interesting that Adolf admitted to Elon rigging the election, but not a peep from media. Nothing could be done anyway. That was the point of the insurrection; it worked directly then, or it worked indirectly now.
BID, that would be karma, except other, more innocent or vulnerable people will get hurt first, maybe worse, and that’s what Magamericans will gloat on. That’s what they did last time. They haven’t learned anything.
‘Absolutely vile’: Elon Musk’s inauguration salute draws Nazi comparisons on social media
Carrie’s song hit a snag, so I heard. I liked her back in the day, but I had to vote for Alabama boy, Bo Bice.
video of a very nazi-seeming salute at top of linked page
I’m still trying to shield my eyes but did the bozos look like a college of cardinals sitting up there? Without them, instead of being pope, he’d be a second time loser.
Reminder: Carrie Underwood did a horrible job on NBC’s live version of “The Sound of Music,” way back when. Her takeaway: Rolf was the hero.
What happened? Did the sound guy get deported?
Interesting: I found a design of the number 47 that an artist made look like a n@zi ambient and now I can’t find it (and the word for said emblem doesn’t come up in spelling/autocorrect).
I wonder how Orange Adolf’s older daughter, SIL, and his Jewish grandkids feel about Elon going full n@zi in front of the world.
Denaturalize him for violating the Logan Act.
Dispossess him of his taxpayer-funded companies.
Deport him.
Is the MSM going to normalize/condone today’s blatant n@zification?
On a lighter note than overt Naziism, i am going to pickle a radish tonight because it seems to be popular in the Korean TV shows (K-dramas) i have been watching, the instant-gratification generation will never know this kind of joy
Sound guy, deported? Lol
Just turned TV on for evening news & WTF, it’s still going on? I just wanted to see POTUS Joe & Dr. Jill, but it’s gonna be like the Marcos regime. All dictator, all the time.
Less than two hours after Trump took office, the Pentagon removed former Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley’s portrait on orders from the new White House.
bId – I have not talked to Sara yet. I will give her a call during a “break” week, they don’t break they work the phones dialing for dollars. I guarantee she has had a lot of hate to get to this level. Good police provide a lot of protection. The death threats, even for those running races for city council, are handled.
What is necessary is for good to protect her from the bad. I am sure Hakeem Jeffries is reminding the Speaker that he better not go to far in the hate.
When I was running for office a high level government employee suggested I carry a defensive weapon. As a vet I needed to go over to the range and get used to a small arms again. Yes I did get some scribblings that were suggestive of an early demise for me.
lol, the last thing he is, is “honorable”
love love love Sturge’s pome. But why no moon with the croon? I need a moon. Or moonshine.
College-kids used to call it Food Dog. Is that still a thing? I’m so behind times on my youth slang. “Grandpa T.” made me laugh today, somehow I thought they’d be more vulgar.
Blue Bronc, please tell Sarah we love her.
BID, I’m maintaining the news blackout based on your recommendation.
I thought it was supposed to be getting lighter but today, somehow, it got dark early.
Yep, still a thing. However, as far as quality goes Food Lion is dead middle behind Kroger and Walmart and above Aldi and Price Cutters. They carry much of the same wine as Kroger and Walmart, their produce is about the same, and their meat is passable. And they carry the ice cream I like.
Wait, so now we have Sparkles Stuff & Sprinkles Stuff?
Not sure what we’re gonna watch tonight but it won’t be the news, not even Rachel. Maybe later, but tonight? Too soon.
We persevered through the Bezos-butt-ins and finished Alex Cross on Prime. It got terrible reviews but we loved it. Loved the D.C. location scenes. Ryan Eggold was outstanding as the horror-film villain.
Got to look for a new entertainment package. This ain’t cuttin’ it.
Sprinkles and glitter. It gets in everything.
i’m whatever makes sense
Speaker Emerita Pelosi on pardoning J6 criminals:
The party of small government is in your bedrooms, and will have total control over privacy (there won’t be any), work, finances, and all aspects of bodily autonomy. It seems that reproductive doesn’t exist this evening. They are coming for your birth control. Enjoy paying child support you Joe Rogan-following dimwits.
It took Hitler 53 days to dismantle democracy. Shitler might beat his record.
Orange Adolf just removed us from the World Health Organization.
Thank you, Pogo. I gotta run hard just to keep up.
It’s a great day for James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce and Andrew Johnson. After Trump’s 1st term they were the only presidents below him in CSPAN’s poll of historians for worst ever. These J6 pardons alone should move him to the bottom.
Why didn’t he just remove us from Earth?
I used to drive past James Buchanan’s gravesite on a regular basis.
Also John Wilkes Booth’s birthplace daily.
Working hard at destroying America, sfb keeps signing crap with his Sharpie. Most of the paper is just paper, very few will survive a few weeks in the judicial circuit.
One thing is very striking. Almost none of us write our names the same was twice. If you look at the scribble output of the orange moron one thing is very obvious. The sharp up and down that is supposed to be his signature never changes. He cannot write his name. He has a practiced up and down thing, but it is not his name.
I feel for all the neurodivergent people of the world, I am one too, who work hard to do something normal such as writing our names, but what stupid is doing is nothing like that. He continues to amaze me with how he has created a character because he lives in an alternate universe and needs something to deflect how out of this world he really is.
How does Dubya presiding over the worst terrorist attack in American history, flubbing the Katrina response, collapsing the economy, and starting two failed wars based on lies not earn him the title of worst President??
Sprinkles, he had a cute dog with its own website.
Hey, seniors! Adolf just jacked up your drug prices, again. The ones Biden worked to lower.
We are no longer part of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Ivy, I’m watching OSU dismember ND. Don’t have any need to watch coverage of the downfall of our country in a half day. Now a 1 point game with 3 min left in the third quarter. ND did just show a little life. Still, steep hill to climb.
detail on some of the EOs being discussed, summary is a link to “statnews”, author a former Politco contributor 🤷♂️ :
Ok, this sucks, i’m going to try and disengage a bit and think, hope y’all continue monitoring 🫡