The Multi-task of Multi-testing and Multi-tsking

Attribution: Big Board of Senate Confirmation Hearings by R.J. Matson, CQ Roll Call

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26 days ago

So Jack Smith’s election interference report was released and Smith provided a cover letter indicating that he had enough evidence to convict FF. Anyone surprised? Not me.

26 days ago

The electorate decided it didn’t care

We can’t wait out the racists, they’re indoctrinating more

New strategies needed

We’re going back to the pre-Civil Rights era, folks. Not “might” if we don’t do ‘x’ or ‘y’- “are”, in 6 days

Our leader is Bernie Sanders, whether you like it or not, he’s one of the few prominent voices speaking the truth, on behalf of Middle America, without ambition

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
26 days ago

All the more reason to blame Merrick Garland for waiting so long to appoint someone like Jack Smith.

26 days ago

Merrick Garlsnd was simply the wrong man for the job. Anything he tried to do would be seen as getting even with Moscow Mitch’s shamefu treatment of Garland’s scotus nomination. He was hamstrung from the outset.
They must have assumed the he WOULD want to get even. They just picked the wrong guy.

Last edited 26 days ago by Sturgeone
26 days ago

Tammy Duckworth on Hegseth: “from what I can tell, the manager of your local Applebee’s has more experience managing a bigger budget and more personnel than Pete Hegseth.”

26 days ago

Anon, Bernie may have the right message, but he’s not the right messenger.

I saw Tammy last night make that same point about Hegseth. She’s right, and the FBI background check by all accounts was not conducted as a background check, but rather as a component of marketing campaign.

And yes, Sturg & Poobah, Garland screwed the pooch by sitting on that appointment. Regardless, the fix was in when it fell to Cannon and the11th Circuit did not intervene to correct the clear-as-the-nose-on-your-face conflict.

26 days ago

trump admin = expedited Peter Principle

i can’t believe our government is going to be staffed by fuxnews personalities, it’s INSANE 😵‍💫

giving control of the most powerful military in history to a preening moron 😆

26 days ago

“ Anon, Bernie may have the right message, but he’s not the right messenger”

party full of wrong messengers, purge it

you/we lost EVERYTHING, stupidity is repeating actions and expecting different results

…lost to the shittiest candidate running the most asinine campaign imaginable, mind you

… lost to a guy who said “they’re eating our dogs and our cats and taking the geese from the ponds” like a crazy person

The very short term strategy is to kiss the ring and stroke his ego, some Dems get it, he just wants to be loved

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
26 days ago

Day After Extraction: Unpleasant As Expected..

26 days ago

Sen. Reed to Hegseth: “A variety of sources — including your own writings — implicate you with disregarding the laws of war, financial mismanagement, racist and sexist remarks about men and women in uniform, alcohol abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other troubling issues.”

“I do not believe that you are qualified to meet the overwhelming demands of this job.”

Last edited 26 days ago by craigcrawford
26 days ago

Watching Hegseth hearing. It’s a shame you can’t vote against him for Just being a smarmy git.

26 days ago

What’s with the term “war fighters”? It’s the Defense Department in charge of soldiers. Anything else is phony flag waving.

26 days ago

“war-fighters” is code for combat-capable men*, it’s red-meat for the base

*by their standards- excludes gays, trans, and women, and soldiers in administrative and support roles

Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
26 days ago

Women will be expunged from voter rolls wherever possible, since they don’t YET have the votes to repeal the 19th Amendment.

The chicken-fried Taliban will control every part of a woman’s life. Education, freedom to travel, voting, the right to divorce her abuser, and they already control bodily autonomy.

The cavemen are dragging the entire country back in time.

Hegseth: Secretary of Rogan’s Incels

Narcissistic, misogynistic men will destroy the entire world.

Can the ground just open up and swallow Orange Adolf, the oligarchs, and elected and appointed MAGAts while they gloat at the various balls after the inauguration, please? Or, you know maybe some of Elon’s space junk tumbles down while they are all in Florida before the 20th?

26 days ago

Since I would have supported her for a Presidential run, I’m pretty much against anything Senator Gillibrand is against. It’s obvious she scared the hell out of Hegseth since he wouldn’t meet with her before these hearings.

26 days ago


26 days ago

Excellent meme, Ivy. Going on Bluesky.

BiD, nice one: “chicken-fried Taliban”

26 days ago

To follow Michelle Obama’s lead and skip watching Orange Adolf being installed as dictator, or to let my blood pressure skyrocket and possibly need to buy a new phone and TV when one is hurled toward the other?

It’s MLK Day, too, so a better use of energy would be for folks to start organizing for the midterms…if there are midterms.

C’mon sky junk! Save us!

26 days ago

hope you guys on your phones can see this…

26 days ago

Glad to see you’re on the mend, Craig. Wishing you weller and weller.

One question, was there anesthesia during the procedure? Asking for a friend.

26 days ago

A family friend is a high school history teacher. His complaint was the kids can’t or don’t spend time reading the words on the page. My suggestion was play Ken Burns.
(Sadly, I had to explain to a few people who is Ken Burns.)

26 days ago

Is anyone going to take one for the team and watch Orange Adolph lying in public on Jan 20.

26 days ago

Jamie, didn’t the first time, won’t this time.

26 days ago

Thanks for the dental videos, Craig. Because at my age of 75, I may have to get-to-it myself at some point. A few years ago I had a nuclear heart test. I watched YouTubes about that had me quaking in my boots. When I got to the VA, the tech said I was lucky, the VA had just sprung for the drug that doesn’t make you feel like you are dying. No problem, nothing, and they kicked me to the curb saying I was fine.

26 days ago

Dex, so far I think I’ll decide this was much like my hip replacement, wished I had done it a lot sooner. One thing I really appreciate is my hot and cold sensitivity is completely gone, that was very annoying before this.

Ivy, I did get what they call light sedation via IV (altho sleeping I could somehow hear them talking), plus the Novocaine injections around the teeth. They charge more for sedation but I opted for maximum comfort, which it was.

Last edited 26 days ago by craigcrawford
26 days ago

So, what to make of this…albeit from my Republican family in LA: No water in the hydrants & no water in the reservoirs. No brush clearance. No deforestation. They really dropped the ball between the governor & mayor. They are all fine, except for air quality. They seem to be getting their signal from Fox Noise just fine. But, they are living it…sort of.

Last edited 26 days ago by blueINdallas
26 days ago

I miss the days when “laughing gas” was liberally dispensed for any dental procedure, even cleaning. My dentist’s slogan was We Cater to Cowards.

26 days ago

Spent a couple hours driving to and from a hearing and was listening to the Hegseth confirmation hearing. My opinion about him has not changed. He is not qualified to be Sec Def and can’t answer questions – just uses them to spout talking points chock full of God, Trump and war fighters.And he sounds like a blithering idiot when he’s asked about his changed positions on women in combat. But the thing he seemed to have the most problem with was his trying to explain away his comments about not being bound by the Geneva Convention. And Tammy Duckworth just fucking picked him apart.

Blue Bronc
26 days ago

If you would like to see the current state of story output from the “AI” programs you can find stories on YouTube channels. Most have “tale” somewhere in the title, description or channel name. The type of channel started with reading Reddit posts, but ran out of those and turned to having a computer write the story.

This morning I just watched one story about a mother squirrel and her two little ones begging to get into a home during a snowstorm. This afternoon I watched part of one that was a mother bobcat and her two little ones doing the same. The words were the same just substitute squirrel for bobcat. Good heart warming stories, but not real.

Earlier there was one of a blind woman and her guide dog, but it fell apart as the story went long, the writing program kept the blind woman seeing and watching, but then blind again. The same story was written with an old man, again substitute old man for blind woman.

There are hundreds or thousands more stories, it does not take a computer long to knock out a story if it is designed to do so. Oops. That means artificial intelligence is neither. But, the stories created are good enough to pass a high school english class. No strange translation artifacts from Korean/Russian/Chinese to English hanging around. Good sentence structure and punctuation. But, not quite good enough over a long post.

Will it pass as written by a human, partly yes but with limitations. That is the state of “AI” writings.

26 days ago

Hegseth was asked about the number of genders. Since I just watched a documentary on intersex, that number is extremely inaccurate. Just for info, intersex may be transsexual and vice versa, but they are not the same since intersex is a matter of DNA while trans is a psychological response of body disphoria to genetic condition.

25 days ago

Reservoirs filled above capacity. Water pressure did drop at times due to simultaneous demand for multiple fires but resumed rapidly as pumping came on line. Heavy dry brush due to lack of rain. By this time in a normal year, there has been rain beginning in November. Biggest problem not being able to get aircraft aloft due to winds.

25 days ago

Breaking Bullshit…

American flags will fly full-staff for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday after all, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced Tuesday, “to celebrate our country coming together behind the inauguration of our 47th President.”

Last edited 25 days ago by IvyGreen
25 days ago

Mikey’s either a glass-half-full kind of guy or just a delusional bootlicker. I’m betting on the latter.

25 days ago

Hegseth’s gonna need a big, glass of scotchy-scotch-scotch when he gets home. Couldn’t even pass an effing geography test, let alone agree to a full, background check.

Biden will still be POTUS until noon on Monday. Let the US’s first dictator be the one to show disrespect to Naval Officer and CIC President Jimmy Carter by raising the flag. Everyone else should leave them at half-staff for the full, 30 days. Then, those who are not fascists should raise their flags, but have them turned upside down to show our country is under attack from within.

Last edited 25 days ago by blueINdallas
25 days ago

lol “make me my Tom Collins, honey”

giving the military to an abusive alcoholic will work out FINE

Last edited 25 days ago by Anonymous
25 days ago

Need to contribute to this being the lowest ratings of any inauguration in modern history with lots and lots of empty seating.

25 days ago

Everyone will be looking at the flag, not him, thinking about what a freak he is.

25 days ago

…harvesting the horseradish from the bit i put in the ground when i made “Craig’s Creamy Horseradish”, found among his other recipes, at the bottom
of this page

smells pretty good 😎


nutri-bullet made processing it easy, the finest grate i’ve ever achieved

Last edited 25 days ago by Anonymous
25 days ago

Whelp, just like predators tried to buy up Maui before the ashes had cooled, the vultures have landed in LA.

25 days ago

Looks like folks in the UK are more likely to have good intel about the fires than my Republican fam in LA.

25 days ago

Fly your Freak Flag, Baby

25 days ago–Pro-family-GOP-speaker-doesn-t-want-new-moms-to-vote-in-Congress

“Johnson has boasted that he is a “pro-family” Republican. Yet his decision to not allow proxy voting after a member gives birth is a decidedly anti-family move.”

25 days ago

“I don’t give a crap who you are or whether you just had a baby in the last six weeks,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said on “CR Podcast with Daniel Horowitz.” “It is unconstitutional to proxy vote.”

Well, Chipper, it was allowed for two years…for everyone, and, there were no women in Congress for many years… oh, I see what you did there.

Mark my words, they want to get women out of political office and out of the voting booth.

Last edited 25 days ago by blueINdallas
25 days ago

So Barry McCaffrey sees Hegseth as a done deal and isn’t as concerned about it as the upcoming nominations of the likes of Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Jr. and Kristi Noem. We…are….screwed.