User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Jazz Sunday: So What
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Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
“And what the folks who are running for office should be focused on is how we can make it even better. Not insults and schoolyard taunts, and manufacturing facts.”
“Not divisiveness along the lines of race or faith,” he added, after the audience applauded. “Certainly not violence against other Americans or excluding them.”
Rather than just singling out Trump, however, Obama faulted the Republican Party as a whole for the heightened tensions between protesters and Republican primary voters, saying “what’s been happening in our politics lately is not an accident.”
“For years, we’ve been told we should be angry about America, and that the economy is a disaster, and that we’re weak and that compromise is weakness, and that you can ignore science and you can ignore facts,” he said, “and say whatever you want about the president, and feed suspicion about immigrants and Muslims and poor people, and people who aren’t like ‘us,’ and say that the reason that America is in decline is because of ‘those’ people.”
“That didn’t just happen last week,” he said. “That narrative has been promoted now for years. It didn’t just spring out of nowhere.”
Great thread yesterday. Just read the Comments; always enjoy seeing what Purple In Tampa has to offer.
Bringing this up again, because it should be: attacks on the Press & Reporters by Candidates/their paid thugs is immensely disturbing. Dissemination of information should remain unimpeded, open, free. How you, I interpret it should be just that: our decision. The Press provides a firm foundation in our democracy. I support the Press & will weigh their treatment by various Candidates when casting my ballot.
There is a lot of anger out there. Trump didn’t create it, but he is feeding into it.
If there is a brokered convention and the RNC puts up someone other than Trump or Ted (both of whom they despise) as their nominee, will their be a revolt?
I still say that Cruz is waaay more dangerous than Trump.
Clinton needs to get her surrogates talking about how the Bernie bros have a legitimate right to protest at the Trump rallies. Maybe develop a couple of jokes about how it isn’t her supporters as they are too old/ busy with families to spend the night protesting.
Gently create some distance from what looks like a mess. For the lefty protesters , they need to remember that when you get in the mud and wrestle with pigs people have trouble telling the difference.
Oh, no. Ted said exactly that to Chucky T. A brokered convention, with the RNC installing their own candidate, would cause a revolt.
Doris Kearns-Goodwin put Chicago into historical perspective. The violence this year is nothing new, and was worse in 1912 (baseball bats and dynamite), but now we are watching it happen live.
I often refer to 1968 as the year that destroyed America as virtually everything currently wrong can be traced to the reactions both left and right to that horrid year. For a good overall picture, check out Mark Kurlansky’s 1968: The Year That Rocked The World
Jack – It was more than Bernie Bros; it was MoveOn, BlackLivesMatter, and, the Occupy movement, in concert. There is a lot of anger out there, on the left and the right, but the violence has to stop. If neither side wants to allow the other side to speak freely, maybe go live in a country where you have no such right…and see how much better we have it.
I hear that all folks who brought their Guy Fawkes mask spent the night in lengthy conversations with our friendly police department, at least until Trump left town.
Didn’t even venture toward down town yesterday. Last night was the final game of the big 12 tourney, Rock chalk Jay hawk !!!
Then 2 blocks away was the Trump spectacle
Which means that a great many Johnson County folks(well off Republican suburbanites) got the Trump treatment Even if that isn’t what they were there for.
Regarding the Trump Chicago Rally — Where the hell was Sheriff Joe Arpaio? Back on the border, of course, expressing concern for his guy’s security! Where the hell was his chief food taster and rogue gov, Chris Christie? Ending his campaign fugue and telling us not to blame Trump, here is the latest from New Jersey —
Christie admitted he’s itching to rejoin Trump on the campaign trail — perhaps in the next few days — though he has no set plans to do so.
I agree, Jack. This is the dems election to lose and instead of working towards electing a viable candidate, there is a force that must meddle in the GOP nominating process, instead…as if they would ever vote that way. I know the GOP meddles, too.
Donald Trump’s power is in his entertainment value and he does two things the GOP has been unable to do —
1) Spend as little money as possible on getting the nomination (He is for free press, you know)
2) Increasing GOP voter registration and bringing in some new and young humans into the party.
That may kick the butt of the Curb Your Enthusiasm crowd in the dem party.
from der spiegel: Trump’s triumphs are also the result of successful publicity efforts. He uses social media to reach voters directly, thereby bypassing the media’s societal filter and an audience of critics. With 6.6 million Twitter and over a million Instagram followers, Trump has created his own public. The result is a brutalized discourse. The raw, unfiltered tenor of the Internet and Trump’s outbursts have an amplifying effect on each other. Trump also profits because he is allowed to be the loudest and most brutal and unscrupulous politician, without anyone holding him accountable. This, fortunately, is at least beginning to change as the media and politicians are starting to understand the gravity of the situation. These factors have all combined to create the perfect storm — one that needed the perfect candidate to harness its strength. Trump is this perfect candidate, and it is very possible that he will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States in January 2017. From a European perspective, it may be compelling to behold Trump’s meteoric rise with horror and to delight in the spectacle with a pinch of anti-American zeal. Yet the aforementioned factors exist, even if in a milder form, in Europe as well. In Germany, the perfect candidate has been lacking thus far, but figures such as Geert Wilders or Marine Le Pen underscore the fact that this may not remain true for long. We Europeans would be well advised to study Trump’s rise as a cautionary tale… Read more »
The raw, unfiltered tenor of the Internet and Trump’s outbursts have an amplifying effect on each other. Trump also profits because he is allowed to be the loudest and most brutal and unscrupulous politician, without anyone holding him accountable.
by the way that der spiegel op ed was entitled “america’s trumper-tantrum” a phrase I see that was also used by untrusted in a newsmax interview in February:
“We have now gotten used to the temper tantrums, or Trumper Tantrums, that he throws,” Cruz said Wednesday on “The Hard Line.” “Whenever he’s unhappy, he melts down and he explodes on Twitter. It is odd behavior for a grown man, and it is more something you would expect to see in Romper Rooms.”
michael bechloss and rachel maddow discuss escalating aggression and violence at rallies and reminds us about george wallace making political use of it.
Hillary has had to co-opt some of Bernie’s stances in order to appeal to various sections of voters. If she is the nominee, she’ll walk back a lot of what she has said more recently. If elected, what would she really do? Maintain the status quo.
People need to do some Trump shaming. Especially white men who think it is funny to support Trump cuz he’s not a politician. Remember he is anti-choice how is that good for women.
He tried to use FDR has an excuse for his immigration policy -failing to look at the history of internment camps and how America has come to feel about it.
He is a disgusting right wing tool but he believes in exceptionalism for himself -he loves big government that give his projects tax abatements and use of eminent domain. Rather than deal with the problems of job lose – he wants government to support these jobs
You know, those who are old enough for the first time have always had social media since they were old enough to be allowed to be on it. It has fostered a different temperament. No filter on words, just on selfies. The other side, older, blue color workers, have been pushed down and their anger is coming out, too. Too bad Trump suggested his supporters would start showing up at Dem rallies. Bad move.
I expect one of her highest priorities will be establishing a relationship with Congress. This will include identifying rising leaders that she can work with plus renewing friendships with still serving members on both sides of the aisle as well as staffers. She will also be working hard to establish her authority as the ultimate policy maker in all the executive divisions of the bureaucracy. People who don’t want to be team players will be asked to leave. Working with the Obamas making sure their transition and security needs are being fulfilled–have them over for supper. Setting the mood and organizing for the next eight years is the most important task.
from carl hiaasen: America don’t count on Florida to stop Donald Trump: Once again Florida has been handed a star role in America’s presidential contest, an unsettling turn of events if you care about the future of the republic. Here in the Sunshine State, we’re still struggling to recover from the humiliating Bush-Gore fiasco of 2000. Now a nervous establishment is beseeching Florida Republicans to rise up and smite Donald J. Trump in the March 15 primary. To which we say: Don’t lay this whole thing on us! Are you nuts? We are the state that elected Rick Scott as governor, for God’s sake, knowing that a hospital company he ran had been socked with the biggest fine for Medicare fraud in the history of Medicare. The man took the Fifth Amendment 75 times in one civil deposition, but did we give a rat’s ass? Nah. We elected him anyway. And now you’re asking us to derail the Donald just because he’s vile, dishonest, inconsistent, staggeringly ignorant about foreign policy and dangerously unprepared to be commander-in-chief. To which we say: Is that all you got? [….] Every four years since Bush-Gore, Floridians silently offer a collective prayer that goes something like this: Please, God, don’t let us be the ones to decide who wins the presidency. Let us vote quietly, without controversy, and have no impact whatsoever on the national election. Please, God, let it be Ohio or some other state that screws it up this time. Yet here we… Read more »
It was Hillary who said Bernie was absent when she was working on healthcare during her husband’s administration. It was Bernie’s campaign who put up the clip of him by her side, thanking him for being there. Whether a lie or selective memory, she was wrong.
blueid, looks like this guy agrees with you… according to the the guardian:
Neil Sroka, spokesman for the activist group Democracy for America, called them both “awful”, though “it’s a different kind of awful.”
The principle of electing Trump is worse, he added, but the end result might actually be better. “If Trump wins, America has really gone to hell, but he’s more malleable and such a narcissist that he might get deals done in any way he can,” he said.
“Cruz, armed with a Republican House and Senate, could be like a rightwing demagogue we’ve never seen, worse than Ronald Reagan. He could be way more dangerous than Trump.”
flatus, your ladies probably could even beat the guys team which was the one that just won sec championship. on to march madness! both the athletic and the political.
In Obama’s grossly inadequate Stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) our dear president robbed Social Security instead of the general fund for his ‘tax cuts’. Now he and the Republican Congress failed to provide a fix for the Disability Insurance funding and instead robs the Social Security Trust Fund. According to the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD) Excel File for Primary Dealers, the year over year December 31, 2015/2014 the Social Security Trust Fund grew by 31.247355 billion dollars. As of December 31, 2015 the Trust Fund had 2.760517758 trillion dollars. Obama is going to do everything he can to shift the almost $3 trillion over to Wall Street. Budget Deal Kicks the Can on Disability Insurance, Robs $150 Billion From Social Security Rachel Greszler, October 27, 2015 The budget deal reached last night attempts to stave off depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) trust fund at the end of 2016 by “reallocating” about $150 billion over the next three years from the Social Security Trust Fund to the Disability Insurance Trust Fund. This infusion of Social Security revenues should keep the disability insurance program solvent through 2022, at which point we can expect lawmakers to rob Social Security yet again. Congress has been kicking the can down the road on disability insurance reform for decades, and 2016 should have been the end of the road—time for meaningful reform. Instead, policymakers want to provide a little more roadway for the disability insurance program by… Read more »
Has news of the major Pat Conroy exhibit filtered down to where you are? It will be open to the public thru the end of this month at the USC Library. I can come get you if you want.
It’s no secret Washington tried to prevent an even deeper economic collapse by launching a $787 billion stimulus program in 2009. What’s much less appreciated is how the federal government provided an economic boost of roughly the same magnitude through scores of federal lending programs.
Anew paper published by the Brookings Institutionestimates the economic impact of more than 150 federal credit programs—frommortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administrationtoloans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration.
Those programs sharply expanded during the recession and yielded stimulus in 2010 of $344 billion,
But even better
calculate that all the loans made or insured by the government in 2010 carried a cost of nearly $71 billion. That sounds like a lot of money, but it carries a significant bang for the buck—around $4.86 in stimulus for every $1 of taxpayer cost. By contrast, the CBO previously estimated the stimulus bill had less than $1.50 in stimulus for every $1 in cost.
Katrina Pierson is on the gag a maggot level of crazy. I have no problem envisioning her rubbing up hard (if only in fantasy) on either Cruz or Trump. Compared to some of her other escapades either man could be a target or an involvement. Would she lie about either to get close to the other … no problem with this one. Just issue strait jackets all around.
The majority of government jobs have little to do with actually solving or serving the problems/populace they are supposedly designed to do. They exist to provide middle class jobs at minimal cost via the taxpayer because employed people spend money and that infuses the economy. Unfortunately this government ponzi scheme can no longer employ the numbers required to hide the great big hole that exists because most people aren’t doing anything particularly useful and could be replaced by the next 1000 people in the phone book.
Great stuff: keep em coming. I have been somewhat busy and not able to help you out much….but i do have an idea for a post that you will love…..going to get it together when things calm down to a crawl around here……..REMEMBER this:
Perseverance is not a long distance race…..but many short runs……….by……forgot who said that…..but have lived by it all my life…….later
All i can say is that…….a fish dies though its own mouth……or something like that…..maybe ifn i put a cpl of these half forgotten sayings….i can come up with a good one……
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Sunday night will hold another duel in their increasingly contentious Democratic nominating marathon, two days before five states vote in crucial primaries that could set the tone for the rest of the contest. The rivals will take part in a town hall event jointly hosted by CNN and TV One at Ohio State University and face questions from Buckeye State voters as they vie for the support of blue collar and minority voters who underpin the Democratic coalition.
The encounter, in which Clinton and Sanders will appear one after the other with CNN’s Jake Tapper and TV One’s Roland Martin starting at 8 p.m. ET,….
“We have to tear down the barriers that are keeping all of us from participating, not build more walls,” Clinton said in another veiled reference to Trump. “This is an election about responsibility over resentment, about possibility over protest. We have to decide whether we want to vent our anger or come out with answers. That’s what this whole thing’s about.”
as much as I would like to meet you and Rosie, and pass you off a few choice vinyls, it would be impossible to get that much time away from the shop and work……we’s working like crazy peoples……mostly feel like center pachyderm in the Thundering Elephant Parade……..
old Pat, the service brat, really did this area proud…..all during a really unique time, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s………he really played our song.
All of Pat’s books I have have now graduated to the Hemingway Box, along with Mary Renault, and Caesar’s letters to the Senate on the state of the war in Gaul, Plutarch, and Suetonius…….and beautiful Barbara W. Tuchman……
I’ve yet to read BEACH MUSIC…….been kinda saving it I guess, since I spent the fifties, sixties, and seventies playing what is called “beach music” around here at beach pavilions. Dive joints, and god-knows-what-all kinds of places which would allow us in to play it……
maurice Williams, Lloyd Price, Jerry Butler, vibrations, hully gully Olympics, Dixie cups, Percy Sledge, Gary U.S. Bonds, Otis, Sam and Dave, lee Dorsey, bobby Moore and the rhythm aces, Huey Piano Smith and the clowns, The Drifters, and scads of others………
Geez……almost forgot Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts
from portland press herald:
“And what the folks who are running for office should be focused on is how we can make it even better. Not insults and schoolyard taunts, and manufacturing facts.”
“Not divisiveness along the lines of race or faith,” he added, after the audience applauded. “Certainly not violence against other Americans or excluding them.”
Rather than just singling out Trump, however, Obama faulted the Republican Party as a whole for the heightened tensions between protesters and Republican primary voters, saying “what’s been happening in our politics lately is not an accident.”
“For years, we’ve been told we should be angry about America, and that the economy is a disaster, and that we’re weak and that compromise is weakness, and that you can ignore science and you can ignore facts,” he said, “and say whatever you want about the president, and feed suspicion about immigrants and Muslims and poor people, and people who aren’t like ‘us,’ and say that the reason that America is in decline is because of ‘those’ people.”
“That didn’t just happen last week,” he said. “That narrative has been promoted now for years. It didn’t just spring out of nowhere.”
Spring ahead 🙂
Great thread yesterday. Just read the Comments; always enjoy seeing what Purple In Tampa has to offer.
Bringing this up again, because it should be: attacks on the Press & Reporters by Candidates/their paid thugs is immensely disturbing. Dissemination of information should remain unimpeded, open, free. How you, I interpret it should be just that: our decision. The Press provides a firm foundation in our democracy. I support the Press & will weigh their treatment by various Candidates when casting my ballot.
It would seem that Noel Coward leaked from the 20th Century into the 21st
There is a lot of anger out there. Trump didn’t create it, but he is feeding into it.
If there is a brokered convention and the RNC puts up someone other than Trump or Ted (both of whom they despise) as their nominee, will their be a revolt?
I still say that Cruz is waaay more dangerous than Trump.
Clinton needs to get her surrogates talking about how the Bernie bros have a legitimate right to protest at the Trump rallies. Maybe develop a couple of jokes about how it isn’t her supporters as they are too old/ busy with families to spend the night protesting.
Gently create some distance from what looks like a mess. For the lefty protesters , they need to remember that when you get in the mud and wrestle with pigs people have trouble telling the difference.
Oh, no. Ted said exactly that to Chucky T. A brokered convention, with the RNC installing their own candidate, would cause a revolt.
Doris Kearns-Goodwin put Chicago into historical perspective. The violence this year is nothing new, and was worse in 1912 (baseball bats and dynamite), but now we are watching it happen live.
I often refer to 1968 as the year that destroyed America as virtually everything currently wrong can be traced to the reactions both left and right to that horrid year. For a good overall picture, check out Mark Kurlansky’s 1968: The Year That Rocked The World
Jack – It was more than Bernie Bros; it was MoveOn, BlackLivesMatter, and, the Occupy movement, in concert. There is a lot of anger out there, on the left and the right, but the violence has to stop. If neither side wants to allow the other side to speak freely, maybe go live in a country where you have no such right…and see how much better we have it.
Ha! Just saw the SNL clip of Hillary morphing into Bernie!
Blue id
All those folks are deep in the weeds for Bernie. Makes them all Bernie Bros };-)
I hear that all folks who brought their Guy Fawkes mask spent the night in lengthy conversations with our friendly police department, at least until Trump left town.
Didn’t even venture toward down town yesterday. Last night was the final game of the big 12 tourney, Rock chalk Jay hawk !!!
Then 2 blocks away was the Trump spectacle
Which means that a great many Johnson County folks(well off Republican suburbanites) got the Trump treatment Even if that isn’t what they were there for.
General news consensus “what a mess” Refer back to the previous wrestling with pigs comment.
Sunday Serendipity.
If you can’t beat ’em join ’em! Great music this morning. Thanks.
Just one more and it is as smooth as silk. Enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
I agree, Jack. This is the dems election to lose and instead of working towards electing a viable candidate, there is a force that must meddle in the GOP nominating process, instead…as if they would ever vote that way. I know the GOP meddles, too.
Donald Trump’s power is in his entertainment value and he does two things the GOP has been unable to do —
1) Spend as little money as possible on getting the nomination (He is for free press, you know)
2) Increasing GOP voter registration and bringing in some new and young humans into the party.
That may kick the butt of the Curb Your Enthusiasm crowd in the dem party.
from der spiegel: Trump’s triumphs are also the result of successful publicity efforts. He uses social media to reach voters directly, thereby bypassing the media’s societal filter and an audience of critics. With 6.6 million Twitter and over a million Instagram followers, Trump has created his own public. The result is a brutalized discourse. The raw, unfiltered tenor of the Internet and Trump’s outbursts have an amplifying effect on each other. Trump also profits because he is allowed to be the loudest and most brutal and unscrupulous politician, without anyone holding him accountable. This, fortunately, is at least beginning to change as the media and politicians are starting to understand the gravity of the situation. These factors have all combined to create the perfect storm — one that needed the perfect candidate to harness its strength. Trump is this perfect candidate, and it is very possible that he will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States in January 2017. From a European perspective, it may be compelling to behold Trump’s meteoric rise with horror and to delight in the spectacle with a pinch of anti-American zeal. Yet the aforementioned factors exist, even if in a milder form, in Europe as well. In Germany, the perfect candidate has been lacking thus far, but figures such as Geert Wilders or Marine Le Pen underscore the fact that this may not remain true for long. We Europeans would be well advised to study Trump’s rise as a cautionary tale… Read more »
worthy of repeating from above:
The raw, unfiltered tenor of the Internet and Trump’s outbursts have an amplifying effect on each other. Trump also profits because he is allowed to be the loudest and most brutal and unscrupulous politician, without anyone holding him accountable.
by the way that der spiegel op ed was entitled “america’s trumper-tantrum” a phrase I see that was also used by untrusted in a newsmax interview in February:
“We have now gotten used to the temper tantrums, or Trumper Tantrums, that he throws,” Cruz said Wednesday on “The Hard Line.” “Whenever he’s unhappy, he melts down and he explodes on Twitter. It is odd behavior for a grown man, and it is more something you would expect to see in Romper Rooms.”
michael bechloss and rachel maddow discuss escalating aggression and violence at rallies and reminds us about george wallace making political use of it.
blueid, is this the one from snl you meant?
Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) appeals to millennial voters in a new ad inspired by Bernie Sanders
OMG Marco is going to have to go into witness protection if he loses to Trump by 18 points
Yep! That’s the one!
Hillary has had to co-opt some of Bernie’s stances in order to appeal to various sections of voters. If she is the nominee, she’ll walk back a lot of what she has said more recently. If elected, what would she really do? Maintain the status quo.
Don’t mess with Ohio!
People need to do some Trump shaming. Especially white men who think it is funny to support Trump cuz he’s not a politician. Remember he is anti-choice how is that good for women.
He tried to use FDR has an excuse for his immigration policy -failing to look at the history of internment camps and how America has come to feel about it.
He is a disgusting right wing tool but he believes in exceptionalism for himself -he loves big government that give his projects tax abatements and use of eminent domain. Rather than deal with the problems of job lose – he wants government to support these jobs
what kind of a conservative is he?
You know, those who are old enough for the first time have always had social media since they were old enough to be allowed to be on it. It has fostered a different temperament. No filter on words, just on selfies. The other side, older, blue color workers, have been pushed down and their anger is coming out, too. Too bad Trump suggested his supporters would start showing up at Dem rallies. Bad move.
OMG Marco is going to have to go into witless protection if he loses to Trump by 18 points
kgc…..corrected your typo 🙂
“…what would she really do?” bId
I expect one of her highest priorities will be establishing a relationship with Congress. This will include identifying rising leaders that she can work with plus renewing friendships with still serving members on both sides of the aisle as well as staffers. She will also be working hard to establish her authority as the ultimate policy maker in all the executive divisions of the bureaucracy. People who don’t want to be team players will be asked to leave. Working with the Obamas making sure their transition and security needs are being fulfilled–have them over for supper. Setting the mood and organizing for the next eight years is the most important task.
Thanks Sturge!
1) It was HillaryCare then not BernieCare 2) He should know her commitment then when he was on the sidelines. 3) Guess he wasn’t too memorable.
The worst of Trump’s followers as seen in his rallies:
Brown Shirts
***ler Youth
Strike Breakers
from carl hiaasen: America don’t count on Florida to stop Donald Trump: Once again Florida has been handed a star role in America’s presidential contest, an unsettling turn of events if you care about the future of the republic. Here in the Sunshine State, we’re still struggling to recover from the humiliating Bush-Gore fiasco of 2000. Now a nervous establishment is beseeching Florida Republicans to rise up and smite Donald J. Trump in the March 15 primary. To which we say: Don’t lay this whole thing on us! Are you nuts? We are the state that elected Rick Scott as governor, for God’s sake, knowing that a hospital company he ran had been socked with the biggest fine for Medicare fraud in the history of Medicare. The man took the Fifth Amendment 75 times in one civil deposition, but did we give a rat’s ass? Nah. We elected him anyway. And now you’re asking us to derail the Donald just because he’s vile, dishonest, inconsistent, staggeringly ignorant about foreign policy and dangerously unprepared to be commander-in-chief. To which we say: Is that all you got? [….] Every four years since Bush-Gore, Floridians silently offer a collective prayer that goes something like this: Please, God, don’t let us be the ones to decide who wins the presidency. Let us vote quietly, without controversy, and have no impact whatsoever on the national election. Please, God, let it be Ohio or some other state that screws it up this time. Yet here we… Read more »
Pat, do you have a sense of how many of the semi-permanent residents are still voting ‘back home’ for any variety of reasons?
It was Hillary who said Bernie was absent when she was working on healthcare during her husband’s administration. It was Bernie’s campaign who put up the clip of him by her side, thanking him for being there. Whether a lie or selective memory, she was wrong.
It looks like they’ll be trying to take down Ted with an alleged sex scandal. (How are there two women on this Earth who want that?)
Blue id, I suspect the key word in that sentence was “working”. Looks like Bernie did show up for the photo op.
flatus, have no idea but if they can vote imo they’ve already done so early. florida is big on early/absentee voting.
would have answered you sooner but was watching ky win the sec 82-77 in ot with aggies. wild game for the wildcats.
The KY women are not happy with us–we beat them three times this year.
blueid, looks like this guy agrees with you… according to the the guardian:
Neil Sroka, spokesman for the activist group Democracy for America, called them both “awful”, though “it’s a different kind of awful.”
The principle of electing Trump is worse, he added, but the end result might actually be better. “If Trump wins, America has really gone to hell, but he’s more malleable and such a narcissist that he might get deals done in any way he can,” he said.
“Cruz, armed with a Republican House and Senate, could be like a rightwing demagogue we’ve never seen, worse than Ronald Reagan. He could be way more dangerous than Trump.”
flatus, your ladies probably could even beat the guys team which was the one that just won sec championship. on to march madness! both the athletic and the political.
I don’t believe there are two women
By the way, Ron Reagan the younger is not gay…not that there is anything wrong with it
In Obama’s grossly inadequate Stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) our dear president robbed Social Security instead of the general fund for his ‘tax cuts’. Now he and the Republican Congress failed to provide a fix for the Disability Insurance funding and instead robs the Social Security Trust Fund. According to the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD) Excel File for Primary Dealers, the year over year December 31, 2015/2014 the Social Security Trust Fund grew by 31.247355 billion dollars. As of December 31, 2015 the Trust Fund had 2.760517758 trillion dollars. Obama is going to do everything he can to shift the almost $3 trillion over to Wall Street. Budget Deal Kicks the Can on Disability Insurance, Robs $150 Billion From Social Security Rachel Greszler, October 27, 2015 The budget deal reached last night attempts to stave off depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) trust fund at the end of 2016 by “reallocating” about $150 billion over the next three years from the Social Security Trust Fund to the Disability Insurance Trust Fund. This infusion of Social Security revenues should keep the disability insurance program solvent through 2022, at which point we can expect lawmakers to rob Social Security yet again. Congress has been kicking the can down the road on disability insurance reform for decades, and 2016 should have been the end of the road—time for meaningful reform. Instead, policymakers want to provide a little more roadway for the disability insurance program by… Read more »
A sheep ?
An orangutan ?
A dead woman ?
A tvangelist of the God-helps-those-who-pay-up-front variety ?
He has a face that only his mother (or a political cartoonist) could love.
Has news of the major Pat Conroy exhibit filtered down to where you are? It will be open to the public thru the end of this month at the USC Library. I can come get you if you want.
From WSJ blog Real Time Economics,
But even better
Katrina Pierson is on the gag a maggot level of crazy. I have no problem envisioning her rubbing up hard (if only in fantasy) on either Cruz or Trump. Compared to some of her other escapades either man could be a target or an involvement. Would she lie about either to get close to the other … no problem with this one. Just issue strait jackets all around.
One candidate claims he’ll violate US military law, including the Geneva Convention.
One candidate claims he’ll violate Article I of the Constitution.
One candidate claims he’ll punish the Speaker of the House.
One candidate promises to unilaterally abrogate foreign treaties.
One candidate promises to round up and expel people without due process.
So, where are all those loudmouth gunslingers who claim they’ll protect us from dictators ?
The majority of government jobs have little to do with actually solving or serving the problems/populace they are supposedly designed to do. They exist to provide middle class jobs at minimal cost via the taxpayer because employed people spend money and that infuses the economy. Unfortunately this government ponzi scheme can no longer employ the numbers required to hide the great big hole that exists because most people aren’t doing anything particularly useful and could be replaced by the next 1000 people in the phone book.
Mr. Family Values yet another in a long line of gooper hypocrites
“Donald Trump Rally Comes To Logical Conclusion” according to wonkette
Trumpians showing up at Sanders rallies – oh boy can’t wait for this
Great stuff: keep em coming. I have been somewhat busy and not able to help you out much….but i do have an idea for a post that you will love…..going to get it together when things calm down to a crawl around here……..REMEMBER this:
Perseverance is not a long distance race…..but many short runs……….by……forgot who said that…..but have lived by it all my life…….later
solar, here ’tis:
“Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.”
Walter Elliot, 1888-1958 Scottish Politician
Donald Trump,
All i can say is that…….a fish dies though its own mouth……or something like that…..maybe ifn i put a cpl of these half forgotten sayings….i can come up with a good one……
Thanks, nice Sunday Sub……
Thanks….close your eyes………
oh no, please, not another debate. maybe trump’s troopers will show up and throw rotten drumpf steaks at tapper or give Bernie a wedgie..
from cnn
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Sunday night will hold another duel in their increasingly contentious Democratic nominating marathon, two days before five states vote in crucial primaries that could set the tone for the rest of the contest.
The rivals will take part in a town hall event jointly hosted by CNN and TV One at Ohio State University and face questions from Buckeye State voters as they vie for the support of blue collar and minority voters who underpin the Democratic coalition.
The encounter, in which Clinton and Sanders will appear one after the other with CNN’s Jake Tapper and TV One’s Roland Martin starting at 8 p.m. ET,….
Last one: When is the last debate?
patD – Is that picture a rendering of us here on the trail last week?
big dawg as quoted in sun sentinel:
“We have to tear down the barriers that are keeping all of us from participating, not build more walls,” Clinton said in another veiled reference to Trump. “This is an election about responsibility over resentment, about possibility over protest. We have to decide whether we want to vent our anger or come out with answers. That’s what this whole thing’s about.”
Walter Elliot…bet he was an independent….had to be with sound advise like that……
solar, next prez mash-ups by party, date, place, broadcaster
Mar 21
Wright State University
Presidential Debate
Sep 26
Wright State University
Vice Presidential Debate
Oct 4
Longwood University
Presidential Debate
Oct 9
Washington University
Presidential Debate
Oct 19
above according to bing
Trumpits, Trumpians, trumpoids
as much as I would like to meet you and Rosie, and pass you off a few choice vinyls, it would be impossible to get that much time away from the shop and work……we’s working like crazy peoples……mostly feel like center pachyderm in the Thundering Elephant Parade……..
old Pat, the service brat, really did this area proud…..all during a really unique time, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s………he really played our song.
All of Pat’s books I have have now graduated to the Hemingway Box, along with Mary Renault, and Caesar’s letters to the Senate on the state of the war in Gaul, Plutarch, and Suetonius…….and beautiful Barbara W. Tuchman……
Box #14, Sector IV, Row 18, Level VII……..
I’ve yet to read BEACH MUSIC…….been kinda saving it I guess, since I spent the fifties, sixties, and seventies playing what is called “beach music” around here at beach pavilions. Dive joints, and god-knows-what-all kinds of places which would allow us in to play it……
A primo example of beach music……
maurice Williams, Lloyd Price, Jerry Butler, vibrations, hully gully Olympics, Dixie cups, Percy Sledge, Gary U.S. Bonds, Otis, Sam and Dave, lee Dorsey, bobby Moore and the rhythm aces, Huey Piano Smith and the clowns, The Drifters, and scads of others………
Geez……almost forgot Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts
Hillary, Bernie town hall CNN coming up 8pm ET
Love the bar fight pic,
Now for the real question.
Which candidate do you want in a bar fight?
The site is really slow but its descriptions of Cruz, Trump , Bernie and Hillary are priceless
And the one you really want on your side in a bar fight as we all really know is Hillary. Are you going to be the one who tells her girls can’t fight?
new thread