We’re trying out a new comment system that’s more up to date and less creaky than what we were using. Our favorite tools, such as image uploading and editing are still available, but different.
For uploading see the icon on the bottom right of the comment box…

This system allows editing of your comments without a time limit. It pops up when you hover your cursor over the bottom right corner of the posted comment.
Deleting your comment is different. At the beginning of comments at the top of the page to the right of the number of comments there’s an icon for “My comment and settings”. Click that and you’ll your see recent comments listed in case you want to delete any.

The floating green button on the left is where you can click to add your comment wherever you are on the page (it also displays the number of comments).
The features aren’t as intuitive as I’d like but this seems to be a more smoothly operating comment platform than the collection of outdated tools I had cobbled together.
Please add your thoughts, questions, suggestions in comments. Happy Trails!
I’ve set up guest access for commenting without registering and logging in. Just add your thoughts and click the captcha box (name, email, website are optional).
Attribution: Not the Same Old Dumpster Fire by Pat Byrnes, PoliticalCartoons.com
too much of a reach? meant to be metaphoric of learning how to use the new comment procedures.
more testing to see if I’ve got the hang of this. here’s Horsey’s ‘toon and op ed 1/3/25
for longer than usual op ed click here:
Curiouser and curiouser | The Seattle Times
Be interesting to mess around with this. I see I still can’t post an image from my phone. Rats – have to figure out how to reduce the size to 2Mb.
i see what you did there
…one day, a troll will
come and wreak havoc, it’s why we can’t have nice things 😭
iced or snowed in? or both?
Anyone have a recommendation for a free access photo editor that allows compression of the size of a photo? The ones I’m seeing are $12/mo to $5/week, and my photos aren’t THAT interesting.
Pogo what’s the weather in your knack of the woods Thursday and Friday? ((Axing for an amigo))
Meta (Facebook) goes farther along the Trump rump smooching road.
Anonymous, yes I’m experimenting with guest access. Could be dangerous.
At least I can still work the delete button.
Pogo, I upped the file size limit. See if that works for you
“Input is too short.”
”Input is too short.”
It tells me “input is too short” but if I type in those words it posts.
Ivy, it requires at least 3 words in a post for some reason. That’s on my punch list to change.
Ms Liz biz
Back in the dog house
I am a community note contributor on twit. Most of the time it is trying to kill magat cn swarm designed to overwhelm a Dem post. Usually we are successful.
We use other names so we cannot be identified. Some idiots want to do damage to us when a bad cn is prevented from displaying.
REMEMBERING JIMMY CARTER — Former President Carter will lie in state at the Capitol starting later today. A rundown of the schedule:
Harris will eulogize former President JIMMY CARTER at 4:30 p.m. at the Capitol, after which she and second gentleman DOUG EMHOFF will present a wreath from the executive branch.
Thanks for the Carter sked update, Ivy.
Sturg, I asked a friend 😉 who said it’s 30 degrees, cloudy and just about a foot on the ground. Sunday was a doozy. Snow all day and into Monday morning. Just about every government-related entity is closed today in most of the state. Roads are OK, though – prolly took me two or three minutes longer than usual to get into work. Let me listen to Sir Paul sing “I’m Down”, so all’s good. I spent an hour with a SunJoe (SnowJoe?) snow thrower clearing the 6’x30′ sidewalk in front of the office and the driveway entrance. So between home and here I’ve gotten to confirm that all my mechanized snow removal tools work.My thanks to Cub Cadet, SunJoe (or SnowJoe) and Gramma for giving me the Snow blower. If I could find a photo size reducer I’d post a pic or two.
pat, neither. We didn’t get ice (ice line was 20 miles south of here). Now if you were asking that of a government employee the answer might be different. How about your neck o’ the woods?
You tell lies thinking I can’t see
You can’t cry cause you’re laughing at me. I’m down.
I’m really down.
Checking for the YouTube trick.
That was easy.
That McCartney fella could write a song and sing it pretty good too. Prolly still can.
By the way you will see comments you haven’t read yet highlighted in yellow
Logging back in after being logged-out was not a problem.
Testing our guest access. Anyone not registered or logged in can comment. Captcha couldn’t be easier. Just include a name and click a checkmark into the “I’m not a robot” box. Email and website boxes can be left empty.
Heck, even the name box can be left empty, and the platform just automatically says “Anonymous”
today’s meme…
How the roads doin’ out there?
I may get the hang of most of the new features, but as far as photos go, I have to cry UNCLE!!
Pogo, did you try putting the magic three words on your post? Any three will do.
Pogo, what error message if any are you getting with file uploads? I increased file size limit to 100 meg.
First Felon face on screen, his lips are moving but I have it on mute.
“On Tuesday, Zuckerberg announced in a video statement that Meta will be ending its fact-checking program in favor of a “Community Notes”-style approach to digital misinformation in an effort to combat “censorship” on its platforms. Community Notes, a user-powered fact-checking system implemented on X (formerly Twitter) after billionaire Elon Musk took over the platform, is itself deeply inconsistent and often riddled with misinformation.”
“Zuckerberg added on Tuesday that Meta would “get rid of a bunch of restrictions on topics like immigration and gender that are just out of touch with mainstream discourse,” and instead focusing content violation enforcement on removing so called “high-severity violations”
“The announcement came the day after Meta announced Trump-loving UFC honcho Dana White will join the company’s board of directors.”
*Orange Adolf is installing n@sis everywhere. He and his oligarchs are a cancer that will destroy the entire world.
Trump’s girlfriend judge is at it again:
Our back porch.
[pic would be here]
It just cogitates.
Eureka – it loaded, but reeeeaaalllly slowly.
So many billionaires slithering up to the orange idiot makes me wonder what is going on in the less than one percenters. What communications are taking place, and, I wonder if there is blackmail involved. We do know some are on the manifest to epsteins rape children flights, so that is obvious. Other would be from putties russia.
But all these dirty oligarchs, with complicit media, are ignoring that the guy is out of his mind. Perhaps they are counting on nobody realizing what they are seeing. Don’t believe your lying eyes. Some day, some point in time, reality has to hit.
He has no reality to touch anymore. Invade Canada, Mexico and for some reason, Greenland. Yeah, I am all for it. I would like to have a couple more Caribbean islands, and perhaps Australia.
It is when the bubble pops that I am curious about. Will there be a reversal to a prior year or decade;; pretend all this never happened? There is no good way to cover up being in a cult and wasting lives and trillions of dollars.
Twenty-fifth Amendment or just natural causes? Perhaps a staff member helps him down the stairs, or a real sniper takes the shot. He is already beyond mental help, must be like a smashed cantelope inside that stupid cranium.
Yes, all that above is one thing, I am cognizant that the billionaires take advantage of the people who are just as smart as stupid is.They and their staff fleece those with limited defenses, and sfb is a great example of a “like smart genius”.
You did it Pogo. Back porch pic is awesome!
Yep, poobah. Emailed it to myself and pulled it out of the Pics file in Word. I apparently need to learn patience (like that’s going to happen at my age).
Pogo, but still couldn’t upload from your phone directly to here?
I’ll try from my phone to test it.
I like that we can flip newest comments to the top.
Links to Bluesky posts can be posted here and full post displays (probably works with X also)…
Yes Ivy i like that order option too. On our old platform I had to make that choice for everyone, but this one lets users choose. There are a lot more user-driven features on this platform.
Snowy stuff on cars. I need a garage I guess. (Works from my phone. Took about 30 seconds to download…patience)
Still working on pasting URLs that automatically convert to links. Some work, some don’t. This one does..
‘Trump no longer in control’: GOP fearful that MAGA base will kill public support
Looks like Bezos has gone all in on the entire Dumbass empire.
Yep, Pogo, smart phone photos are file hogs, take a while to upload, but they do look great. I actually changed my camera settings to lower resolution, smaller files that upload fast and only a professional photographer would notice any loss in quality.
Loonie the lunatic has gone full off the cliff. He announced HE will rename the Gulf of Mexico
after himselfGulf of America. jeez this gets closer and closer to padded room time.It’s no longer necessary to pore over the book Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer to recognize where we were in history because now we’re reliving it all day-by-day.
Looks like I may need to go to YouTube U. to figure out how to do that – I don’t need photos as dense as the factory iPhone settings capture.
Gulf of America?? Why not Trump. Brace yourselves, soon the MAGAts will start naming everything Trump.
The renaming of National Airport was one of the most idiotic things to happen. Even my dear closest relative, a hard repub, refuses to call it the R word. What is interesting is I heard someone this morning not call it National, only the R word. Before it was both names. I hope it was a one off.
Craig – I made a comment to your comment, but I cannot see any linkage between the two.
Jimmy just landed at Andrews
I don’t get your question BB. I’m not using reply feature to comments. It was hugely unpopular when we tried it in the past, if that’s what you’re referring to.
Can’t get into my car to try to start it. There’s ice in the frame and it won’t be above freezing until Friday…when we expect more snow.
As for Orange Adolf rebranding ‘Merikkka with his Anglicized name (tRUMP, not Drumpf), take heart that Don-Old won’t last forever and they will at the very least have the word Memorial in front of his cursed name…and some day they will be renamed, again.
Wow… Pogo…. that’s a lot of snow. Still think it’s weird we have none.
BB. Always call it National. Count me among the diehards who refuse the R word, but fear we are a dying breed.
Trying the picture feature
Craig – i clicked on the little thing upper right corner that is “link comment”. You switched if off.
Craig I hit reply but it was “reply” to the blue sky article that had been posted as part of the comment. No direct “reply” to the comments here. Just a bit of confusion.
BB that button creates a copy of the url to that comment on your clipboard so that it can be pasted anywhere you like. The label could be more clear. And while it works on desktops it might not on all phones, especially good ole useless Apple.
Btw, the icon to the right of screen names labelled “follow” sets up automatic email to your registered address every time that person posts. And the “Subscribe” button at the top of comment page sends email for all comments.
He’s on the caisson now, so it feels like a real state funeral. That’s about the same spot where I watched his Inaugural parade nearly 50 years ago.
That was our back porch last night. It’s the WNW facing side of the house and was protected from most wind during and following the storm. The snow on the deck is 11.5″ a couple feet from the table. It’s the first snow of that amount we’ve had in 2 years. I was just happy we didn’t lose power. Although we had a couple hours of VERY fine snowfall that made a kinda crusty layer, most of it was relatively light and not packed down, so as snow goes, was easy to deal with.
Pogo, isn’t it about time for you put a pic with your screen name?
The Navy Memorial.
Shouldn’t have listened to my brother. I opened my car door with water stuck in the frame and the gasket ripped off.
Can’t link pics, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry now.
This is the Navy Memorial on Veterans Day 2010. They are placing a wreath at the Sailor to represent all Navy veterans. My grandfather and his brother were sailors.
Let’s see…does that work?
Here ya go, Poobah.
Old friends, bookends…Me and TJ
you can get rtv silicone to fix that gasket, ideally one would cover a car before an ice storm, not always practical, don’t use hot water to thaw it
oh don’t start it if the tailpipe is blocked either
Carter funeral a fitting metaphor for the End of American Liberalism
Nice, Pogo. Is that you with Jefferson?
Anon, nice to see the captcha trap didn’t snag you.
BiD, take care out there. Watch your top knot.
Gulf of Scorn
might want some tape also
Facebook fact-checking? I never noticed that happening.
Yes, Poobah, that’s me and Tom discussing semantics of the document he’s written. We did that with some regularity- him and his King’s English with a French lilt – drove me nuts (that explains a lot I’m afraid). I’m old.
Peter Yarrow of Peter Paul and Mary has passed away at 86.
Facebook lifts restrictions on calling women ‘property’ and transgender people ‘freaks’
*Businesses should probably rethink those ads. It’s going to turn into a sausage fest on Meta platforms, unless your market demographic is misogynistic dipwads.
Can’t listen to music on youtube now because it’s littered with graphic erection ads and i’m not exaggerating
i think the net strategy should be go to conservative platforms and troll the shit out of them, they’re all unhinged, should be easy
He’s just hollering a bunch of weird shit cause Jimmy Carter’s getting under his skin.
All about the eggs
Ivy – He’ll use a Sharpie and spell it G-O-L-F
Sturg – Jimmy is definitely getting to him. Good!
The crap about using military or economic coercion to take over Greenland and Panama, though, is some disturbing sh/t.
Someone needs to do the world a solid and take care of the whole cadre of nasties.
the whole “cheaper eggs” rationalization obscures the reality that no economic argument was going to get racist misogynists to vote for a woman of color running against an absurdist con-man
That is to say these people aren’t interested in reason, and phone culture isn’t making people smarter
Republicans won because they don’t underestimate American stupidity, when will Democrats stop overestimating American virtue?*
*the best point i can make, heed it or continue losing
More to be revealed