Getting all my teeth pulled for dentures today. Here’s the first video chronicling this journey..
27 days ago
…ridiculous to blame municipal funding for a wildfire fueled by dry-brush that hasn’t seen rain in 6 months and 100 mph winds
this chattering-class bullshit is going to destroy our society, and here i am participating in it
Does one drop out and let the liars contaminate the discourse unfettered or add one’s truth to the unmanageable volume of it all 🤔
Every tree among millions of them becomes a long-distance flamethrower in those conditions
Last edited 27 days ago by Anonymous
27 days ago
As aforementioned, i recently watched a “Charlie Chan” movie from the ‘30s filmed in LA at all the locations being devastated right now, all that stuff around what is now the Santa Monica pier area, and it was all dry, dusty desert, ergo not surprised high-population density on top of that is extremely vulnerable
Anon – do we let the screamers and whiners get to narrate and direct discourse? Or, as some of us hanging around on twit look at it as we are the rear guard and bur under the saddle blanket to those screamers and whiners. It is not for everyone though.
As for LA, I have not been back since the 70’s. What I saw then is long gone, but now there is much more history lost to flames. It is like after every disaster, treasures are lost, much forever. Sometimes even the living history is lost and nother remains to be heard or found in the future. This is something I deal with when I am working on a disaster, whether it is blown away in a hurricane, washed away in a flood, or burned in fires, it can be personal or even historic (Notre Dame for instance). It is gone. We humans are the only ones who keep our history with us.
27 days ago
ok, the first few minutes of this are set along Malibu beach, 1946
Southern California has always been a desert basically dependent on snow melt and a very short rain schedule. Putting 40+ million people in a state with resources for 20+ million is a definition of insanity. The water table has been at rock bottom for decades.
27 days ago
Mr. Crawford is looking for more action in this spot, and i get it, but i’ve perused the places with more action, and holy shit are people (of unknown affiliation and motivation) saying the most terrible shit imaginable: toxic non-productive ridicule, conspiracy theories, slander, crude jokes, dismissiveness while people are suffering…
Yesterday, BiD posted that terrible shit the ELECTED congressional representative from Ohio said, all this venom is leaking from the web to our shared national consciousness, poisoning our brains
anyone associated with FoxNews should be ashamed of themselves and quit today
craig, we’re commiserating for you in the teeth travails thru the days ahead of discomfort, smoothies and more discomfort. but through it all and in the end, whether with inlays or dentures, remember to —
more of that “dry, dusty desert” country anon and jamie talked about and more of that smiling song which was composed by charlie chaplin
Last edited 27 days ago by patd
27 days ago
Notice the right-wingers never tell economically-depressed predominantly white communities like Youngstown, Ohio to pull themselves up by their bootstraps while those populations bitch and moan about how they’ve been “forgotten”
No one forgot cuz they never stfu about it
Why don’t these depressed rust-belt areas do what right-wingers like Bill O’Reilly have been suggesting for the last 50 years that minority communities should do and magically fabricate a vibrant, peaceful community out of thin-air and squalor?
Rhetorical, obviously. ok 🤟
Actually, i’ll conclude with positing that if there’s any chance of a progressive agenda being embraced by a majority of the electorate, forgiveness needs to become a central tenet of it, and that message needs to get to the under-30 set, and the under-30 set isn’t looking to hear it from me, so i don’t know how that’s achievable
Last edited 27 days ago by Anonymous
Jamie White
27 days ago
Have to agree with anonymous. This place has stayed sane for as long as it has that for the most part, even our disagreements have been civilized. While the majority of the denizens lean left, even center with a dash of right has not sunk to name calling. Content has remained respectful of facts with disagreements tending to a matter of viewpoint and method for dealing with problems. I wouldn’t want to lose that.
Thanks PatD. Actually I’m excited to be done fighting teeth and gums, and soon to be done with dentists period. Wasn’t at all keen on the effort and fortune ahead for root canals, crowns and veneers. And yes, I’ve got a dozen smoothies in the freezer, plus a couple gallons of soft vegetable soup, pudding, yogurt and a carton of Ensure. So this should also be a chance to drop a few pounds!
Jaime, Anon — No worries, although I’ve opened our doors a bit I’ll boot anyone who messes with the decorum of our little corner of the internerts. Off to surgery now.
Poobah, hope all went well with the teeth extraction adventure. Hopefully you have the resources to get better fitting replacements than Trudy. 🙄 As a fellow dental adventurer I commiserate and will closely follow your travails.
I really try not to get into the BS that is out there but inevitably see enough of it through the Quora things that come to me to know I do not want to spend my time arguing with idiots who believe and spread bullshit and think they are smelling roses and spreading rose petals.
I’ve heard horror stories about implants and was advised by personal physician towards fixed dentures. Still considering options. The bone grafting is not appealing.
Due to multiple issues I needed a big plug of bone graft to strengthen my jaw so I could get tooth implants. Oral surgeon was doing the serious humble thing when breaking the news about needing bone graft. I too was acting serious, but already had bone grafts holding parts of my body together, so that lead to my question. “do I get a choice in who donates the bone to me? I really would like someone who is not a relative.” He replied it was not human bone. “Oh, that is too bad. Can I pick out the pig?” That ended the serious doctor part.
Sturg, I’ve heard those stories too. I have had one implant that like BB’s required a bone graft – long process. Mine worked out fine. I have a pic of the prep somewhere – don’t care to share it but I was trying to see when I had that done. It’s been at least 5 years and the implant and tooth attached is the best looking one I have in my lower front teeth. I don’t have any gum disease and to my knowledge don’t have any history of it in my family, so I wasn’t ready t take the plunge, but I did see my dad, who had a partial with a bridge, deal with that approach, and I wasn’t going to do that.
There are a number of jobs that involve the title “analyst”. I was one for a few years, but was in a weird title that included “computer”, “data” and sometimes other labels. I am thinking of a class that has sharpened their yellow #2 pencils, picked out a fresh yellow pages tablet and new batteries in their HP calculator, or tuned up their slide rule.
These people bravely tally up damages in disasters. How much lumber will be needed. How much sheet rock. How many sink faucets and shower heads. How much paint, carpet and floor tiles. These people must be very active right now.
They work for governments, non-profits, insurance companies and companies that produce all the needed things that make houses, businesses and whatnot that is now gone. The smoke is still drifting around and they are probably on the third or fourth yellow #2 pencil.
The local governments need to put new squirrels in the cages to turn the wheels to make the computers work and the printers print. Tens of thousands of building permits need to be approved for the tens of thousands of building designs needed to replace what is no longer on the plots of land.
Now to the failure point – sfb. He who hates California and everything it stands for. He has shown a propensity to treat disasters as something to scrape off his dirty shoes. Even if he does not cancel FEMA and disaster assistance, he has promised to destroy imports with “high” tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada. Along with put in concentration camps any person who is not lily white, the people who clean things, build things and work hard supporting their families. Yup, next week the felon, with the pea brain, takes over the pedals of government, and he has promised to destroy that which does not pay him.
“Country music star Carrie Underwood will perform at President-elect Trump’s inauguration next week, Trump’s transition team confirmed to Axios Monday.”
“Why it matters: Underwood is a more high-profile performer than the musical guests at Trump’s 2017 inauguration, signaling that the entertainment industry’s hesitance to embrace Trump has thawed since he left office.”
*Looks like Karrie thinks it’s Kool to bring Kountry music out in the open.
So we combat disinformation with some random woman recording a video in her kitchen? I think that is how we got here in the first place. We give her credibility, not because of her expertise but because we want to believe what she said.
I repeat. This is how we got here in the first place.
Give me someone who has a title and has demonstrated some authority over the subject matter. Put them behind a desk, in their office. Like they actually take some pride in who they are.
Not my crazy niece in her kitchen ranting to her online friends/the world.
To watch or not to watch at noon next Monday? I do like playing “I’m crushing your head” when SFB is on TV. The mute button will be my best friend for the next, few years.
Vaccine skepticism was emerging about the time my children were born. I was nervous and asked our family doctor if I could skip the vaccines. He looked at me like I had two heads. That was a bad look, the stink eye, so I proceeded with the vaccines. I hope today’s young parents are asking their own doctors. Or at least their moms.
If polio vaccination rates were to fall, scientists say, the virus could slip into pockets of the country where significant numbers of people are unvaccinated, wreaking havoc once more. The virus may be nearly eradicated in its original form, but resurgence remains a constant threat.
So I had to go drop a package off for UPS so I trundled up to CVS to do that. While I was waiting for the lady behind the counter to finish up with the customer ahead of me the 50-60ish woman behind me in a piercing and loud voice said, “In 7 days we’ll have a new President. I can’t wait.!” She and the lady behind the counter bantered on for a minute or so and they concluded that it won’t make much difference if any to them. I asked what she was so excited about and she said, “I’m a big Trumper and I just love him.” What a great reason to want someone as our president.
what your generation might not understand is every video game has 10 chat rooms, and everyone of those video games has 100 people streaming them playing in it And each of those has a chat room and every news article has a comment section and every bullshit Facebook post from aunt Nancy and that asshole uncle Jerry and every YouTube video out of the millions of YouTube videos has a comment section, and every podcast out of the thousands of podcast has its own forum, etc.This is where the discussion is taking place and the disinformation is infiltrating- in tiny echo chambers where everybody validates each others’ bullshit… now, seed everyone of those with purposeful disinformation agents. it aint 1962, Cronkite’s gone and he ain’t coming back
For example, the messaging service Discord, now being used for political and corporate purposes, began as a means for communicating between video game players. My generation and younger doesn’t watch tv they play video games. Yes, everything is very weird, now
these boutique, highly informed political blogs are not the problem
“Private firefighting units have been a controversial topic in recent years, becoming a symbol of access for the wealthy and drawing criticism for heightening class divides during disasters.
The firms say such services are a win-win: If a homeowner’s home is saved, the insurance company doesn’t have to make a hefty payout. Some are contracted by insurance companies and other times are hired directly by affluent homeowners.
A firetruck, non-potable-water trucks and about a dozen private firefighters were stationed outside Rick Caruso’s home in Brentwood on Sunday afternoon.
Caruso, a 2022 L.A. mayoral candidate, owns several shopping centers including the Grove, the Americana in Glendale and Palisades Village, a retail-residential complex in the heart of the Palisades that was damaged in the fire but remains standing.“
Good point on the “Fixed denture” v. reg. dentures, Poobah. Fixed (to implanted posts) is a more expensive alternative. Your new choppers do look natural and are a much nicer set of teeth than the ones you gave up.
team Trump understands everything I posted because their movement is fueled by incels who do nothing but sit on the fucking computer and play video games. That’s why we got fucking crushed and that’s why team Kamala was tooting their horn about one Call her daddy podcast. Meanwhile, the Republicans were dominating every one of those channels I talked about.
I deferred to everyone of the liberal smartest guys in the room and played the team game while it mattered but we fucking lost and they fucking blew it with their Georgetown, Ivy League, bullshit
Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
26 days ago
I said I was gonna give these clowns a fair shake for the start of their second administration (Maher parroted me two days later) and then their minions had to go run their mouths about this wildfire. I’m having a hard time and that shit hasn’t even started yet
i’m keeping an open mind while they promise they’re going to heartlessly and indiscriminately deport families, what a dumb position I’m forced to take
Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous
26 days ago
Who thought “we’re not going back” was a good slogan and who approved it? Both of you, find a new career, you suck at this one
They won the election, but they have painted themselves into a corner and it won’t end well for them. The fall will be gradual at first (already begun?) but then will begin to move with great speed. They’ll do a great deal of damage, but they are doomed.
26 days ago
new season of Man in the High Castle starts Jan. 20, that’s how far back were going, alternate reality 50’s
I don’t see a new season of Man in the High Castle.
26 days ago
you’re about to
(for those unfamiliar, the premise of “Man in the High Castle”, originally a novel by Phillip K. Dick, is an alternate history where the Nazis win WWII and install a Vichy regime in the USA, my joke is the Nazis actually did win 79 years after the fact)
“Yeah. We’ll see about that. You keep comin’ to me for answers, well, here’s the last answer you’re ever getting from me. You’re cursed, John Smith, you’re damned. You fucked with the Fates, and they don’t like that.” – Hawthorne Abendsen
the banana republicans’ second banana brouhaha
is there a supportive straight man in the bunch?
Getting all my teeth pulled for dentures today. Here’s the first video chronicling this journey..
…ridiculous to blame municipal funding for a wildfire fueled by dry-brush that hasn’t seen rain in 6 months and 100 mph winds
this chattering-class bullshit is going to destroy our society, and here i am participating in it
Does one drop out and let the liars contaminate the discourse unfettered or add one’s truth to the unmanageable volume of it all 🤔
Every tree among millions of them becomes a long-distance flamethrower in those conditions
As aforementioned, i recently watched a “Charlie Chan” movie from the ‘30s filmed in LA at all the locations being devastated right now, all that stuff around what is now the Santa Monica pier area, and it was all dry, dusty desert, ergo not surprised high-population density on top of that is extremely vulnerable
Is it Newsome’s fault a city was built on that ?
anon, as to being silent:
Anon – do we let the screamers and whiners get to narrate and direct discourse? Or, as some of us hanging around on twit look at it as we are the rear guard and bur under the saddle blanket to those screamers and whiners. It is not for everyone though.
As for LA, I have not been back since the 70’s. What I saw then is long gone, but now there is much more history lost to flames. It is like after every disaster, treasures are lost, much forever. Sometimes even the living history is lost and nother remains to be heard or found in the future. This is something I deal with when I am working on a disaster, whether it is blown away in a hurricane, washed away in a flood, or burned in fires, it can be personal or even historic (Notre Dame for instance). It is gone. We humans are the only ones who keep our history with us.
ok, the first few minutes of this are set along Malibu beach, 1946
Southern California has always been a desert basically dependent on snow melt and a very short rain schedule. Putting 40+ million people in a state with resources for 20+ million is a definition of insanity. The water table has been at rock bottom for decades.
Mr. Crawford is looking for more action in this spot, and i get it, but i’ve perused the places with more action, and holy shit are people (of unknown affiliation and motivation) saying the most terrible shit imaginable: toxic non-productive ridicule, conspiracy theories, slander, crude jokes, dismissiveness while people are suffering…
Yesterday, BiD posted that terrible shit the ELECTED congressional representative from Ohio said, all this venom is leaking from the web to our shared national consciousness, poisoning our brains
anyone associated with FoxNews should be ashamed of themselves and quit today
center can’t hold
craig, we’re commiserating for you in the teeth travails thru the days ahead of discomfort, smoothies and more discomfort. but through it all and in the end, whether with inlays or dentures, remember to —
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just
more of that “dry, dusty desert” country anon and jamie talked about and more of that smiling song which was composed by charlie chaplin
Notice the right-wingers never tell economically-depressed predominantly white communities like Youngstown, Ohio to pull themselves up by their bootstraps while those populations bitch and moan about how they’ve been “forgotten”
No one forgot cuz they never stfu about it
Why don’t these depressed rust-belt areas do what right-wingers like Bill O’Reilly have been suggesting for the last 50 years that minority communities should do and magically fabricate a vibrant, peaceful community out of thin-air and squalor?
Rhetorical, obviously. ok 🤟
Actually, i’ll conclude with positing that if there’s any chance of a progressive agenda being embraced by a majority of the electorate, forgiveness needs to become a central tenet of it, and that message needs to get to the under-30 set, and the under-30 set isn’t looking to hear it from me, so i don’t know how that’s achievable
Have to agree with anonymous. This place has stayed sane for as long as it has that for the most part, even our disagreements have been civilized. While the majority of the denizens lean left, even center with a dash of right has not sunk to name calling. Content has remained respectful of facts with disagreements tending to a matter of viewpoint and method for dealing with problems. I wouldn’t want to lose that.
One day up in the Canyon and one more night in Hollywood – Takes me immediately back to the time and place.
Thanks PatD. Actually I’m excited to be done fighting teeth and gums, and soon to be done with dentists period. Wasn’t at all keen on the effort and fortune ahead for root canals, crowns and veneers. And yes, I’ve got a dozen smoothies in the freezer, plus a couple gallons of soft vegetable soup, pudding, yogurt and a carton of Ensure. So this should also be a chance to drop a few pounds!
Jaime, Anon — No worries, although I’ve opened our doors a bit I’ll boot anyone who messes with the decorum of our little corner of the internerts. Off to surgery now.
More writers fleeing the WAPO sinking ship.
Rubin exits Post; Bannon trashes Musk; Zuckerberg’s goals; dawn of new ‘Today’ – – Gmail
Good luck, Craig. 🦷
(Mr. Ivy getting his 2 remaining wisdom teeth out next month.)
Sidekicks? They are both Putin’s footstools.
Craig – This isn’t as fun as having a visit from the tooth fairy when we were kids. All the best.
Love this! Info to combat disinformation about the fires, the funding, etc. Give it a listen and share it!
today’s meme…
meme #2…
Craig…. much luck on the dentures!
Poobah, hope all went well with the teeth extraction adventure. Hopefully you have the resources to get better fitting replacements than Trudy. 🙄 As a fellow dental adventurer I commiserate and will closely follow your travails.
I really try not to get into the BS that is out there but inevitably see enough of it through the Quora things that come to me to know I do not want to spend my time arguing with idiots who believe and spread bullshit and think they are smelling roses and spreading rose petals.
I’ve heard horror stories about implants and was advised by personal physician towards fixed dentures. Still considering options. The bone grafting is not appealing.
Due to multiple issues I needed a big plug of bone graft to strengthen my jaw so I could get tooth implants. Oral surgeon was doing the serious humble thing when breaking the news about needing bone graft. I too was acting serious, but already had bone grafts holding parts of my body together, so that lead to my question. “do I get a choice in who donates the bone to me? I really would like someone who is not a relative.” He replied it was not human bone. “Oh, that is too bad. Can I pick out the pig?” That ended the serious doctor part.
Sturg, I’ve heard those stories too. I have had one implant that like BB’s required a bone graft – long process. Mine worked out fine. I have a pic of the prep somewhere – don’t care to share it but I was trying to see when I had that done. It’s been at least 5 years and the implant and tooth attached is the best looking one I have in my lower front teeth. I don’t have any gum disease and to my knowledge don’t have any history of it in my family, so I wasn’t ready t take the plunge, but I did see my dad, who had a partial with a bridge, deal with that approach, and I wasn’t going to do that.
Another meme for current conditions.
There are a number of jobs that involve the title “analyst”. I was one for a few years, but was in a weird title that included “computer”, “data” and sometimes other labels. I am thinking of a class that has sharpened their yellow #2 pencils, picked out a fresh yellow pages tablet and new batteries in their HP calculator, or tuned up their slide rule.
These people bravely tally up damages in disasters. How much lumber will be needed. How much sheet rock. How many sink faucets and shower heads. How much paint, carpet and floor tiles. These people must be very active right now.
They work for governments, non-profits, insurance companies and companies that produce all the needed things that make houses, businesses and whatnot that is now gone. The smoke is still drifting around and they are probably on the third or fourth yellow #2 pencil.
The local governments need to put new squirrels in the cages to turn the wheels to make the computers work and the printers print. Tens of thousands of building permits need to be approved for the tens of thousands of building designs needed to replace what is no longer on the plots of land.
Now to the failure point – sfb. He who hates California and everything it stands for. He has shown a propensity to treat disasters as something to scrape off his dirty shoes. Even if he does not cancel FEMA and disaster assistance, he has promised to destroy imports with “high” tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada. Along with put in concentration camps any person who is not lily white, the people who clean things, build things and work hard supporting their families. Yup, next week the felon, with the pea brain, takes over the pedals of government, and he has promised to destroy that which does not pay him.
“Country music star Carrie Underwood will perform at President-elect Trump’s inauguration next week, Trump’s transition team confirmed to Axios Monday.”
“Why it matters: Underwood is a more high-profile performer than the musical guests at Trump’s 2017 inauguration, signaling that the entertainment industry’s hesitance to embrace Trump has thawed since he left office.”
*Looks like Karrie thinks it’s Kool to bring Kountry music out in the open.
So we combat disinformation with some random woman recording a video in her kitchen? I think that is how we got here in the first place. We give her credibility, not because of her expertise but because we want to believe what she said.
I repeat. This is how we got here in the first place.
Give me someone who has a title and has demonstrated some authority over the subject matter. Put them behind a desk, in their office. Like they actually take some pride in who they are.
Not my crazy niece in her kitchen ranting to her online friends/the world.
To watch or not to watch at noon next Monday? I do like playing “I’m crushing your head” when SFB is on TV. The mute button will be my best friend for the next, few years.
jack – Google responsibly. Everything can be checked, as you know. Are you siding with the disinformation campaign? You seem different. Are you OK?
Never mind
Vaccine skepticism was emerging about the time my children were born. I was nervous and asked our family doctor if I could skip the vaccines. He looked at me like I had two heads. That was a bad look, the stink eye, so I proceeded with the vaccines. I hope today’s young parents are asking their own doctors. Or at least their moms.
So I had to go drop a package off for UPS so I trundled up to CVS to do that. While I was waiting for the lady behind the counter to finish up with the customer ahead of me the 50-60ish woman behind me in a piercing and loud voice said, “In 7 days we’ll have a new President. I can’t wait.!” She and the lady behind the counter bantered on for a minute or so and they concluded that it won’t make much difference if any to them. I asked what she was so excited about and she said, “I’m a big Trumper and I just love him.” What a great reason to want someone as our president.
Much better, just got teeth pulled and dentures installed
Moments after extraction and dentures installed
what your generation might not understand is every video game has 10 chat rooms, and everyone of those video games has 100 people streaming them playing in it And each of those has a chat room and every news article has a comment section and every bullshit Facebook post from aunt Nancy and that asshole uncle Jerry and every YouTube video out of the millions of YouTube videos has a comment section, and every podcast out of the thousands of podcast has its own forum, etc.This is where the discussion is taking place and the disinformation is infiltrating- in tiny echo chambers where everybody validates each others’ bullshit… now, seed everyone of those with purposeful disinformation agents. it aint 1962, Cronkite’s gone and he ain’t coming back
For example, the messaging service Discord, now being used for political and corporate purposes, began as a means for communicating between video game players. My generation and younger doesn’t watch tv they play video games. Yes, everything is very weird, now
these boutique, highly informed political blogs are not the problem
“Private firefighting units have been a controversial topic in recent years, becoming a symbol of access for the wealthy and drawing criticism for heightening class divides during disasters.
The firms say such services are a win-win: If a homeowner’s home is saved, the insurance company doesn’t have to make a hefty payout. Some are contracted by insurance companies and other times are hired directly by affluent homeowners.
A firetruck, non-potable-water trucks and about a dozen private firefighters were stationed outside Rick Caruso’s home in Brentwood on Sunday afternoon.
Caruso, a 2022 L.A. mayoral candidate, owns several shopping centers including the Grove, the Americana in Glendale and Palisades Village, a retail-residential complex in the heart of the Palisades that was damaged in the fire but remains standing.“
Wow, that was fast. The new choppers look good. Take it easy.
Good point on the “Fixed denture” v. reg. dentures, Poobah. Fixed (to implanted posts) is a more expensive alternative. Your new choppers do look natural and are a much nicer set of teeth than the ones you gave up.
So Anon, what you are trying to say is the 90% rule is obsolete. Even here?
I am a walking, talking 1964. I was so much older then.
The Alex Jones types are not above setting fires.
team Trump understands everything I posted because their movement is fueled by incels who do nothing but sit on the fucking computer and play video games. That’s why we got fucking crushed and that’s why team Kamala was tooting their horn about one Call her daddy podcast. Meanwhile, the Republicans were dominating every one of those channels I talked about.
I deferred to everyone of the liberal smartest guys in the room and played the team game while it mattered but we fucking lost and they fucking blew it with their Georgetown, Ivy League, bullshit
I said I was gonna give these clowns a fair shake for the start of their second administration (Maher parroted me two days later) and then their minions had to go run their mouths about this wildfire. I’m having a hard time and that shit hasn’t even started yet
i’m keeping an open mind while they promise they’re going to heartlessly and indiscriminately deport families, what a dumb position I’m forced to take
Who thought “we’re not going back” was a good slogan and who approved it? Both of you, find a new career, you suck at this one
They won the election, but they have painted themselves into a corner and it won’t end well for them. The fall will be gradual at first (already begun?) but then will begin to move with great speed. They’ll do a great deal of damage, but they are doomed.
new season of Man in the High Castle starts Jan. 20, that’s how far back were going, alternate reality 50’s
The one which caused me cringe was “politics of joy”
you’re absolutely right and i’m so out of touch i actually liked that one. Americans are angry though and like being angry
Latest update. Pain tolerable, initial bleeding was annoying but overall I’m good..
…and the Dems squeeze AOC out of a senior leadership position?? She’s the biggest asset you have, even trump knows it
I don’t see a new season of Man in the High Castle.
you’re about to
(for those unfamiliar, the premise of “Man in the High Castle”, originally a novel by Phillip K. Dick, is an alternate history where the Nazis win WWII and install a Vichy regime in the USA, my joke is the Nazis actually did win 79 years after the fact)
This reality version will be worse. I’ve already been on the receiving end of it.
Look northeast – the full moon is beautiful.
“Yeah. We’ll see about that. You keep comin’ to me for answers, well, here’s the last answer you’re ever getting from me. You’re cursed, John Smith, you’re damned. You fucked with the Fates, and they don’t like that.” – Hawthorne Abendsen
My first food after dental extraction. I still have taste buds!
The MAGAt bastards are going to use the misfortune of fire victims to raise the debt limit to give Elon & company their tax cuts.
Very Christian thing to do, innit? Withholding funds to help folks in need to further the agenda of the already powerful.
Needs more input
I’ve relocated to the Neutral Zone.
elon piloting trumpzilla = cartoon of the year
It’s giving Master-Blaster from “Mad Max”
He’ll be bunking in
Barron’sMelania’s old room.Rachel’s going to do 90 in 90 while Pete Hegseth goes cold turkey.
Poobah, I-bu-pro-fen. 800 mg every 6 hours.