43 thoughts on “Picture This”

  1. sturge, thanks.   wonder what the real backstory is in those pieces pablo used to compose or was inspiration for that  masterpiece.  favorite boyhood bike he couldn’t part with or was stolen or once belonged to a beloved.  

    here’s a blurb on it from the pablopicasso website:

    Bull’s Head is a found object artwork by Pablo Picasso, created in 1942 from seat and handlebars of a bicycle. It is described as Picasso’s most famous discovery, a simple yet “astonishingly complete” metamorphosis.

    In 1944, cataloged as Bicycle Seat, the sculpture was displayed at the Salon d’Automne in Paris together with another 78 works. Visitors were shocked by Picasso’s new works and a demonstration took place, during which Bicycle Seat was one of the pieces removed from the wall.

    Bull’s Head is described by art critic Eric Gibson as unique amongst Picasso’s sculptures for its ‘transparency’ – the constituent found objects are not disguised. He says the sculpture is “a moment of wit and whimsy …both childlike and highly sophisticated in its simplicity, it stands as an assertion of the transforming power of the human imagination at a time when human values were under siege.”

    The sculpture is in the permanent collection of the Picasso Museum in Paris.

    Picasso described the artwork in 1943 to visiting photographer George Brassai, saying:

    Guess how I made the bull’s head? One day, in a pile of objects all jumbled up together, I found an old bicycle seat right next to a rusty set of handlebars. In a flash, they joined together in my head. The idea of the Bull’s Head came to me before I had a chance to think. All I did was weld them together… [but] if you were only to see the bull’s head and not the bicycle seat and handlebars that form it, the sculpture would lose some of its impact.

  2. like those “this is your brain on drugs” anti-narcotic campaign ads circa 1987


  3. Picasso. Love him. What a mind. He was in my mind the embodiment of Aldous Huxley’s Doors of Perception. Not sure he needed the mescaline though.  

  4. If Joe Schmo hung that up on the wall of a Chili’s or TGIF’s it wouldn’t have been described in such glowing terms.  Then again, PP’s website is meant to promote him.  To each his own, but sometimes it’s just blatant PR.   

    ps – I had an aunt who made decorative pin cushions out of tuna fish cans. 

  5. Ron de Santis is really giving the usual GOP rampant raging racists a run for their money as top ugly in the pile.


  6. i saw Joe wants to keep printing money, he needs to chat with an economist before his loose fiscal policy damns the poor and middle class to an eternity of that reality, when $1400 buys a loaf of bread

  7. they got boebert and green and want to dump Liz.    Like Brother Dave Gardiner said on his album of the same name, “Ain’t That Weird”?

  8. lol if the GOP want those two airheads to bear their standard, i’m all for it

  9. …just saying, everytime the Lib/Prog/Dems get a little bit of power, they fly too close to the sun and then we get racist, inept GOP non-leadership the next cycle, it’s a predictable and annoying phenomenon 

  10. Having to periodically deal with republicans with power has  been just about the most absolutely annoying aspect of my entire life.  They contaminate EVERYTHING.  They’re like a recurring infection, for which there’s no cure.  It really could have been such a nice world.

  11. I joined this site, Borscht Belt and Catskill Hotels, and it’s great for the history up there…..Except all the old resorts are abandoned and decaying.   Like they all disappeared at the same time.   All those comedians who went thru that scene….
    What happened in the Catskills that killed off all the old hotels and lake resorts…….

  12. I think Liz is going to totally win this.   Hands down, and she then will show no quarter.

    Egad. Then she’ll REALLY be a pain.

  13. Yep, that seems to be the consensus all over the teevee and radio, what I hear of it.   I just got one of those sneaky feelings. which usually never amount to a hill of coffee beans, but ya never, never know……

  14. Well it seems like Dumdass’ fatass AG lied to Judge Jackson and she’s not happy. I’d be concerned for my bar license were I Fat Billy.

  15. Tuesday night  and Henry Louis Gates Jr., it’s like  mom comes home to supper. 
    Her work in our orchard only brushed pass the other trees growing there.
    Gates team tonight found a real peach  of a black family . 

    Laughing on the Inside
    Comics Lewis Black and Roy Wood Jr. learn about the hardships in their family trees which may have attributed to their ability to find humor in adversity.

    Roy Wood Jr. has a 3rd great grandfather  listed on the 1870 census as being born in Africa. They found him again on an 1850 slave roll .
    The geneology of this is like breaking the sound barrier.  
    If you are black in America,  the 1870 census  is a wall of tears that few ever pass through. 

  16. Gate’s  show on Quest Love’s family  is even more crazy , his people came as the result of a bet  between two white guys  long  after international trade  in the slaves was outlawed.  The last slave cargo into America. 
    That entire cargo of people  are knitting strong bonds  at the top of Mobil Bay. 

  17. The news  of Bill , and seeing that smile  made me think of family . All of our families. 
    Somewhere in East Africa there is a layer of wet volcanic  ash  with human footprints , today it is “stone”, frozen across time.
    When I was young , and I found this “Great Wheel of Life”, I was sold .
    Now that  I near the end of thinking about it, and enter being a  leaf  sealed in a thin layer of sandstone.  I still see the beauty of it all .
    But the Idea of moving from biology  into the geology  is a tough turn of the wheel.  

  18. Pop Quiz –
    What 2 states  are the lowest vax rate states  ?
    The most Trumpy  states ?
    Miss. and Al. 
    Joe Biden is offering a plan to save the state capital of Miss.  from it’s  hard right government.  The “Big Texas Frost”  killed the entire water supply  of Jackson , Mississippi .
    If Miss votes it down , They are on the hook  for entire system  of rebuilding  the water supply. 
    These BIG BILLS , are the end of kicking the can.
    Jackson , Miss. did it for decades, now  they wash with plastic water bottles. 

  19. The idea of “Good Government” really took hold in Italy  500 years ago.  The Greeks  had formed the idea.  But the Italian city states, put the idea to work.
    The idea of a  good government  is making a come back. 

  20. In our theory  of “good government ”  , the states  are the test tubes  of a better  future . 
    Yet today , the GOP  has no idea  what a test tube is.  It’s just  pack of “whiney” crybabies  trying to save a world that never  really lived. 

  21. When  corporations  call themselves, Families  we are are  deep doo doo. 
    No family ever fired a nephew  because  he couldn’t hual the freight.  

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